


作者:《新编计算机专业英语实用教程》编委会 编





基础篇·Step 1
Lesson 1 Introduction to Computers
Text: How the Computer Computes
Reading Materials A. PDAs
Reading Materials B: Developments of Computers
Key Terms
Summing Up
Lesson 2 Hardware
Text: Computer Hardware Overview
Reading Materials A: The motherboard
Reading Materials B: The Processor
Key Terms
Summing up
Lesson 3 Operating System
Text: Paging
Reading Materials A: Useful UNIX Commands
Reading Materials B: Device Management
Key Terms
Summing up
Lesson 4 Software Engineering
Text: 10 Principles for PM Success
Reading Materials A: Classic Testing Mistakes
Reading Materials B: The Software Life Cycle Models
Key Terms
Summing up
Lesson 5 Data Structure
Text: Quick Sort
Reading Materials A: Linked Lists
Reading Materials B: Stacks
Key Terms
Summing up
Lesson 6 Network
Text: Network Overview
Reading Materials A. Network hardware
Reading Materials B: Networking
Key Terms
Summing up
综合测试 一
基础篇·Step 2
Lesson 7 Computer Maintenance
Text: Solving a Hardware Problem
Reading Materials A: Using Ergonomics at the Computer
Reading Materials B: Working Inside a PC
Key Terms.
Summing Up
Lesson 8 Data Base
Text: Choosing between Oracle and SQL Server
Reading Materials A: Data Mining
Reading Materials B: Data Warehouse
Key Terms
Summing up
Lesson 9 Artificial Intelligence
Text: Basic Questions of AI
Reading Materials A: Showing Off the Future of Artificial Intelligence,
Reading Materials B: How Intelligent is Deep Blue
Key Terms
Summing Up
Lesson 10 Internet
Text: A Basic Guide to the Internet
Reading Materials A: What is considered good behavior online
Reading Materials B: A Brief History of the Internet and Related Networks
Key Terms
Summing up
Lesson 11 E-Commerce
Text: Digital Certificates
Reading Materials A: Is Broadband Really Changing E-Business
Reading Materials B: The Elements of Commerce
Key Terms
Summing up
Lesson 12 Communication Technology
Text: Mobile Communication
Reading Materials A: Digital Communication
Reading Materials B: Serial Communications
Key Terms
Summing up
综合测试 二
提高篇·Stop 3
Lesson 13 Build a Computer
Text: Collect Components and Test Your System
Reading Materials: Hardware Installation
Lesson 14 Computer Architecture
Text: CPU Design
Reading Materials: Electronic Circuits
Lesson 15 Network Security
Text: E-MAIL Security
Reading Materials: How do you deal with Internet fraud
Lesson 16 Web Design
Text: Multimedia on the Web Part I
Reading Materials: Multimedia on the Web Part II
Lesson 17 Web Programming
Text: Functions and Objects
Reading Materials: Characteristics of Web Programming Languages
Lesson 18 Network Maintenance
Text: Network Troubleshooting
Reading Materials: IP Network Check
Lesson 19 Multimedia Technology
Text: What is Multimedia
Reading Materials: JPG vs. GIF
Lesson 20 Distance Education
Text: Distance Learning Overview
Reading Materials: Requirements for Distance Learning
综合测试 三
提高篇·Step 4
Lesson 21 Flash
Text: Flash Basis
Reading Materials: Typewriter Effect
Lesson 22 Visual Basic
Text: How to read an Example program
Reading Materials: An Introduction to Implemented Interfaces in Visual Basic
Lesson 23 JAVA
Text: Programming Exercise I
Reading Materials: Programming Exercise II
Lesson 24 Oracle
Text: Oracle Overview
Reading Materials: How can I rebuild an Oracle8 object type if it has table dependencies
Lesson 25 Linux
Text: Interacting with the System
Reading Materials: Configuring the X-Windows Server
Lesson 26 PDA
Text: PDA Overview
Reading Materials: PDA Features
Lesson 27 Virus
Text: How Computer Viruses Work
Reading Materials: Trojans and Worms
Lesson 28 TCP/IP
Text: An Introduction to TCP/IP Part I
Reading Materials: An Introduction to TCP/IP Part II
Lesson 29 ADSL
Text: ADSL Overview
Reading Materials: VDSL Basis
Lesson 30 Wireless LAN
Text: Wireless LAN
Reading Materials: How to build a secure WLAN
综合测试 四
第1章 口语句型
一. 学校面试
二. 公司面试
三. 网上聊天
四. 外企工作
五. 英语角
第2章 实用写作
一. 简历
二. 电子邮件
三. 英文摘要
第3章 翻译技巧
一. 计算机英语特点
二. 专业知识背景
三. 词汇的翻译技巧
四. 特殊句式的翻译
第4章 语法快餐
一. 冠词
二. 名词
三. 形容词
四. 副词
五. 代词
六. 介词
七. 连词
八. 动词
九. 现在时态
十. 一般现在时
十一. 过去时态
十二. 完成时态
十三. 将来时态
第5章 应试技巧
索 引
正 文
