作者:(英)J.G.Collier 著,郭玉军 编注
本书是21世纪法学系列教材双语教材中的一本,选取了影印国外原版教材加中文导读和注释的形式。英国学者J.G. Collier所著的《冲突法》一书在英国是较有影响的教科书,该书以清晰合理的结构、系统翔实的内容、丰富生动的案例为读者展示了英国冲突法的全貌其中,既有成文法也有普通法,既有国内法也有国际法,既有冲突法也有实体法。书中不仅阐述了冲突法的一般原则、规则,而且恰如其分地援用了法律法规近六十部,案例一千有余,使得具有相当复杂性的冲突法变得生动而鲜活。 本书的重要特点是,言简意赅而不失深刻,内容丰富而繁简得当。其中,既有成文法也有普通法,既有国内法也有国际法,既有冲突法也有实体法,既有理论也有实践,既适合初习者掌握和学习理解冲突法纷繁复杂的基本理论、基本制度,又适合有一定基础者进行更深入地学习和研究。书事不仅阐述了冲突法的一般原则、规则,而且恰如其分地援用了法律法规近六十部,案例一千有余,其中有的寥寥数语,高主概括,有的细说其详,适度评价,使得具有相当复杂性的冲突法变得生动而鲜活,而不只是枯燥单纯的规则陈述。总之,该书具有较高的学术性和很强的实用性,对于学生、法律实务者和法学研究者了解和研究英国冲突法的理论与实践均具有重要的参考价值。
table of statutes
table of cases
part i: general principles
1 introduction
2 characteristics of the english conflict of laws
3 choice of law rules
4 proof of foreign law
5 domicile and residence
6 substance and procedure
part ii: jurisdiction and foreign judgments
7 jurisdiction of the english courts
8 staying of english actions and restraint of foreign proceedings
9 foreign judgments
10 jurisdiction and judgments in the european union and efta
11 arbitration
part iii: law of obligations
12 contract
13 tort
part iv: property and succession
14 property inter vivos
15 succession
16 matrimonial property relations
17 trusts
part v: family law
18 marriage
19 matrimonial causes
20 children
part vi: exclusion of foreign laws
21 public policy
part vii: theoretical considerations
22 reasons for and basis of the conflict of laws
23 public international law and the conflict of laws
table of statutes
table of cases
part i: general principles
1 introduction
2 characteristics of the english conflict of laws
3 choice of law rules
4 proof of foreign law
5 domicile and residence
6 substance and procedure
part ii: jurisdiction and foreign judgments
7 jurisdiction of the english courts
8 staying of english actions and restraint of foreign proceedings
9 foreign judgments
10 jurisdiction and judgments in the european union and efta
11 arbitration
part iii: law of obligations
12 contract
13 tort
part iv: property and succession
14 property inter vivos
15 succession
16 matrimonial property relations
17 trusts
part v: family law
18 marriage
19 matrimonial causes
20 children
part vi: exclusion of foreign laws
21 public policy
part vii: theoretical considerations
22 reasons for and basis of the conflict of laws
23 public international law and the conflict of laws