







    A Brief Look at Accounting-lts Past, Present,
    and Future
    Early Accounting
    Double-Entry System
    Industrial Revolution
    Corporate Organization
    Public Accounting
    Income Tax
    Government Influence
    Accounting's Future
    Do You Use Accounting
    Basic Accounting Systems
   1 Introduction to Accounting Concepts and
    Accountlng as an Information System
    Profession of Accounting
    Private Accounting
    Public Accounting
    Professional Ethics for Accountants
    Specialized Accounting Fields
    Generally Accepted Accountlng Princlples
    Business Entity Concept
    The Cost Prindple
    Business Transactions
    Assets, Liabllities, and Owner's Equity
    Transactlons and the Accounting Equatlon
    Financial Statements
    Income Statement
    Statement of Owne 's Equity
    Balance Sheet
    Statement of Cash Flows
   2 Analyzing Transactions
    Usefulness of an Account
    Characteristics of an Account
    Analyzlng and Summarizlng Transactlons In Accounts
    Balance Sheet Accounts
    Income Statement Accounts
    Withdrawals by the Owner
    Normal Balances of Accounts
    lllustratlon of Analyzlng and Summarlzlng Transactlons
    Trial Balance
    Dlscovery and Correctlon of Errors
    Discovery of Errors
    Correction of Errors
   3 The Matching Concept and the Adjusting
    The Matchlng Concept
    Nature of the Adjustlng Process
    Recordlnc Adjustlng Entries
    Deferred Expenses (Prepaid Expenses)
    Deferred Revenue (Unearned Revenue)
    Accrued Expenses (Accrued Liabilities)
    Accrued Revenues (Accrued Assets)
    Plant Assets
    Work Sheet
    Trial Balance Columns
    Adjustments Columns
    Adjusted Trial Balance Columns
    Completing the Work Sheet
   4 Completing the Accounting Cycle
    Income Statement and Balance Sheet Columns
    Completing the Work Sheet
    Flnancial Statements
    Income Statement
    Statement of Owner's Equity
    Balance Sheet
    Joumalizlng and Postlng Adjusting Entries
    Nature of the Cloting Process
    Joumalizing and Posting Closing Entries
    Post-Closing Trial Balance
    Flscal Year
    Accountlng Cycle
    Appendlx: Reverslng Entries
    Practlce Set: Lany's Lawn Care
    This set is available with transactions in nanative form. It pro-
    vides practice in accounting for a sole proprietorship service
    Advanced Accounting Systems
   5 Accounting Systems, Internal Control, and
    Special Journals
    Prlnclples of Accountlng Systems
    Cost-Benefit Balance
    Effective Reports
    Ability to Adapt to Future Needs
    Adequate Intemal Controls
    Accounting Systems Installatlon and Revlsion
    Systems Analysis
    Systems Design
    Systems Implementation
    Internal Control
    Objectives of Internal Control
    Elements of Internal Control
    Subsidlary Ledgers and Special Journals
    Subsidiary Ledgers
    Special Journals
    Revenue Joumal
    Cash Receipts Journal
    Accounts Receivable Control and Subsidiary Ledger
    Purchases Journal
    Cash Payments Journal
    Accounts Payable Control and Subsidiary Ledge
    Adaptmg Accounting Systems
    Additional Subsidiary Ledgers
    Modified Special Journals
    Computerized Accounting Systems
   6 Accounting for Merchandising Businesses
    Nature of Merchandising Businesses
    Accountlng for Purchases
    Purchases Discounts
    Purchases Returns and Allowances
    Accountlng for Sales
    Sales Discounts
    Sales Returns and Allowances
    Sales Taxes
    Trade Discounts
    Transportatlon Costs
    lllustratlon of Accountlng for Merchandise Transactlons
    Chart of Account* for a Merchandlslng Business
    Income Statement for a Merchandlslng Buslness
    Multiple-Step Form
    Single-Step Form
    Tht Accountlng Cycle for a Merchandislng Buslness
    Merchandise Inventory Shrinkage
    Work Sheet
    Statement of Owner's Equity
    Balance Sheet
    Closing Entries
    Appendlx: Work Sheet and Adjusting and Closlng Entrle* for
    Merchandlsing Buslness
    Practice Set: Poolslde Products
    This set is available with business documents. An optional
    narrative of transactions may be used. The set provides prac-
    tice in accounting for a merchandising sole proprietorship
    that uses a perpetual inventory system and special journals
    It mav also be solved using the Solutions Software.
    Practice Sef: Cool Company
    This is an interactive, computer-based set that gives immedi-
    ate feedback as it is being solved. It provides practice in ac-
    counting for a merchandising sole proprietorship service
    business that uses a perpetual inventory system and a gen-
    eral journal.
    Assets and Liabilities
    Nature of Cash and Importance of Controls Over Cash
    Internal Control of Cash Receipts
    Cash Change Funds
    Cash Short and Over
    Internal Control of Cash Payments
    Basic Features of the Voucher System
    Purchases Discounts Lost
    Petty Cash
    Other Cash Funds
    Bank Accounts: Thelr Nature and Use as a Control Over Cash
    Business Bank Accounts
    Bank Staterent
    Bank Accounts as a Control Over Cash
    Bank Reconciliatlon
    Presentatlon of Cash on the Balance Sheet
    Electronlc Funds Transfer
   8Receivables and Temporary Investments
    Classlflcaqtion Of Receivabies
    Accounts Receivable
    Notes Receivable
    Other Receivables
    Internal Control of Recelvable*
    Uncollectlble Recelvables
    Allowance Method of Accounllng for Uncollectlbles
    Write-offs to the Allowance Account
    Estimating Uncollectibles
    Dlrect Write-off Method of Accounting for Uncollectlbles
    Characterfstics of Notes Receivable
    Due Date
    Maturity Value
    Accounting for Notes Receivable
    Discounting Notes Receivable
    Dishonored Notes Receivable
    Temporary Investments
    Temporary Investments and Receivables in the Balance Sheet
   9 Inventories
    Internal Control of Inventories
    Detennining Actual Quantities in the Inventory
    Procedures for Taking a Physical Inventory
    Effect of Inventory Errors on Finandal Statements
    Inventory Costing Methods Under a Perpetual Inventory System
    First-in, First-out Method
    Last-in, First-out Method
    Average Cost Method
    Computerized Perpetual Inventory Systems
    Inventory Costing Methods Under 4 Periodic Inventory System
    First-in, First-out Method
    Last-in, First-out Method
    Average Cost Method
    Comparing Inventory Costing Methods
    Use of the First-in, First-out Method
    Use of the Last-in, First-out Method
    Use of the Average Cost Method
    Selection of an Inventory Costing Method
    Valuation of Inventory at Other Than Cost
    Valuation at Lower of Cost or Market
    Valuation at Net Realizable Value
    Presentation of Merchandise Inventory on the Balance Sheet
    Estlmating Inventory Cost
    Retail Method of Inventory Costing
    Gross Profit Method of Estimating Inventories
   10 Plant Assets and Intangible Assets
    Nature of Plant Assets
    Costs of Acquiring Plant Assets
    Nature of Depreciation
    Accounting for Depreciation
    Straight-Line Method
    Units-of-Production Method
    Dedining-Balance Method
    Comparing Depreciation Methods
    Depredation for Federal Income Tax
    Revision of Periodic Depreciation
    Recording Depredation
    Subsidiary Ledgers for Plant Assets
    Depredation of Plant Assets of Low Unit Cost
    Composite-Rate Method
    Capltal and Revnue Expendltures
    Capital Expenditures
    Revenue Expenditures
    Summary of Capital and Revenue Expenditures
    Dlsposal of Plant Assets
    Discarding Plant Assets
    Sale of Plant Assets
    Exchanges of Similar Plant Assets
    Leaslng Plant Assets
    Internal Control of Plant Assets
    ntanglble Assets
    Flnancial Reporting for Plant Assets and Intanglble Assets
    Appendlx: Sum-of-the-Years-Digits Depreclation
   11 Payroll, Notes Payable, and Other Current
    Payroll and Payroll Taxes
    Liability for Employee Earnings
    Deductions from Employee Earnings
    Income Taxes
    Computing Employee Net Pay
    Liability for Employer's Payroll Taxes
    Accounting Systems for Payroll and Payroll Taxes
    Payroll Register
    Employee's Earnings Record
    Payroll Checks
    Payroll System Diagram
    Internal Controls for Payroll Systems
    Employee's Fringe Benefits
    Vacation Pay
    Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions
    Short-Term Notes Payable
    Product Warranty Liabilty
    This set is available with business documents. An optional
    narrative of transactions may be used. The set provides pra -
    tice in accounting (induding payroll) for a merchandising
    sole proprietorship that uses spedal joumals. It may also be
    solved using the Solutions Software.
    Accounting Principles
   12 Concepts and Principles
    Nature ol Concept* and Princlples
    Development of Concepts and Prindples
    Statements of Flnanclal Accountlng Conceptt
    Buslnees Entlty Concept
    Golng Concern Concept
    Objectlvlty Concept
    Unit of Measuremeirt Concept
    Scope ofAccounting Reports
    Changes in the Value of the Dollar
    Accountlng Period Concept
    Matchlng Concept
    Revenue Recognition
    Expense Recognition
    Adequate Dlsclosure Concept
    Accounting Methods Used
    Changes in Accounting Estimates
    Contingent Liabilities
    Finandal Instruments
    Segments of a Business
    Events Subsequent to Date of Statements
    Consistency Concept
    Materiallty Concept
    Conservatism Concept
    Role of AudHlng of Financlal Statements
   13 Partnership Formation, Income Division,
   and Liquidation
    Characteristics of Partnerships
    Advantages and Disadvantages of Partnerships
    Accounting for Partnerships
    Formatlon of a Partnership
    DMdlng Net Income or Net Loss
    Income Division-Services of Partners
    Income Division-Services of Partners and Investment
    Income Division-Allowances Exceed Net Income
    Reporting Changes in Partners' Equities
    Partnership Dlssolution
    Admission of a Partner
    Withdrawal of a Partner
    Death of a Partner
    Llquidatlng Partnerships
    Gain on Realization
    Loss on Realization
    Loss on Realization-Capital Defidency
    Errors in Liquidation
   14 Corporations: Organization and Equity
    Nature of a Corporatlon
    Characteristics of Corporations
    Forming a Corporation
    Stockholders' Equity
    Sources of Paid-in Capital
    Other Sources of Paid-in Capital
    Issulng Stock
    Interpreting Stock Quotations
    Premium on Stock
    No-Par Stock
    Treasury Stock Transactions
    Reportlng Pald-in Capital
    Stock Splits
    Accountlng for Divldends
    Cash Dividends
    Stock Dividends
    Liquidating Ditidends
    Appropriatlons of Retalned Earnlngs
    Reportlng Retalned Earnlngs
    Reporting Retained Earnings in the Balance Sheet
    Retained Eamings Statement
    Combined Income and Retained Earnings Statement
    Statement of Stockholden' Equity
   15 Corporate Earnings, International Transac
   tions, and Investments in Stocks
    Corporate Income Taxes
    Payment of Income Taxes
    Allocation of Income Taxes
    Unusual Items that Affect the Income Statement
    Discontinued Operations
    Extraordinary Items
    Changes in Accounting Principies
    Earnings Per Common Share
    Foreign Currency Exchange Gains and Losses
    Realized Currency Exchange Gains and Losses
    Unrealized Currency Exchange Gains and Losses
    Prior-Period Adjustments
    Analyzing Investments in Stocks
    Price-Earnings Ratio
    Equity Per Share
    Accounting for Long-Term Investments in Stocks
    Cost Method
    Equity Method
    Sale of Long-Term investments in Stocks
    Business Combmations
    Mergers and Consolidations
    Parent and Subsidiary Corporations
    Consolidated Financial Statements
    Practice Set: Flrst Designs Inc.
    This set is available with transactions in narrative form. It
    provides practice in accounting for a merchandising corpora-
    tion that operates a departmentalized business and uses a
    periodic inventory system and spedal journals. It may also
    be solved using the Solutions Software.
   16 Bonds Payable and Investments in Bonds
    Financlng Corporatlons
    Characteristlcs of Bonds Payable
    The Present-Value Concept and Bonds Payable
    Present Value of the Face Amount of Bonds
    Present Value of the Periodic Bond Interest Payments
    Accountlng for Bonds Payable
    Bonds Issued at Face Amount
    Bonds Issued at a Discount
    Amortization of a Bond Discount
    Bonds Issued at a Premium
    Amortization of a Bond Premium
    Zero-Coupon Bonds
    Bond Slnklng Funds
    Bond Redemptlon
    Investments In Bonds
    Accounting for Bond Investments-Purchase, Interest, and
    Amortization 583
    Accounting for Bond Investments-Sale
    Corporatlon Balance Sheet
    Balance Sheet Presentation of Bonds Payable
    Balance Sheet Presentation of Bond Investments
    Appendlx-Effectlve Interest Rate Method of Amortlzallon
    Amortization of Discount by the Interest Method
    Amortization of Premium by the Interest Method
    Practice Set: Compsoft Inc.
    This set is available with transactions in narrative form. It
    provides practice in accounting (including corporate debt)
    for a merchandising corporation that uses a genera! journal
    It may also be solved using the Solutions Software.
    Practlce Set: SEMO Sporting Goods Supply Inc.
    This set requires locating errors in recording and posting
    transactions, preparing correcting entries, and preparing fi-
    nancial statements for a wholesaling corporation.
   17 Statement of Cash Flows
    Purpose of the Statement of Cash Flows
    Reportlng Cash Flows
    Cash Flows from Operating Activities
    Cash Flows from Investing Activities
    Cash Flows from Financing Activities
    Illustrations of the Statement of Cash Flows
    Noncash Investing and Financing Activities
    Cash Flow Per Share
    Statement of Cash Flows-The Indlrect Method
    Retained Eamings
    Common Stock
    Preferred Stock
    Bonds Payable
    Long-Term Investments
    Preparing the Statement of Cash Flows
    Statement of Cash Flows-The Dlrect Method
    Cash Received from Customers
    Cash Payments for Merchandise
    Cash Payments for Operating Expenses
    Gain on Sale of Investments
    Interest Expense
    Cash Payments for Income Taxes
    Reporting Cash Flows from Operating Activities-Direct
    Appendlx: Work Sheet for Statement of Cash Flows
    Work Sheet-Indirect Method
    Work Sheet-Direct Method
    This is an interactive, computer-based set that gives immedi-
    ate feedback as it is being solved. It provides practice in ac-
    counting for a merchandising corporation that uses a perpet-
    ual inventory system and a general journal.
    Managerial Accounting Principles
    and Systems
   18 Managerial Accounting Concepts and
    The Differences Between Managerial and Financial Accountlng
    The Role of the Management Accountant
    Where Does the Management Accountant Fit in an Organiza-
    Ethical Role of Management Accountants
    Managerlal Accountlng In the Management Process
    Dedsion Making
    A Tour of Manufacturing Operatlons: Costs and Tennlnology
    Direct and Indirect Costs
    Manufacturing Costs
    Product Costs and Period Costs
    Financlal Statements for Manufacturing Businesses
    Trends In Buslness
    Just-in-Time Manufacturing
    Total Quality Management
    Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
    Globalization of Business
    Service Industry Awareness
    Practice Set: Highpoint Solar Inc.
    This set is available with transactions in narrative form. It
    provides practice in accounting for a manufacturing corpora-
    tion that uses a job order cost system. It may also be solved
    using the Solutions Software.
   19 Job Order Cost Systems
    Usefulness of Product Costs
    Cost Accountlng System Overvlew
    Job Order Cost Systems for Manufacturing Buslnesses
    Cost Flow Overview-Job Order Cost System
    Factory Labor
    Factory Overhead
    Work in Process
    Finished Goods and Cost of Goods Sold
    Summary of Cost Flows for Goodwell Printers
    Job Ordler Costlng for Declslon Maklng
    Job Order Cost Systems for Servlce Buslnesses
    Appendlx: Actlvlty-Based Costlng
   20 Process Cost System
    Comparing Job Order Costlng and Process Cottlng
    Physlcal Flows and Cost Flows for a Process Manufacturer
    The First.in, First-out (Flfo) Method
    Step 1: Determine the Units to Be Assigned Costs
    Step 2: Calculate Equivalent Units of Production
    Step 3: Determine the Cost Per Equivalent Unit
    Step 4: Allocate Costs to Transferred and Partially Com-
    pleted Units
    Bringing It All Together: The Cost of Production Report
    Journal Entries for a Process Cost System
    Uslng the Cost of Production Report for Decislon Maklng
    Just-in-Time Processlng
    Planning and Control
   21 Cost Behavior and Cost-Volume-Profit Analy-
    Cost Behavior
    Variable Costs
    Fixed Costs
    Mixed Costs
    Summary of Cost Behavior Concepts '.
    Reporting Variable and Fixed Costs
    Cost-Volume-Proflt Relationshlps
    Contribution Margin Concept
    Mathematlcal Approach to Cost-Volume-Profit Analysls
    Break-Even Point
    Target Profit
    Graphlc Approach to Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
    Cost-Volume-Proflt (Break-Even) Chart
    Profit-Volume Chart
    Use of Computers In Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
    Sales Mlx Consideratlons
    Special Cost-Volume-Profit Relatlonshlps
    Margfn of Safety
    Operatlng Leverage
    Assumptions of Cost-Volune-Proflt Analysls
    Appendlx: Variable Costlng
   22 Budgeting
    Nature and Objectives of Budgeting
    Objectives of Budgeting
    Human Behavior and Budgeting
    Budgetlng Systems
    Flexible Budget
    Computerized Budgeting Systems .
    Master Budget
    Income Statement Budgets
    Sales Budget
    Production Budget
    Direct Materials Purchases Budget
    Direct Labor Cost Budget
    Factory Overhead Costs Budget
    Costs of Goods Sold Budget
    Operating Expenses Budget
    Budgeted Income Statement
    Balance Sheet Budgets
    Cash Budget
    Capital Expenditures Budget
    Budgeted Balance Sheet
   23 Performance Evaluation Using Variances
   from Standard Costs
    Setting Standards
    Types of Standards
    Reviewing and Revising Standards
    Support and Criticism of Standards
    Flexlble Budgetlng and Control
    Dlrect Materlals Varlances
    Direct Materials Price Variance
    Direct Materials Quantity Variance
    Direct Materials Variance Relationships
    Reporting Direct Materials Variances
    Dlrect Labor Varlances
    Direct Labor Rate Variance
    Direct Labor Time Variance
    Direct Labor Variance Relationships
    Reporting Direct Labor Variances
    Factory Overhead Variances
    The Factory Overhead Flexible Budget
    Variable Factory Overhead Controllable Variance
    Fixed Factory Overhead Volume Variance
    Reporting Factory Overhead Variances
    Recordlng and Reportlng Varlances from Standards
    Standards for Nonmanufacturlng Expentes
    Nonfinanclal Performance Measures
   24 Performance Evaluation for Decentralized
    Centrallzed and Decentrallzed Operatlons
    Advantages of Decentralization
    Disadvantages of Decentralization
    Responsibility Accounting
    Responslbllity Accountlng for Cost Cenier*
    Reiponslblllty Accountlng for Proflt Centers
    Operating Income
    Service Department Charges
    Controllable Operating Income
    Responslbllity Accounting for Investment Centers
    Rate of Return on Investment
    Residual Income
    Nonfinancial Divisional Performance Measurement
    Transfer Priclng
    Market Price Approach
    Negotiated Price Approach
    Cost Price Approach
    Decision Making
   25 Differential Analysis and Product Pricing
    Differentlal Analysls
    Lease or Sell
    Discontinue a Segment or Product
    Make or Buy
    Replace Equipment
    Process or Sell
    Accept Business at a Spedal Price
    Setting Normal Product Selling Prices
    Total Cost Concept
    Product Cost Concept
    Variable Cost Concept
    Choosing a Cost-Plus Approach Cost Concept
    Activity-Based Costing
    Product Profltablllty and Pricing Under Production
    Product Profitability Under Production Bottlenecks
    Product Pricing Under Production Bottlenecks
   26 Capital Investment Analysis
    Nature of Capttal Investmeni Analysis
    Methods of Evaluating Capltal Investment Proposals
    Methods that Ignore Present Value
    Present Value Methods
    Qualltative Considerations in Capital Investment Analysis
    Factors That Complicate Capital Investment Analysis
    Income Tax
    Unequal Proposal Lives
    Lease Versus Capital Investment
    Changes in Price Levels
    Capital Rationing
   Appendix A: Interest Tables
   Appendix B: Codes of Ethics
   Appendix C: Alternative Methods of Recording
   Appendix D: Periodic Inventory Systems for
   Merchandising Businesses
   Appendix E: Periodic Inventory Systems for
   Manufacturing Businesses
   Appendix F: Annual Reports and Financial
   Statement Analysis
   Check Figures
