Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0分布式应用程序开发

本书是《微软件指定MCSD教材(影印版)》丛书中听一本,讲述Visual C++ 6.0分布式应用程序开发技巧,内容包括系统安装与配置、开发用户服务、COM、ATL、MFC、平台式SDK、OLE DB、ADO、异常情况处理以及开发基于Web和基于网络的解决方案等。本书还可指导您准备MCP 70-015考试(微软件认证解决方案开发人员证书的一门核心考试)。本书由微软件公司专家编写,技术深入,权威性强,可作为Visual C++ 6.0公布式应用程序开发人员和MCP考试应试者的参考书。
暂缺《Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0分布式应用程序开发》作者简介
About This Book
Intended Audience
course Overview
Getting Started
Using This Book to Prepare for Certification
Microsoft Certified Professional Program
Technical Support
About the authors
Chapter 1 Designing the Application
Lesson 1: Architecture-First Design
Architecture-First Design
Application Design Principles
Lesson Summary
Lesson 2: Distributed Application Design
Multilayer Design
User Interface
User Service Layer
Business Service Layer
Data Service Layer
Lesson Summary
Chapter 2 Development Environment
Lesson 1: Production Channel
Details of the Production Channel
Lesson Summary
Lesson 2: Change Control
Change-Control Process
Version Control Systens
Visual SourceSafe
Exploring Features of VSS
Lesson Summary
Lesson 3: Tools
Integrated Development Environment
Visual Data Modeing
Visual Modeler
Using OLEView to View Installed COM Objects
Lesson Summary
Lab 2: Installing Visual C++
Chapter 3: C++ Development Essentials
Lesson 1: C++ Libraries
Overview of MFC
MFC Architecture
MFC Library Files
Using ATL
Using STL
Lesson Summary
Lesson 2: Thread Management
Threading Models
In-Process Threads
Lesson Summary
Lesson 3: Memory Management and System Services
Some Basic Concepts
Memory Allocation and Management
Memory Allocation/Deallocation Examples
Resizable Memory Blocks
Memory Management Problems and Issues
Lesson Summary
Chapter 4 Developing User Services
Lesson 1: Creating Help Systems
Help System Considerations
WinHelp Files
Implementing Help Systems
Lesson Summary
Lesson 2: User Interface Navigation
Creating Menus with the Menu Editor
Creating and Using Toolbars
Implementing Status Bars
Lesson Summary
Lesson 3: User Interface Forms and Dialog Boxes
Dialog Boxes
Property Sheets
Using the CFormView Class
Processing and Validating User Input
Lesson Sunnary
Lesson 4: Creating and Using ActiveX Xontrols
Using ActiveX Controls
Using Event Handlers with Command Messages
Creating ActiveX Controls with ATL
Creating ActiveX Controls with the Platform SDK
Creating ActiveX Controls with MFC
Signing an ActiveX Control
Downloading an ActiveX Control to the User Interface
Lesson Summary
Lab 4: Creating a User Interface
Exercise 1: Creating a Dymanic Menu
Exercise 2: Adding a Modeless Dialog Box
Exercise 3: Building an ActiveX Control
Chapter 5 Building Basic Business Objects
Lesson 1: COM Basics
The Challenges of Component-Based Applications
COM Objects
COM Components
COM Identifiers
COM Interfaces
COM Security
COM Registration
COM Support in Distributed Environments
Lesson Summary
Lesson 2: Visual C++ Classes
Implementation Inheritance
Allocating and Deallocating Memory in the DLL
Interface Inheritance
Advantages of Using Interfaces
Lesson Summary
Lesson 3: Building a COM Component Using the Platform SDK
Defining Interfaces with IDL
Implementing IUnknown
Creating Class Factories
COM DLL Entry Points
Lesson Summary
Lesson 4: B uilding a COM Component using ATL or MFC
Active Template Library
Microsoft Foundation Classes
Lesson Summary
Lab 5: Dissecting ATL
Chapter 6 Building Advanced Business Objects
Lisson 1: Creating Distributed COM Components
Configuring DCOM
Creating an ATL Out-Of-Process Component
Using DCOM Security
Registering a DCOM Component
Lesson Sunnary
Lesson 2: Creating Multithreaded Components
Using Multithreaded Components
Creating a Multithreaded Component Using ATL
Lesson Summary
Lesson 3: Creating Services
Creating a Windows NT Service
Communicating with Serveces
Managing Services
Lesson Summary
Lesson 4: Extending Existing COM Components
Lesson Summary
Lesson 5: Creating and Using Active Documents
Active Document Containers and Servers
Lesson Summary
Lesson 6: Using MFC to Create an ISAPI DLL
Extending Web Server Capabilities
MFC Regular DLLs vs.MFC Extension DLLs
Dynamic User Interfaces
Lesson Summary
Lab 6: Creating an Out-of-Process COM Component
Exercise 1: Creating a COM Server
Exercise 2: Creating a COM Client
Chapter 7 Using Microsoft Transaction Services
Lesson 1: Transactions and MTS
Coordinating Transactions
Transactions and COM
What Is MTS
Benefits of Using MTS
MTS Structrres
Lesson Sunnary
Lesson 2: Comfiguring MTS
Configuring Your MTS Server with MTS Explorer
Administering Your MTS Server Programmatically
Lesson Summary
Lesson 3: MTS Objects
Designing Objects for MTS
Developing Objects for MTS
Packaging Objects for MTS
Deploying MTS-Based Objects
Lesson Summary
Lesson 4: Advanced MTS Techniques
Role-Based Security
Load Balancing
Lesson Summary
Lesson 5: Creatin MTS-Based Applications
Controlling the Folw of Transactions
Designing with MTS
Scaling Applications with MTS
Lesson Summary
Lab 7: Understanding MTS Activities and Transactions
Exercise 1: Putting Everything in Place
Exercise 2: Observe How Activities Are Managed
Exercise 3: Observe How Transactions Are Managed
Chaper 8 Microsoft Message Queuing Services
Lesson 1: Installing and Configuring MSMQ
MSMQ A rchitecture
Installing MSMQ
Lesson Summary
Lesson 2: Creating and Using Queues
COM Objects
Creating a Queue
Locating a Queue
Opening a Queue
Sending Messages
Receiving Messages
Deleting a Queue
Lesson Summary
Lesson 3: Transactional Queues
Transactional Messaging
Creating a Transactional Queue
Sending an Receiving Message Within a Transaction
Lesson Summary
Lab 8: Sending and Receiving Persistent Objects In Messages
Exercise 1: Creating a Persistable Object
Exercise 2: Sending Messages
Exercise 3: Receiving Messages
Chapter 9 Using Data Access Services
Lesson 1: Structured Query Language
Basic Concepts
Retrieving Data
Modifying Data
Deleting Data
Querying Multiple Tables
Summarizing Data
Lesson 2: SQL Server
Basic Concepts
Installing SQL Server
Configuring SQL Server
Implementing a SQL Server Database
Data Integrity
Creating and Maintaining Indexes
Lesson 3: Data Access Strategies
Data Access
UDA Technology
Fundamental Terms of Data Access
Microsoft Data Access Components
Using CSocket
Choosing the Right Data Access Technology
Choosing a Data Access Strategy
Lesson Summary
Lesson 4: Using ADO
Basics of ADO
ADO Architecture
Guidelines for Choosing ADO as Your Data Access Technology
Working with ADO Objects
Executing Parameterized Queries with ADO
Lesson Summary
Lesson 5: Using ODBC
ODBC Architecture
MFC ODBC Classes
Working with ODBC Recordsets
Debugging and Error Handling in ODBC Applications
Lesson Summary
Lesson 6: Using OLE DB
Basics of OLE DB
OLE DB Architecure
OLE DB Physical Architecture
OLE DB Consumer Templates
Using the CDynamicAccessor Class
Creating Parameterized Queries Using CDynamicParaneterAccessor
Lesson Summary
Lab 9: Creating ADO Application
Chapter 10 Exception handling
Lesson 1: Exceptions
Anticipating Program Errors
Structured Exception Handling
C++ Exception Handling
Benign Exceptions
Visual C++ Exception handling Support
Lesson Summary
Lesson 2: Handling Exceptions and Errors
Exceptions and MFC
COM Errors
Exceptions and Distributed Applications
Lesson Summary
Lesson 3: Error-Handling Strategies
Working with Error Logs
Working with MTS
Working with MSMQ
Working with ADO
Handling Exceptions in an ADO Application
Lesson Summary
Lab 10: Exception Handling in Duwamish Books
Exercise 1: Adding Exception handlers
Exercise 2: Rebuilding the D4Cache Project
Chapter 11 Debugging and Testing
Lesson 1: Introduction to Debugging
What Is a Debugger
Debug vs.Release
MFC Debug Macros
Lesson Summary
Lesson 2: Using the Integrated Debugger
Setting Breakpoints
Running the Debugger
Debugger Windows
Stepping Through Code
Edit and Comtinue
Lesson 3: Debugging COM Objects
Debugging Local Objects
Debugging Remote Objects
Troubleshooting COM Objects
Lesson Summary
Lesson 4: Dependency Walker
What Is a Dependency
Dependency Information
Lesson Sunnary
Lesson 5: Spy++
Spy++ Views
Viewing Window Messages in Spy++
Lesson Summary
Lesson 6: Testing a Distributed Application
Glossary of Testing Terms
Creating a Test Plan
Creation a Test Harness
Lesson Summary
Lab 11: Debugging a COM Object
Exercise 1: Debugging a Local Object
Exercise 2: Debugging a Remote Object
Exercise 3: Debugging an MTS Object
Chapter 12 Deploying Distributed Applications
Lesson 1: Setup Programs
Writing a Setup Program
Guidelines for Writing a Setup Program
Uninstall Program
Adding and Removing Registry Information
Cabinet Files
Registry Files
Adding a Command to the Programs Menu
Lesson Summary
Lesson 2: Using InstallShield
Installing InstallShield
Running the InstallShield Tutorial
Including and Removing Program Files
Creating the Setup.exe Program
Lesson Summary
Lesson 3: Packaging COM Components
Determining Remote Server Names
MTS Components
Using MSMQ
Load Balancing
Lesson Summary
Lesson 4: Installing COM Components
Self-Registering Components
Adding Self-Registering Components to an InstallShield Project
Registering Remote COM Servers
Lesson Summary
Lesson 5: Deployment Methods
Media-Based Deployment
Network-Based Deployment
Web-Based Deployment
Deployment Checklist
Lesson Summary
Lesson 6: Zero Administration for Windows
Features of ZAW
Windows Installer
Systems Management Server
Zero Administration Kit
Lesson Summary
Lab 12: Packaging and Deploying a Distributed Appliction
Exercise 1: Building Release Versions of Client2 and Beeper
Exercise 2: Creating a Package File for the Beeper Component
Exercise 3: Creating the InstallShield Project
Exercise 4: Modifying the InstallShield Project
Exercise 5: Building the Setup Program
Exercise 6: Deploying and Testing the Setup Program
Appendix A Application Design Concepts
Appendix B Review Questions and Answers
Intended Audience
course Overview
Getting Started
Using This Book to Prepare for Certification
Microsoft Certified Professional Program
Technical Support
About the authors
Chapter 1 Designing the Application
Lesson 1: Architecture-First Design
Architecture-First Design
Application Design Principles
Lesson Summary
Lesson 2: Distributed Application Design
Multilayer Design
User Interface
User Service Layer
Business Service Layer
Data Service Layer
Lesson Summary
Chapter 2 Development Environment
Lesson 1: Production Channel
Details of the Production Channel
Lesson Summary
Lesson 2: Change Control
Change-Control Process
Version Control Systens
Visual SourceSafe
Exploring Features of VSS
Lesson Summary
Lesson 3: Tools
Integrated Development Environment
Visual Data Modeing
Visual Modeler
Using OLEView to View Installed COM Objects
Lesson Summary
Lab 2: Installing Visual C++
Chapter 3: C++ Development Essentials
Lesson 1: C++ Libraries
Overview of MFC
MFC Architecture
MFC Library Files
Using ATL
Using STL
Lesson Summary
Lesson 2: Thread Management
Threading Models
In-Process Threads
Lesson Summary
Lesson 3: Memory Management and System Services
Some Basic Concepts
Memory Allocation and Management
Memory Allocation/Deallocation Examples
Resizable Memory Blocks
Memory Management Problems and Issues
Lesson Summary
Chapter 4 Developing User Services
Lesson 1: Creating Help Systems
Help System Considerations
WinHelp Files
Implementing Help Systems
Lesson Summary
Lesson 2: User Interface Navigation
Creating Menus with the Menu Editor
Creating and Using Toolbars
Implementing Status Bars
Lesson Summary
Lesson 3: User Interface Forms and Dialog Boxes
Dialog Boxes
Property Sheets
Using the CFormView Class
Processing and Validating User Input
Lesson Sunnary
Lesson 4: Creating and Using ActiveX Xontrols
Using ActiveX Controls
Using Event Handlers with Command Messages
Creating ActiveX Controls with ATL
Creating ActiveX Controls with the Platform SDK
Creating ActiveX Controls with MFC
Signing an ActiveX Control
Downloading an ActiveX Control to the User Interface
Lesson Summary
Lab 4: Creating a User Interface
Exercise 1: Creating a Dymanic Menu
Exercise 2: Adding a Modeless Dialog Box
Exercise 3: Building an ActiveX Control
Chapter 5 Building Basic Business Objects
Lesson 1: COM Basics
The Challenges of Component-Based Applications
COM Objects
COM Components
COM Identifiers
COM Interfaces
COM Security
COM Registration
COM Support in Distributed Environments
Lesson Summary
Lesson 2: Visual C++ Classes
Implementation Inheritance
Allocating and Deallocating Memory in the DLL
Interface Inheritance
Advantages of Using Interfaces
Lesson Summary
Lesson 3: Building a COM Component Using the Platform SDK
Defining Interfaces with IDL
Implementing IUnknown
Creating Class Factories
COM DLL Entry Points
Lesson Summary
Lesson 4: B uilding a COM Component using ATL or MFC
Active Template Library
Microsoft Foundation Classes
Lesson Summary
Lab 5: Dissecting ATL
Chapter 6 Building Advanced Business Objects
Lisson 1: Creating Distributed COM Components
Configuring DCOM
Creating an ATL Out-Of-Process Component
Using DCOM Security
Registering a DCOM Component
Lesson Sunnary
Lesson 2: Creating Multithreaded Components
Using Multithreaded Components
Creating a Multithreaded Component Using ATL
Lesson Summary
Lesson 3: Creating Services
Creating a Windows NT Service
Communicating with Serveces
Managing Services
Lesson Summary
Lesson 4: Extending Existing COM Components
Lesson Summary
Lesson 5: Creating and Using Active Documents
Active Document Containers and Servers
Lesson Summary
Lesson 6: Using MFC to Create an ISAPI DLL
Extending Web Server Capabilities
MFC Regular DLLs vs.MFC Extension DLLs
Dynamic User Interfaces
Lesson Summary
Lab 6: Creating an Out-of-Process COM Component
Exercise 1: Creating a COM Server
Exercise 2: Creating a COM Client
Chapter 7 Using Microsoft Transaction Services
Lesson 1: Transactions and MTS
Coordinating Transactions
Transactions and COM
What Is MTS
Benefits of Using MTS
MTS Structrres
Lesson Sunnary
Lesson 2: Comfiguring MTS
Configuring Your MTS Server with MTS Explorer
Administering Your MTS Server Programmatically
Lesson Summary
Lesson 3: MTS Objects
Designing Objects for MTS
Developing Objects for MTS
Packaging Objects for MTS
Deploying MTS-Based Objects
Lesson Summary
Lesson 4: Advanced MTS Techniques
Role-Based Security
Load Balancing
Lesson Summary
Lesson 5: Creatin MTS-Based Applications
Controlling the Folw of Transactions
Designing with MTS
Scaling Applications with MTS
Lesson Summary
Lab 7: Understanding MTS Activities and Transactions
Exercise 1: Putting Everything in Place
Exercise 2: Observe How Activities Are Managed
Exercise 3: Observe How Transactions Are Managed
Chaper 8 Microsoft Message Queuing Services
Lesson 1: Installing and Configuring MSMQ
MSMQ A rchitecture
Installing MSMQ
Lesson Summary
Lesson 2: Creating and Using Queues
COM Objects
Creating a Queue
Locating a Queue
Opening a Queue
Sending Messages
Receiving Messages
Deleting a Queue
Lesson Summary
Lesson 3: Transactional Queues
Transactional Messaging
Creating a Transactional Queue
Sending an Receiving Message Within a Transaction
Lesson Summary
Lab 8: Sending and Receiving Persistent Objects In Messages
Exercise 1: Creating a Persistable Object
Exercise 2: Sending Messages
Exercise 3: Receiving Messages
Chapter 9 Using Data Access Services
Lesson 1: Structured Query Language
Basic Concepts
Retrieving Data
Modifying Data
Deleting Data
Querying Multiple Tables
Summarizing Data
Lesson 2: SQL Server
Basic Concepts
Installing SQL Server
Configuring SQL Server
Implementing a SQL Server Database
Data Integrity
Creating and Maintaining Indexes
Lesson 3: Data Access Strategies
Data Access
UDA Technology
Fundamental Terms of Data Access
Microsoft Data Access Components
Using CSocket
Choosing the Right Data Access Technology
Choosing a Data Access Strategy
Lesson Summary
Lesson 4: Using ADO
Basics of ADO
ADO Architecture
Guidelines for Choosing ADO as Your Data Access Technology
Working with ADO Objects
Executing Parameterized Queries with ADO
Lesson Summary
Lesson 5: Using ODBC
ODBC Architecture
MFC ODBC Classes
Working with ODBC Recordsets
Debugging and Error Handling in ODBC Applications
Lesson Summary
Lesson 6: Using OLE DB
Basics of OLE DB
OLE DB Architecure
OLE DB Physical Architecture
OLE DB Consumer Templates
Using the CDynamicAccessor Class
Creating Parameterized Queries Using CDynamicParaneterAccessor
Lesson Summary
Lab 9: Creating ADO Application
Chapter 10 Exception handling
Lesson 1: Exceptions
Anticipating Program Errors
Structured Exception Handling
C++ Exception Handling
Benign Exceptions
Visual C++ Exception handling Support
Lesson Summary
Lesson 2: Handling Exceptions and Errors
Exceptions and MFC
COM Errors
Exceptions and Distributed Applications
Lesson Summary
Lesson 3: Error-Handling Strategies
Working with Error Logs
Working with MTS
Working with MSMQ
Working with ADO
Handling Exceptions in an ADO Application
Lesson Summary
Lab 10: Exception Handling in Duwamish Books
Exercise 1: Adding Exception handlers
Exercise 2: Rebuilding the D4Cache Project
Chapter 11 Debugging and Testing
Lesson 1: Introduction to Debugging
What Is a Debugger
Debug vs.Release
MFC Debug Macros
Lesson Summary
Lesson 2: Using the Integrated Debugger
Setting Breakpoints
Running the Debugger
Debugger Windows
Stepping Through Code
Edit and Comtinue
Lesson 3: Debugging COM Objects
Debugging Local Objects
Debugging Remote Objects
Troubleshooting COM Objects
Lesson Summary
Lesson 4: Dependency Walker
What Is a Dependency
Dependency Information
Lesson Sunnary
Lesson 5: Spy++
Spy++ Views
Viewing Window Messages in Spy++
Lesson Summary
Lesson 6: Testing a Distributed Application
Glossary of Testing Terms
Creating a Test Plan
Creation a Test Harness
Lesson Summary
Lab 11: Debugging a COM Object
Exercise 1: Debugging a Local Object
Exercise 2: Debugging a Remote Object
Exercise 3: Debugging an MTS Object
Chapter 12 Deploying Distributed Applications
Lesson 1: Setup Programs
Writing a Setup Program
Guidelines for Writing a Setup Program
Uninstall Program
Adding and Removing Registry Information
Cabinet Files
Registry Files
Adding a Command to the Programs Menu
Lesson Summary
Lesson 2: Using InstallShield
Installing InstallShield
Running the InstallShield Tutorial
Including and Removing Program Files
Creating the Setup.exe Program
Lesson Summary
Lesson 3: Packaging COM Components
Determining Remote Server Names
MTS Components
Using MSMQ
Load Balancing
Lesson Summary
Lesson 4: Installing COM Components
Self-Registering Components
Adding Self-Registering Components to an InstallShield Project
Registering Remote COM Servers
Lesson Summary
Lesson 5: Deployment Methods
Media-Based Deployment
Network-Based Deployment
Web-Based Deployment
Deployment Checklist
Lesson Summary
Lesson 6: Zero Administration for Windows
Features of ZAW
Windows Installer
Systems Management Server
Zero Administration Kit
Lesson Summary
Lab 12: Packaging and Deploying a Distributed Appliction
Exercise 1: Building Release Versions of Client2 and Beeper
Exercise 2: Creating a Package File for the Beeper Component
Exercise 3: Creating the InstallShield Project
Exercise 4: Modifying the InstallShield Project
Exercise 5: Building the Setup Program
Exercise 6: Deploying and Testing the Setup Program
Appendix A Application Design Concepts
Appendix B Review Questions and Answers