
Part I New Issues in Financial Globalization
1.How Taxing is Corruption on International Investors?
The Review of Economics and Statistics,82:1—11,2000
2.Currency Hedging and Goods Trade,European Economic
3.Convergence to the Law of One Price without Trade Barriers
or Currency Fluctuations(with D.Parsley),The Quarterly
JournaZ of Economics,447:1211—1236,1996
4.Insignificant and Inconsequential Hysteresis:The Case of
U.S.Bilateral Trade(With D.Parsley),The Review of
Economics and Statistics,606—613,November 1993
5.Yen Bloc or Dollar Bloc?Exchange Rate Policies of the East
Asian Economies(with J.Frankel),Macroeconomic
Linkages:Savings,Exchange Rates and Capital Flows,
Takatoshi Ito and Anne Krueger(ed.),The University
of Chicago Press,295—329,1994
6.Price V01atility without News about Fundamentals,Economics
Part IINew Issues in Globalization and Regionalization of Trade
7.Regional Trading Arrangements:Natural or Supernatural?
(with J.Frankel and E.Stein),American Economic
8.Open Regionalism in a World of Continental Trade Blocs
fwith T.Frankel),IMF StaffPapers,45:440—453,1998
9.Trading Blocs and the Americas:the Natural,the Unnatural,
and the Super-Natural?(with J.Frankel and E.Stein),
Joural of Development Economics,47:61—95,1995
10.Can Regional Blocs be a Stepping Stone to Global Free Trade?
A Political Economy Analysis(with J.Frankel),International
Review of Economics and Finance,5:339—347,1996
1 1.Open versus Closed Trade Blocs(with J.Frankel),Regional
versus Multinational Trade Arrangements,Takatoshi Ito
and Anne Krueger(ed.),The University of Chicago Press,
12.Regionalization of World Trade and Currencies:Economics and
Politics(with J.Frankel),The Regionalization of the World
Economy,J.Frankel (eds),The University of Chicago Press,
Part III Political Economy Issues of Reform Strategies
13.Gradualism versus Big Bang:Speed and Sustainability of
Reforms,Canadian Journal of Economics,
14.To Shock or Not to Shock:Economics and Political Economy of
Large—Scale Reforms(with P.Lian),Economics and Politics,
15.Corruption and Economic Development in Asia,Integrity in
Governance in Asia,UNDP(eds),39—53,1998
Part IVChina in the Worid Economy
16.Attracting Foreign Direct Investment:Has China Reached Its
Potential?China Economic Review,6:187—199,1995
17.The Open Door Policy and China’S Rapid Growth:Evidence
from City—Level Data,Growth Theories in Light of the
East Asiah Ex?pcrience,Takatoshi Ito and Anne Krueger(ed.),
The University of Chicago Press,73—98,1 995
18.Foreign Direct Investment in China~Sources and Consequences,
Financial Deregulation and Integration in East Asia,
Takatoshi Ito and Anne Krueger(ed.)The University of
Chicago Press,77—102,1996.
19.Noise Trading in the Chinese Stock Market,F/nancial Market
Reform in China:Problems,Progress,and Prospects,
B.Chen,J.K.Dietrich and Y.Feng (ed.),Westview Press,
20.The Siamese Twins:Do State—Owned Banks Favor
State—Owned Enterprises in China?(with Tao Wang),
China Economic Review,8:19—29,1997
Part I New Issues in Financial Globalization
1.How Taxing is Corruption on International Investors?
The Review of Economics and Statistics,82:1—11,2000
2.Currency Hedging and Goods Trade,European Economic
3.Convergence to the Law of One Price without Trade Barriers
or Currency Fluctuations(with D.Parsley),The Quarterly
JournaZ of Economics,447:1211—1236,1996
4.Insignificant and Inconsequential Hysteresis:The Case of
U.S.Bilateral Trade(With D.Parsley),The Review of
Economics and Statistics,606—613,November 1993
5.Yen Bloc or Dollar Bloc?Exchange Rate Policies of the East
Asian Economies(with J.Frankel),Macroeconomic
Linkages:Savings,Exchange Rates and Capital Flows,
Takatoshi Ito and Anne Krueger(ed.),The University
of Chicago Press,295—329,1994
6.Price V01atility without News about Fundamentals,Economics
Part IINew Issues in Globalization and Regionalization of Trade
7.Regional Trading Arrangements:Natural or Supernatural?
(with J.Frankel and E.Stein),American Economic
8.Open Regionalism in a World of Continental Trade Blocs
fwith T.Frankel),IMF StaffPapers,45:440—453,1998
9.Trading Blocs and the Americas:the Natural,the Unnatural,
and the Super-Natural?(with J.Frankel and E.Stein),
Joural of Development Economics,47:61—95,1995
10.Can Regional Blocs be a Stepping Stone to Global Free Trade?
A Political Economy Analysis(with J.Frankel),International
Review of Economics and Finance,5:339—347,1996
1 1.Open versus Closed Trade Blocs(with J.Frankel),Regional
versus Multinational Trade Arrangements,Takatoshi Ito
and Anne Krueger(ed.),The University of Chicago Press,
12.Regionalization of World Trade and Currencies:Economics and
Politics(with J.Frankel),The Regionalization of the World
Economy,J.Frankel (eds),The University of Chicago Press,
Part III Political Economy Issues of Reform Strategies
13.Gradualism versus Big Bang:Speed and Sustainability of
Reforms,Canadian Journal of Economics,
14.To Shock or Not to Shock:Economics and Political Economy of
Large—Scale Reforms(with P.Lian),Economics and Politics,
15.Corruption and Economic Development in Asia,Integrity in
Governance in Asia,UNDP(eds),39—53,1998
Part IVChina in the Worid Economy
16.Attracting Foreign Direct Investment:Has China Reached Its
Potential?China Economic Review,6:187—199,1995
17.The Open Door Policy and China’S Rapid Growth:Evidence
from City—Level Data,Growth Theories in Light of the
East Asiah Ex?pcrience,Takatoshi Ito and Anne Krueger(ed.),
The University of Chicago Press,73—98,1 995
18.Foreign Direct Investment in China~Sources and Consequences,
Financial Deregulation and Integration in East Asia,
Takatoshi Ito and Anne Krueger(ed.)The University of
Chicago Press,77—102,1996.
19.Noise Trading in the Chinese Stock Market,F/nancial Market
Reform in China:Problems,Progress,and Prospects,
B.Chen,J.K.Dietrich and Y.Feng (ed.),Westview Press,
20.The Siamese Twins:Do State—Owned Banks Favor
State—Owned Enterprises in China?(with Tao Wang),
China Economic Review,8:19—29,1997