
北极星英语系列教程(学生配套用书 入门级)

北极星英语系列教程(学生配套用书 入门级)

作者:刘骏主编;李婷妲,Rachel Monn册主编





暂缺《北极星英语系列教程(学生配套用书 入门级)》作者简介
入门级1  Theme: Friendship A Brief Introduction to the Unit New WordsLanguage Points in the UnitAdditional Information and ExplanationsRecommended Websites for Further InformationSupplementary Reading Materials with TasksSuggested Activities and TasksSelf Checklist
2  Theme: The Arts A Brief Introduction to the Unit New WordsLanguage Points in the UnitAdditional Information and ExplanationsRecommended Websites for Further InformationSupplementary Reading Materials with TasksSuggested Activities and TasksSelf Checklist
3  Theme: Special PossessionsA Brief Introduction to the Unit New WordsLanguage Points in the UnitAdditional Information and ExplanationsRecommended Websites for Further InformationSupplementary Reading Materials with TasksSuggested Activities and TasksSelf Checklist
4  Theme: Strength in numbersA Brief Introduction to the Unit New WordsLanguage Points in the UnitAdditional Information and ExplanationsRecommended Websites for Further InformationSupplementary Reading Materials with TasksSuggested Activities and TasksSelf Checklist
5  Theme: BusinessA Brief Introduction to the Unit New WordsLanguage Points in the UnitAdditional Information and ExplanationsRecommended Websites for Further InformationSupplementary Reading Materials with TasksSuggested Activities and TasksSelf Checklist
6  Theme: Famous PeopleA Brief Introduction to the Unit New WordsLanguage Points in the UnitAdditional Information and ExplanationsRecommended Websites for Further InformationSupplementary Reading Materials with TasksSuggested Activities and TasksSelf Checklist
7  Theme: Driving ProblemsA Brief Introduction to the Unit New WordsLanguage Points in the UnitAdditional Information and ExplanationsRecommended Websites for Further InformationSupplementary Reading Materials with TasksSuggested Activities and TasksSelf Checklist
8  Theme: FamilyA Brief Introduction to the Unit New WordsLanguage Points in the UnitAdditional Information and ExplanationsRecommended Websites for Further InformationSupplementary Reading Materials with TasksSuggested Activities and TasksSelf Checklist
9  Theme: MoneyA Brief Introduction to the Unit New WordsLanguage Points in the UnitAdditional Information and ExplanationsRecommended Websites for Further InformationSupplementary Reading Materials with TasksSuggested Activities and TasksSelf Checklist
