
制造工程与技术:改编版 英文本

制造工程与技术:改编版 英文本

作者:(美)Serope Kalpakjian,(美)Steven R.Schmid原著;唐一平改编





  《制造工程与技术( 第4版改编版)》是在Serope Kalpakiian等主编的Manufacturing Engineering and Technology(Fnrth Edition)教材的基础上改编而成的,改编后的教材既保留了国外原版教材的风格,又适合国内教学的需要,是优秀的“双语”教学教材。《制造工程与技术( 第4版改编版)》除绪论外共三篇20章,第一篇为工程材料基础,主要介绍的金属材料、非金属材料、复合材料的特性、选用方法及在工程扣的实际应用,并对纳米材料及高分子材料做了介绍。第二篇为材料成形技术,本篇不仅介绍了传统的铸锻工艺、精密锻造以及粉末冶金、塑料和复合材料的成形技术,还介绍了快速原型和快速模具技术;第三篇为机械加工技术,除了对传统的各种机加工工艺进行了介绍外,还介绍了高速切消加工、现代加工中心、先进刀具和磨削材料、非传统加工技术(化学、电火花、超声、等离子、激光加工等)以及正在逐渐成为现代制造领域的一个重要发展方向的纳米制造和微细加工等先进制造技术。为了便于读者阅读,本教材在每一章后面都附有中文注释和主要的专业术语,而且在书末还附有按字母顺序排列的中英文对照词汇表。《制造工程与技术( 第4版改编版)》可作为机械设计制造及其自动化专业以及机电类其他相关专业的本科生或研究生的英文教材,也可供相关的工程技术人员参考。
暂缺《制造工程与技术:改编版 英文本》作者简介
General Introduction 1
1.What Is Manufacturing? 1
2.The Design Process and Concurrent Engineering 6
3.Selecting Materials 11
4.Selecting Manufacturing Processes 13
5.ComputerIntegrated Manufacturing 18
6.Global Competitiveness and Manufacturing Costs 21
7.Lean Production and Agile Manufacturing 22
8.Environmentally Conscious Design and Manufacturing 23
PARTⅠ Fundamentals of Materials:Their Behaviorand Manufacturing Properties
1 The Structure of Metals 29
1.1 Introduction 29
1.2 The Crystal Structure of Metals 30
1.3 Cold,Warm, and HotWorking 31
1.4 Work Hardening (Strain Hardening) 32
1.5 Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline Metals 32
2 Mechanical Behavior,Testing,and Manufacturing Properties of Materials 37

2.1 Introduction 37
2.2 Tension 38
2.3 Compression 42
2.4 Torsion 43
2.5 Bending(Flexure) 44
2.6 Hardness 45 
3 Physical Properties of Materials 51

3.1 Introduction 51
3.2 Density 51
3.3 Melting Point 55
3.4 Specific Heat 55
3.5 Thermal Conductivity 55
3.6 Thermal Expansion 56
3.7 Electrical, Magnetic, and Optical Properties 57
3.8 Corrosion Resistance 58 
4 Metal Alloys Structure and Cast Irons 63

4.1 Introduction 63
4.2 Structure of Alloys 64
4.3 The IronCarbon System 67
4.4 Cast Irons 69 
5 Ferrous Metals and Alloys 75

5.1 Introduction 75
5.2 Production of Iron and Steel 76
5.3 Carbon and Alloy Steels 79
5.4 Tool and Die Steels 82 
6 Nonferrous Metals and Alloys 85

6.1 Introduction 85
6.2 Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys 87
6.3 Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys 88
6.4 Copper and Copper Alloys 90
6.5 Superalloys 91
6.6 Titanium and Titanium Alloys 92
6.7 LowMelting Alloys 93
6.8 Precious Metals 96
6.9 ShapeMemory Alloys 96
6.10 Amorphous Alloys (Metallic Glasses) 97
6.11 Nanomaterials 97 

7 Polymers: Structure,General Properties,and Applications 101

7.1 Introduction 101
7.2 The Structure of Polymers 103
7.3 Thermoplastics 108
7.4 Thermosetting Plastics 109
7.5 Additives In Plastics 110
7.6 〖ZK(〗General Properties and Applications of Thermoplastics 111
7.7 〖ZK(〗General Properties and Applications of Thermosetting Plastics 114
7.8 Biodegradable Plastics 115
7.9 Elastomers(Rubbers) 117 

8 Composite Materials: Structure,General Properties, and Applications 121

8.1 Introduction 121
8.2 The Structure of Reinforced Plastics 122
8.3 Properties of Reinforced Plastics 126
8.4 Applications of Reinforced Plastics 127
8.5 MetalMatrix Composites (MMC) 130
8.6 CeramicMatrix Composites (CMC) 131
8.7 Other Composites 131
PART Ⅱ Forming and Shaping Processes and Equipment
9 Fundamentals of MetalCasting 135

9.1 Introduction 135
9.2 Solidification of Metals 137
9.3 MetalCasting Processes 140 

10 Forging of Metals 157

10.1 Introduction 157
10.2 OpenDie Forging 159
10.3 ImpressionDie and ClosenDie Forging 161
10.4 Extrusion and Drawing 164 

11 Processing of Powder Metallurgy 169

11.1 Introduction 169
11.2 Production of Metal Powders 171
11.3 Compaction of Metal Powders 176
11.4 Sintering 177
11.5 Process Capabilities 180
11.6 Economics of Powder Metallurgy 181 

12 Forming and Shaping Plastics and Composite Materials 183

12.1 Introduction 183
12.2 Injection Molding 184
12.3 Blow Molding 187 

13 RapidPrototyping Operations 191

13.1 Introduction 191
13.2 Additive Processes 192
13.3 Applications of RapidPrototyping Technology 200
PART Ⅲ MaterialRemoval Processes and Machines 

14 Fundamentals of Cutting 211

14.1 Introduction 211
14.2 The Mechanics of Chip Formation 214
14.3 The Types of Chips Produced In MetalCutting 216
14.4 Cutting Forces and Power 218
14.5 Tool Life: Wear and Failure 222
14.6 Surface Finish and Surface Integrity 225
14.7 Machinability 227 

15 CuttingTool Materials and Cutting Fluids 235
15.1 Introduction 235
15.2 Carbon and MediumAlloy Steels 239
15.3 HighSpeed Steels 239
15.4 CastCobalt Alloys 240
15.5 Carbides 240
15.6 Coated Tools 245
15.7 AluminaBased Ceramics 246
15.8 Cubic Boron Nitride 247
15.9 SiliconNitride Based Ceramics 248
15.10 Diamond 248
15.11 WhiskerReinforced and Nanocrystalline Tool Materials 249 

16 Machining Processes Used to Produce Round Shapes 253

16.1 Introduction 253
16.2 Turning Parameters 256
16.3 Lathes and Lathe Operations 259
16.4 〖ZK(〗HighSpeed Machining, Ultraprecision Machining, and Hard Turning 267
16.5 Boring and Boring Machines 270
16.6 Drilling and Drills 272 

17 Machining Processes Used to Produce Various Shapes 279

17.1 Introduction 279
17.2 Milling Operations 280
17.3 Milling Machines 289
17.4 Planing and Shaping 292 

18 Machining and Turning Centers 295
18.1 Introduction 295
18.2 Machining and Turning Centers 295
18.3 Machining Economics 303 

19 Abrasive Machining and Finishing Operations 309

19.1 Introduction 309
19.2 Abrasives 311
19.3 Bonded Abrasives (Grinding Wheels) 313
19.4 Honing 317
19.5 Lapping 318
19.6 Polishing 318
19.7 Electropolishing 319
19.8 Polishing Processes Using Magnetic Fields 319
19.9 Buffing 320 

20 Advanced Machining Processes and Nanofabrication 323
20.1 Introduction 323
20.2 Chemical Machining 325
20.3 ElectricalDischarge Machining 327
20.4 Wire EDM 330
20.5 LaserBeam Machining 331
20.6 ElectronBeam Machining and PlasmaArc Cutting 334
20.7 Nanofabrication 335
20.8 Micromachining 337
20.9 Economics of Advanced Machining Processes 338 
中英文对照词汇表 343
