
作者:David Reilly,Michael Reilly著
本书主要介绍了用Java语言实现网络程序设计,即用支持Internet协议的套接字开发各户端和服务端软件的技术,包括用户数据报协议、TCP流、HTTP、Java Servlet、远程方法激活、CORBA客户与服务、JavaMail API等内容。同时,还以丰富的范例,深入介绍了分布式计算的理论与实现。本书内容丰富,范例程序详实,适合作为网络程序设计和分布式计算的学习用书。
Chapter 1 Networking Theory
1.1 What Is a Network?
1.2 How Do Networks Communicate?
1.3 Communication across Layers
1.4 Advantages of Layering
1.5 Internet Architecture
1.6 Internet Application Protocols
1.7 TCP/IP Protocol Suite Layers
1.8 Security Issues:Firewalls and Proxy Servers
1.9 Summary
Chapter 2 Java Overview
2.1 What Is Java?
2.2 The Java Programming Language
2.3 The Java Platform
2.4 The Java Application Program Interface
2.5 Java Networking Considerations
2.6 Applications of Java Network Programming
2.7 Java Language Issues
2.8 System Properties
2.9 Development Tools
2.10 Summary
Chapter 3 Internet Addressing
3.1 Local Area Network Addresses
3.2 Internet Protocol Addresses
3.3 Beyond IP Addresses:The Domain Name System
3.4 Internet Addressing with Java
3.5 Summary
Chapter 4 Data Streams
4.1 Overview
4.2 How Streams Work
4.3 Filter Streams
4.4 Readers and Writers
4.5 Object Persistence and Object Serialization
4.6 Summary
Chapter 5 User Datagram Protocol
5.1 Overview
5.2 DatagramPacket Class
5.3 DatagramSocket Class
5.4 Listening for UDP Packets
5.5 Sending UDP Packets
5.6 User Datagram Protocol Example
5.7 Building a UDP Client/Server
5.8 Additional Information on UDP
5.9 Summary
Chapter 6 Transmission Control Protocol
6.1 Overview
6.2 TCP and the Client/Server Paradigm
6.3 TCP Sockets and Java
6.4 Socket Class
6.5 Creating a TCP Client
6.6 ServerSocket Class
6.7 Creating a TCP Server
6.8 Exception Handling:Socket Specific Exceptions
6.9 Summary
Chapter 7 Multi-threaded Applications
7.1 Overview
7.2 Multi-threading in Java
7.3 Synchronization
7.4 Interthread Communication
7.5 Thread Groups
7.6 Thread Groups
7.7 Summary
Chapter 8 Implementing Application Protocols
8.1 Overview
8.2 Application Protocol Specifications
8.3 Application Protocols Implementation
8.4 Summary
Chapter 9 HyperText Transfer Protocol
9.1 Overview
9.2 HTTP and Java
9.3 The Common Gateway Interface(CGI)
9.4 Summary
Chapter 10 Java Servlets
10.1 Overview
10.2 How Servlets Work
10.3 Using Servlets
10.4 Running Servlets
10.5 Writing a Simple Servlet
10.6 SingleThreadModel
10.7 ServletRequest and HttpServletRequest
10.8 ServletResponse and Http Response
10.9 ServletConfig
10.10 ServletContext
10.11 Servlet Exceptions
10.12 Cookies
10.13 HTTP Session Management in Servlets
10.14 Summary
Chapter 11 Remote Method Invocation(RMI)
11.1 Overview
11.2 How Does Remote Method Invocation Work?
11.3 Defining and RMI Service Interface
11.4 Implementing an RMI Service Interface
11.5 Creating Stub and Skeleton Classes
11.6 Creating an RMI Client
11.7 Creating an RMI Client
11.8 Running the RMI System
11.9 Remote Method Invocation Packages and Classes
11.10 Remote Method Invocation Deployment Issues
11.11 Using Remote Method Invocation to Implement Callbacks
11.12 Remote Object Activation
11.13 Summary
Chapter 12 Java IDL and CORBA
12.1 Overview
12.2 Architectural View of CORBA
12.3 Interface Definition Language(IDL)
12.4 From IDL to Java
12.5 Summary
Chapter 13 JavaMail
13.1 Overview
13.2 Installing the JavaMail API
13.3 Testing the JavaMail Installation
13.4 Working with the JavaMail API
13.5 Advanced Messaging with JavaMail
13.6 Summary
1.1 What Is a Network?
1.2 How Do Networks Communicate?
1.3 Communication across Layers
1.4 Advantages of Layering
1.5 Internet Architecture
1.6 Internet Application Protocols
1.7 TCP/IP Protocol Suite Layers
1.8 Security Issues:Firewalls and Proxy Servers
1.9 Summary
Chapter 2 Java Overview
2.1 What Is Java?
2.2 The Java Programming Language
2.3 The Java Platform
2.4 The Java Application Program Interface
2.5 Java Networking Considerations
2.6 Applications of Java Network Programming
2.7 Java Language Issues
2.8 System Properties
2.9 Development Tools
2.10 Summary
Chapter 3 Internet Addressing
3.1 Local Area Network Addresses
3.2 Internet Protocol Addresses
3.3 Beyond IP Addresses:The Domain Name System
3.4 Internet Addressing with Java
3.5 Summary
Chapter 4 Data Streams
4.1 Overview
4.2 How Streams Work
4.3 Filter Streams
4.4 Readers and Writers
4.5 Object Persistence and Object Serialization
4.6 Summary
Chapter 5 User Datagram Protocol
5.1 Overview
5.2 DatagramPacket Class
5.3 DatagramSocket Class
5.4 Listening for UDP Packets
5.5 Sending UDP Packets
5.6 User Datagram Protocol Example
5.7 Building a UDP Client/Server
5.8 Additional Information on UDP
5.9 Summary
Chapter 6 Transmission Control Protocol
6.1 Overview
6.2 TCP and the Client/Server Paradigm
6.3 TCP Sockets and Java
6.4 Socket Class
6.5 Creating a TCP Client
6.6 ServerSocket Class
6.7 Creating a TCP Server
6.8 Exception Handling:Socket Specific Exceptions
6.9 Summary
Chapter 7 Multi-threaded Applications
7.1 Overview
7.2 Multi-threading in Java
7.3 Synchronization
7.4 Interthread Communication
7.5 Thread Groups
7.6 Thread Groups
7.7 Summary
Chapter 8 Implementing Application Protocols
8.1 Overview
8.2 Application Protocol Specifications
8.3 Application Protocols Implementation
8.4 Summary
Chapter 9 HyperText Transfer Protocol
9.1 Overview
9.2 HTTP and Java
9.3 The Common Gateway Interface(CGI)
9.4 Summary
Chapter 10 Java Servlets
10.1 Overview
10.2 How Servlets Work
10.3 Using Servlets
10.4 Running Servlets
10.5 Writing a Simple Servlet
10.6 SingleThreadModel
10.7 ServletRequest and HttpServletRequest
10.8 ServletResponse and Http Response
10.9 ServletConfig
10.10 ServletContext
10.11 Servlet Exceptions
10.12 Cookies
10.13 HTTP Session Management in Servlets
10.14 Summary
Chapter 11 Remote Method Invocation(RMI)
11.1 Overview
11.2 How Does Remote Method Invocation Work?
11.3 Defining and RMI Service Interface
11.4 Implementing an RMI Service Interface
11.5 Creating Stub and Skeleton Classes
11.6 Creating an RMI Client
11.7 Creating an RMI Client
11.8 Running the RMI System
11.9 Remote Method Invocation Packages and Classes
11.10 Remote Method Invocation Deployment Issues
11.11 Using Remote Method Invocation to Implement Callbacks
11.12 Remote Object Activation
11.13 Summary
Chapter 12 Java IDL and CORBA
12.1 Overview
12.2 Architectural View of CORBA
12.3 Interface Definition Language(IDL)
12.4 From IDL to Java
12.5 Summary
Chapter 13 JavaMail
13.1 Overview
13.2 Installing the JavaMail API
13.3 Testing the JavaMail Installation
13.4 Working with the JavaMail API
13.5 Advanced Messaging with JavaMail
13.6 Summary