中国美德故事 进阶篇4林建宁暂缺简介...
第三只眼看中国3王新玲本系列图书基于“第三只眼看中国”全球短视频大赛获奖作品编写而成,从外国人看中国的独特视角,客观讲述外国人眼中中国与世界交往的时代故事,表达外国人心中对当代中国人与中国事的认知和看法,阐释外国人头脑中对中国改革与发展的理解和思考。 The "My China Story" book series is based on the prize-winning works of the Global Short Video Contest of the same name. Through their lenses, international friends present their unique perspectives of China in an objective way, telling stories of the country's interactions with the rest of the world. These stories show their understanding and care for contemporary China, its people, and the changes taking place in the country, and explaining their thoughts on China's reform and development.
孙氏养生太极拳关永年Taijiquan is part of the Chinese culture of health cultivation, which emphasizes the practice of both the mind and the body. While relaxing the body, Taijiquan also calms the mind. Practicing Taijiquan calls for tranquility of the mind and concentration which alleviate anxiety, fatigue and pressure. Since body and mind interpenetrate, Taijiquan, after a long time of practicing, gives practitioners, peace of mind, better health, and a more pleasant life.
中国美德故事 进阶篇3林建宁暂缺简介...
北京语言大学韵律语法20年韵律语法20年编写组 编暂缺简介...
新起点大学英语张文 张秀芳 主编《新起点大学英语综合教程》依据教育部制订的《大学英语教学指南》中“分类指导、因材施教”的原则精心编写,充分考虑艺体类专业学生入学水平、兴趣爱好、情感态度和认知规律,坚持以技能为主导、通识为共核、专业为依托的编写理念,旨在满足高校艺体类专业大学英语教学需求和学生个性化发展需要。《综合训练》配套《综合教程》使用:每册含8套单元测试题,2套期末综合测试题与《综合教程》契合度高,内容选择和练习设计紧扣各单元的主题和知识点,保证教学与练习同步进行,有利于知识的吸收和巩固。与《综合教程》的难易度保持一致,将教材学习、课内训练和学习检测等有机结合,做到边学边练,边练边测,有助于提高学习效率。参考全国大学英语四级考试题型,帮助学生为考试做好准备。