作者:Judith Butcher著
List of illustration
Preface to the first edition
Preface to the second edition
Preface to the third edition
1 Introduction
1.1 what copy-editing is
1.2 Typescripts:hard,electronic and camera-ready
2 Estimeates and specimen pages
2.1 briefing the designer
2.2 Marking the typescipt for an estimate
2.3 Specimen pages
3 Preparing the typescipt for typesetting
3.1 Various legal aspects
3.2 How much copy-editing to do
3.3 Writing to the author
3.4 Marking up the typescript
3.5 complete,self-explanatory copy
3.6 A well-organized and consistent book
3.7 copyright permissions and acknowledgements
3.8 Before passing the typescript on
3.9 Jacket and cover copy
4 Illustrations
4.1 What needs to be done
4.2 Line illustrations
4.3 Maps
4.4 Graphs
4.5 Halftones
5 Proofs
5.1 How to read proofs
5.2 How to mark corrections
5.3 Minimizing the correction cost
5.4 Allocating the cost of corrections
5.5 The author's corrected proof
5.6 Second proof
5.7 Camera-ready copy
5.8 Jacket or cover proof
5.9 After passing proofs for press
6 House style
7 Preliminary pages
8 Indexes
9 Other parts of a book
10 Biliographical references
11 Literary material
12 Multi-author and multi-volume works
13 Science and mathematics books
14 Other special subjects
15 Reprints and new editions
Preface to the first edition
Preface to the second edition
Preface to the third edition
1 Introduction
1.1 what copy-editing is
1.2 Typescripts:hard,electronic and camera-ready
2 Estimeates and specimen pages
2.1 briefing the designer
2.2 Marking the typescipt for an estimate
2.3 Specimen pages
3 Preparing the typescipt for typesetting
3.1 Various legal aspects
3.2 How much copy-editing to do
3.3 Writing to the author
3.4 Marking up the typescript
3.5 complete,self-explanatory copy
3.6 A well-organized and consistent book
3.7 copyright permissions and acknowledgements
3.8 Before passing the typescript on
3.9 Jacket and cover copy
4 Illustrations
4.1 What needs to be done
4.2 Line illustrations
4.3 Maps
4.4 Graphs
4.5 Halftones
5 Proofs
5.1 How to read proofs
5.2 How to mark corrections
5.3 Minimizing the correction cost
5.4 Allocating the cost of corrections
5.5 The author's corrected proof
5.6 Second proof
5.7 Camera-ready copy
5.8 Jacket or cover proof
5.9 After passing proofs for press
6 House style
7 Preliminary pages
8 Indexes
9 Other parts of a book
10 Biliographical references
11 Literary material
12 Multi-author and multi-volume works
13 Science and mathematics books
14 Other special subjects
15 Reprints and new editions