
作者:(英)Alister Burr著
Chapter I Introduction to modulation and coding
1.1 Role of modulation and coding
1.2 Performance parameters
1.3 Power- and bandwidth-efficient schemes
1.4 Advantages of advanced modulation and coding
1.5 Book outline
Chapter 2 Principles of linear modulation
Modulation principles and analytical tools
2.1.1 The complex baseband representation
2.1.2 The constellation diagram
2.1.3 Spectrum of modulated signal
2.1.4 Complex baseband representation of noise
2.1.5 The pulse superposition model
2.2 Linear and exponential modulation
2.3 Digital transmission fundamentals
2.3.1 Nyquist filtering
2.3.2 The matched filter
2.3.3 Nyquist and matched filtering in radio systems
2.4 Basic linear modulation schemes
2.4.1 BPSK
2.4.2 QPSK
2.5 Multilevel modulation schemes
2.5.1 M-PSK
2.5.2 QAM
2.5.3 Other constellations
2.6 System applications
2.6.1 Terrestrial microwave telecommunications
2.6.2 Satellite systems
2.6.3 Broadcast systems
2.6.4 Private mobile radio
Chapter 3 Modulation for non-linear systems
3.1 The effect of non-linear systems
3.2 Linear modulation schemes for non-linear channels
3.2.1 Performance of linear modulation on non-linear channels
3.2.2 Optimization of linear modulation for non-linear channels
3.3 Non-linear modulation
3.3.1 FSK
3.3.2 Optimum demodulation of FSK
3.3.3 MSK
3.3.4 Spectrum of MSK and other FSK schemes
3.3.5 M-FSK
3.3.6 Continuous phase modulation and GMSK
Chapter 4 Modem design
4.1 Modem architecture
4.2 Modulators
4.3 Coherent demodulators
4.4 Non-coherent demodulators
4.4.1 Envelope detector
4.4.2 Limiter-discriminator
4,4.3 Differential
4.4.4 Filter-envelope detector
4.5 Synchronization
4.5.1 Carrier recovery
4.5.2 The phase-locked loop
4.5.3 Symbol timing recovery
4.5.4 Effect of synchronization error
Chapter 5 Principles of FEC Coding
5.1 Rationale of error-control coding
5.2 Principles of FEC coding
5.3 Types of code
5.3.1 Radix
5.3.2 Block and convolutional codes
5.3,3 Systematic and non-systematic codes
5.3.4 Group codes
5.4 Bounds on the performance of a digital communication system
5.4.1 Information content
5.4.2 Shannon bound for the discrete channel
5.5 Geometric model
5.5.1 Geometric model of a code
5.5.2 Shannon bound for the continuous channel
5.6 Decoding
5.6.1 Hard decision decoding
5.6.2 Soft decision decoding
5.6.3 Log likelihood ratios
5.7 Performance of coded systems
Chapter 6 Cyclic block codes
6.1 Description of cyclic codes
6.1.1 Definition
6.1.2 Matrix representation
6.1.3 Polynomial representation
6.2 Encoding and decoding
6.2.1 Systematic and non-systematic encoding
6.2.2 Shift register implementation of encoder
6.2.3 Syndrome decoding
6.2.4 Error probability of hard decision syndrome decoding
6.3 Types of block code
6.3.1 Single parity check codes
6.3.2 Repetition codes
6.3.3 Hamming codes
6.3.4 Finite fields
6.3.5 BCH codes
6.3.6 Reed-Solomon codes
6.3.7 Reed-Muller codes
6.3.8 Extending and shortening codes
6.4 Soft decision decoding
6.4.1 Errors and erasures decoding
6.4.2 The Chase algorithm
6.4.3 Trellis decoding
6.5 System applications
6.5.1 Compact disks
6.5.2 Deep space communications
Chapter 7 Convolutional codes
7.1 Code structure and encoding
7.1.1 Encoder structure
7.1.2 Generator matrix and generator polynomials
7.1.3 Recursive-systematic form of encoder
7.2 Code representation
7.2.1 Tree diagram
7.2.2 Trellis diagram
7.2.3 Free distance
7.2.4 State diagram
7.3 Decoding
7.3.1 Viterbi decoding
7.3.2 Sequential decoding
7.3.3 Near MLSD
7.4 Performance
7.4.1 Error-event probability
7.4.2 Bit error probability BER
7.4.3 The transfer function
7.5 Punctured codes
7.6 System applications
7.6.1 GSM mobile radio system
7.6.2 Deep space communications
7.6.3 Digital Video Broadcast standard
Chapter 8 Coded modulation
8.1 Principles of coded modulation
8.1.1 Geometric principles of code design
8.1.2 Asymptotic coding gain
8.1.3 Set partitioning
6.1.4 Optimum constellation expansion
8.2 Trellis coded modulation TCM
8.2.1 Encoder structure
8.2.2 Decoding
8.2.3 CPM and TCM
8.3 Block coded modulation
8.3.1 Decoding
8.4 Multilevel coded modulation
8.4.1 Multistage decoding
8.4.2 Performance of multistage decoder
8,5 Lattice codes
8.6 System applications
8.6.1 Voiceband modems
Chapter 9 Modulation and coding on multipath channels
9.1 Multlpath and its effects
9.1.1 Multipath channel models
9.1.2 Power-delay profiles
9.1.3 Narrowband channels: fading
9.1.4 Wideband channels: dispersion
9.2 Multipath countermeasures
9.2.1 Fade countermeasures: diversity
9.2.2 Fade countermeasures: power control, frequency jumping'' and adaptive modulation
9.2.3 Dispersion countermeasures: linear equalization
9.2.4 Dispersion countermeasures: non-linear equalization
9.3 Coded systems on the multipatb channel
9.3.1 Fading in coded systems
9.3.2 Fading in coded modulation
9.3.3 Correlated fading and interleaving
9.3.4 Dispersion in coded systems
9.3.5 Equalization in coded systems
Chapter 10 OFDM
10.1 Description
10.2 Basic analysis
10.3 Effect of excess multipath delay and Doppler
10.4 Effects of multipath on coded and uncoded systems
10.5 Application of FEC coding
10.6 Equalization
10.7 Synchronization
10.8 Signal envelope
Chapter 11 Turbo-codes
11.1 Concatenated coding and array codes
11.2 Iterative decoding
11.3 The SISO decoder
11.4 Parallel-concatenated convolutional codes
11.6 Interleavers and distance spectra
11.6 Performance of turbo-codes
11.7 Turbo-coded modulation
11.8 ''Turbo-product codes'', and other applications of the ''turbo-principle~
Appendix I Finite field theory
A1.1 Finite fields
A1.2 BCH codes
A1.3 Reed-Solomon codes
A1.4 BCH decoding
Appendix 2 The MAP algorithm
A2.1 Principle of MAP algorithm
A2.2 Summary of algorithm
A2.3 The log-MAP algorithm
A2.4 The max-log-MAP algorithm
A2.5 The SOVA algorithm
1.1 Role of modulation and coding
1.2 Performance parameters
1.3 Power- and bandwidth-efficient schemes
1.4 Advantages of advanced modulation and coding
1.5 Book outline
Chapter 2 Principles of linear modulation
Modulation principles and analytical tools
2.1.1 The complex baseband representation
2.1.2 The constellation diagram
2.1.3 Spectrum of modulated signal
2.1.4 Complex baseband representation of noise
2.1.5 The pulse superposition model
2.2 Linear and exponential modulation
2.3 Digital transmission fundamentals
2.3.1 Nyquist filtering
2.3.2 The matched filter
2.3.3 Nyquist and matched filtering in radio systems
2.4 Basic linear modulation schemes
2.4.1 BPSK
2.4.2 QPSK
2.5 Multilevel modulation schemes
2.5.1 M-PSK
2.5.2 QAM
2.5.3 Other constellations
2.6 System applications
2.6.1 Terrestrial microwave telecommunications
2.6.2 Satellite systems
2.6.3 Broadcast systems
2.6.4 Private mobile radio
Chapter 3 Modulation for non-linear systems
3.1 The effect of non-linear systems
3.2 Linear modulation schemes for non-linear channels
3.2.1 Performance of linear modulation on non-linear channels
3.2.2 Optimization of linear modulation for non-linear channels
3.3 Non-linear modulation
3.3.1 FSK
3.3.2 Optimum demodulation of FSK
3.3.3 MSK
3.3.4 Spectrum of MSK and other FSK schemes
3.3.5 M-FSK
3.3.6 Continuous phase modulation and GMSK
Chapter 4 Modem design
4.1 Modem architecture
4.2 Modulators
4.3 Coherent demodulators
4.4 Non-coherent demodulators
4.4.1 Envelope detector
4.4.2 Limiter-discriminator
4,4.3 Differential
4.4.4 Filter-envelope detector
4.5 Synchronization
4.5.1 Carrier recovery
4.5.2 The phase-locked loop
4.5.3 Symbol timing recovery
4.5.4 Effect of synchronization error
Chapter 5 Principles of FEC Coding
5.1 Rationale of error-control coding
5.2 Principles of FEC coding
5.3 Types of code
5.3.1 Radix
5.3.2 Block and convolutional codes
5.3,3 Systematic and non-systematic codes
5.3.4 Group codes
5.4 Bounds on the performance of a digital communication system
5.4.1 Information content
5.4.2 Shannon bound for the discrete channel
5.5 Geometric model
5.5.1 Geometric model of a code
5.5.2 Shannon bound for the continuous channel
5.6 Decoding
5.6.1 Hard decision decoding
5.6.2 Soft decision decoding
5.6.3 Log likelihood ratios
5.7 Performance of coded systems
Chapter 6 Cyclic block codes
6.1 Description of cyclic codes
6.1.1 Definition
6.1.2 Matrix representation
6.1.3 Polynomial representation
6.2 Encoding and decoding
6.2.1 Systematic and non-systematic encoding
6.2.2 Shift register implementation of encoder
6.2.3 Syndrome decoding
6.2.4 Error probability of hard decision syndrome decoding
6.3 Types of block code
6.3.1 Single parity check codes
6.3.2 Repetition codes
6.3.3 Hamming codes
6.3.4 Finite fields
6.3.5 BCH codes
6.3.6 Reed-Solomon codes
6.3.7 Reed-Muller codes
6.3.8 Extending and shortening codes
6.4 Soft decision decoding
6.4.1 Errors and erasures decoding
6.4.2 The Chase algorithm
6.4.3 Trellis decoding
6.5 System applications
6.5.1 Compact disks
6.5.2 Deep space communications
Chapter 7 Convolutional codes
7.1 Code structure and encoding
7.1.1 Encoder structure
7.1.2 Generator matrix and generator polynomials
7.1.3 Recursive-systematic form of encoder
7.2 Code representation
7.2.1 Tree diagram
7.2.2 Trellis diagram
7.2.3 Free distance
7.2.4 State diagram
7.3 Decoding
7.3.1 Viterbi decoding
7.3.2 Sequential decoding
7.3.3 Near MLSD
7.4 Performance
7.4.1 Error-event probability
7.4.2 Bit error probability BER
7.4.3 The transfer function
7.5 Punctured codes
7.6 System applications
7.6.1 GSM mobile radio system
7.6.2 Deep space communications
7.6.3 Digital Video Broadcast standard
Chapter 8 Coded modulation
8.1 Principles of coded modulation
8.1.1 Geometric principles of code design
8.1.2 Asymptotic coding gain
8.1.3 Set partitioning
6.1.4 Optimum constellation expansion
8.2 Trellis coded modulation TCM
8.2.1 Encoder structure
8.2.2 Decoding
8.2.3 CPM and TCM
8.3 Block coded modulation
8.3.1 Decoding
8.4 Multilevel coded modulation
8.4.1 Multistage decoding
8.4.2 Performance of multistage decoder
8,5 Lattice codes
8.6 System applications
8.6.1 Voiceband modems
Chapter 9 Modulation and coding on multipath channels
9.1 Multlpath and its effects
9.1.1 Multipath channel models
9.1.2 Power-delay profiles
9.1.3 Narrowband channels: fading
9.1.4 Wideband channels: dispersion
9.2 Multipath countermeasures
9.2.1 Fade countermeasures: diversity
9.2.2 Fade countermeasures: power control, frequency jumping'' and adaptive modulation
9.2.3 Dispersion countermeasures: linear equalization
9.2.4 Dispersion countermeasures: non-linear equalization
9.3 Coded systems on the multipatb channel
9.3.1 Fading in coded systems
9.3.2 Fading in coded modulation
9.3.3 Correlated fading and interleaving
9.3.4 Dispersion in coded systems
9.3.5 Equalization in coded systems
Chapter 10 OFDM
10.1 Description
10.2 Basic analysis
10.3 Effect of excess multipath delay and Doppler
10.4 Effects of multipath on coded and uncoded systems
10.5 Application of FEC coding
10.6 Equalization
10.7 Synchronization
10.8 Signal envelope
Chapter 11 Turbo-codes
11.1 Concatenated coding and array codes
11.2 Iterative decoding
11.3 The SISO decoder
11.4 Parallel-concatenated convolutional codes
11.6 Interleavers and distance spectra
11.6 Performance of turbo-codes
11.7 Turbo-coded modulation
11.8 ''Turbo-product codes'', and other applications of the ''turbo-principle~
Appendix I Finite field theory
A1.1 Finite fields
A1.2 BCH codes
A1.3 Reed-Solomon codes
A1.4 BCH decoding
Appendix 2 The MAP algorithm
A2.1 Principle of MAP algorithm
A2.2 Summary of algorithm
A2.3 The log-MAP algorithm
A2.4 The max-log-MAP algorithm
A2.5 The SOVA algorithm