作者:(美)Andrew W. Appel,(美)With Jens Palsberg著
本书阐述了编译程序的各个方面:词法分析,句法分析,抽象语法,语义行为,中间件表示,通过树匹配实现的指令选择,数据流分析,配色图寄存器分配和运行系统。书中内容较好地涵盖了代码生成和寄存器分配的新技术,还包括功能型程序设计语言与面向对象程序设计语言编译。当前广为接受且成功运用的技术在书中被简要描述,而非罗列所有可能变量的清单。对编译程序模块接口的详细描述以真正Java类的形式说明。本书第一部分“编译基础知识”适用于为时一学期的编译程序初期课程。第二部分“高级论题”包括:面向对象与功能型程序设计语言编译,无用存储单元收集,循环优化,静态单任务形式,指令调度和缓存–内存优先级优化,这部分内容可作为编译程序第二学期或研究生课程讲授。此新版在原版基础上大幅度改写,更多地包含Java和面向对象程序设计概念。独特之处在于提供了以Java语言重新编写的Java本身子集的编译程序项目。此项目包括前端和后端设计阶段,使学生得以在一学期内构建一个完整的可运行编译程序。本书适用于高等院校计算机专业Java程序设计语言、编译程序类课程。作者简介:Adrew W.Appel is Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University.He has done research and published papers on compilers,functional programming languages,runtime systems and garbage collection,type systems,and computersecurity;he is also author of the book Compiling with Continuations.Jens Palsberg is Associate Professor of Computer Science at Pureue University.His research are programming languages,compilers,software engineering,and information security.He has authored more than 50 technical papers in these areas and a book with Michael Schwartzbach,Object-oriented Type Systems.
Part I Fundamentals of Compilation
1 Introduction
1.1 Modules and interfaces
1.2 Tools and software
1.3 Data structures for tree languages
2 Lexical Analysis
2.1 Lexical tokens
2.2 Regular expressions
2.3 Finite automata
2.4 Nondeterministic finite automata
2.5 Lexical-analyzer generators
3 Parsing
3.1 Context-free grammars
3.2 Predictive parsing
3.3 LR parsing
3.4 Using parser generators
3.5 Error recovery
4 Abstract Syntax
4.1 Semantic actions
4.2 Abstract parse trees
4.3 Visitors
5 Semantic Analysis
5.1 Symbol tables
5.2 Type-checking MiniJava
6 Activation Records
6.1 Stack frames
6.2 Frames in the MiniJava compiler
7 Translation to Intermediate Code
7.1 Intermediate representation trees
7.2 Translation into trees
7.3 Declarations
8 Basic Blocks and Traces
8.1 Canonical trees
8.2 Taming conditional branches
9 Instruction Selection
9.1 Algorithms for instruction selection
9.2 CISC machines
9.3 Instruction selection for the MiniJava compiler
10 Liveness Analysis
10.1 Solution of dataflow equations
10.2 Liveness in the Mini Java compiler
11 Register Allocation
11.1 Coloring by simplification
11.2 Coalescing
11.3 Precolored nodes
11.4 Graph-coloring implementation
11.5 Register allocation for trees
12 Putting It All Together
Part II Advanced Topics
13 Garbage Collection
13.1 Mark-and-sweep collection
13.2 Reference counts
13.3 Copying collection
13.4 Generational collection
13.5 Incremental collection
13.6 Baker's algorithm
13.7 Interface to the compiler
14 Object-Oriented Languages
14.1 Class extension
14.2 Single inheritance of data fields
14.3 Multiple inheritance
14.4 Testing class membership
14.5 Private fields and methods
14.6 Classless languages
14.7 Optimizing object-oriented programs
15 Functional Programming Languages
15.1 A simple functional language
15.2 Closures
15.3 Immutable variables
15.4 Inline expansion
15.5 Closure conversion
15.6 Efficient tall recursion
15.7 Lazy evaluation
16 Polymorphic Types
16.1 Parametric polymorphism
16.2 Polymorphic type-checking
16.3 Translation of polymorphic programs
16.4 Resolution of static overloading
17 Dataflow Analysis
17.1 Intermediate representation for flow analysis
17.2 Various dataflow analyses
17.3 Transformations using dataflow analysis
17.4 Speeding up dataflow analysis
17.5 Alias analysis
18 Loop Optimizations
18.1 Dominators
18.2 Loop-invariant computations
18.3 Induction variables
18.4 Array-bounds checks
18.5 Loop unrolling
19 Static Single-Assignment Form
19.1 Converting to SSA form
19.2 Efficient computation of the dominator tree
19.3 Optimization algorithms using SSA
19.4 Arrays, pointers, and memory
19.5 The control-dependence graph
19.6 Converting back from SSA form
19.7 A functional intermediate form
20 Pipelining and Scheduling
20.1 Loop scheduling without resource bounds
20.2 Resource-bounded loop pipelining
20.3 Branch prediction
21 The Memory Hierarchy
21.1 Cache organization
21.2 Cache-block alignment
21.3 Prefetching
21.4 Loop interchange
21.5 Blocking
21.6 Garbage collection and the memory hierarchy
Appendix: Mini Java Language Reference Manual
A.1 Lexical Issues
A.2 Grammar
A.3 Sample Program
Part I Fundamentals of Compilation
1 Introduction
1.1 Modules and interfaces
1.2 Tools and software
1.3 Data structures for tree languages
2 Lexical Analysis
2.1 Lexical tokens
2.2 Regular expressions
2.3 Finite automata
2.4 Nondeterministic finite automata
2.5 Lexical-analyzer generators
3 Parsing
3.1 Context-free grammars
3.2 Predictive parsing
3.3 LR parsing
3.4 Using parser generators
3.5 Error recovery
4 Abstract Syntax
4.1 Semantic actions
4.2 Abstract parse trees
4.3 Visitors
5 Semantic Analysis
5.1 Symbol tables
5.2 Type-checking MiniJava
6 Activation Records
6.1 Stack frames
6.2 Frames in the MiniJava compiler
7 Translation to Intermediate Code
7.1 Intermediate representation trees
7.2 Translation into trees
7.3 Declarations
8 Basic Blocks and Traces
8.1 Canonical trees
8.2 Taming conditional branches
9 Instruction Selection
9.1 Algorithms for instruction selection
9.2 CISC machines
9.3 Instruction selection for the MiniJava compiler
10 Liveness Analysis
10.1 Solution of dataflow equations
10.2 Liveness in the Mini Java compiler
11 Register Allocation
11.1 Coloring by simplification
11.2 Coalescing
11.3 Precolored nodes
11.4 Graph-coloring implementation
11.5 Register allocation for trees
12 Putting It All Together
Part II Advanced Topics
13 Garbage Collection
13.1 Mark-and-sweep collection
13.2 Reference counts
13.3 Copying collection
13.4 Generational collection
13.5 Incremental collection
13.6 Baker's algorithm
13.7 Interface to the compiler
14 Object-Oriented Languages
14.1 Class extension
14.2 Single inheritance of data fields
14.3 Multiple inheritance
14.4 Testing class membership
14.5 Private fields and methods
14.6 Classless languages
14.7 Optimizing object-oriented programs
15 Functional Programming Languages
15.1 A simple functional language
15.2 Closures
15.3 Immutable variables
15.4 Inline expansion
15.5 Closure conversion
15.6 Efficient tall recursion
15.7 Lazy evaluation
16 Polymorphic Types
16.1 Parametric polymorphism
16.2 Polymorphic type-checking
16.3 Translation of polymorphic programs
16.4 Resolution of static overloading
17 Dataflow Analysis
17.1 Intermediate representation for flow analysis
17.2 Various dataflow analyses
17.3 Transformations using dataflow analysis
17.4 Speeding up dataflow analysis
17.5 Alias analysis
18 Loop Optimizations
18.1 Dominators
18.2 Loop-invariant computations
18.3 Induction variables
18.4 Array-bounds checks
18.5 Loop unrolling
19 Static Single-Assignment Form
19.1 Converting to SSA form
19.2 Efficient computation of the dominator tree
19.3 Optimization algorithms using SSA
19.4 Arrays, pointers, and memory
19.5 The control-dependence graph
19.6 Converting back from SSA form
19.7 A functional intermediate form
20 Pipelining and Scheduling
20.1 Loop scheduling without resource bounds
20.2 Resource-bounded loop pipelining
20.3 Branch prediction
21 The Memory Hierarchy
21.1 Cache organization
21.2 Cache-block alignment
21.3 Prefetching
21.4 Loop interchange
21.5 Blocking
21.6 Garbage collection and the memory hierarchy
Appendix: Mini Java Language Reference Manual
A.1 Lexical Issues
A.2 Grammar
A.3 Sample Program