作者:(美)史迪威(Joseph W.Stilwell)著
The China Society for People's Friendship Studies (PFS) in coopera- tion with the Foreign Languages Press (FLP) in Beijing has arrangedfor re-publication, in the series entitled Light on China, of some fifty bookswritten in English between the 1860s and the founding years of the People'sRepublic, by journalistic and other sympathetic eyewitnesses of the revo-lutionary events described. Most of these books have long been out of print,but are now being brought back to life for the benefit of readers in Chinaand abroad.《中国之光》丛书共五十二册,由众多国际友好人士、外国观察家、外国新闻工作者用英文撰写,包括各种历史著作、人物传记、日记和新闻报道集等,曾经在世界各地出版。从十九世纪中叶到中华人民共和国建国50多年来,中国发生了一系列重大历史变革。丛书收录的作品多是由亲身经历过中国近现代史的外国人所记录的珍贵史料,他们作为同情中国革命的历史见证人,作为有良知的公正的新闻工作者,从各个不同的角度展现出一百多年来中国社会的巨大变迁。 这套丛书不但对史沫特莱、路易·艾黎、爱泼斯坦、海伦·斯诺等著名国际友人的重要著作进行了收录再版,对其它一些年代久远,甚至已经绝版的珍贵著作,也进行再版以飨读者。如林利所著的《太平天国》,是研究十九世纪中国社会情况和太平天国运动兴衰的重要史料,也是第一部外国人撰写的太平天国史,是一部极为重要的历史著作。另外像约翰·谢伟斯二战时期的著名报告《在中国失掉的机会》,约瑟夫·史迪威将军的《史迪威日记》等著作长期以来一直被看作为数不多的客观反映中国内战真实面貌的权威资料。
Foreword by Winifred A.Stilwell
Introduction by Theodore H.White
CHAPTER 1 The Old Sinkin Feeling:December,1941
CHAPTER 2 This Was Washington:JanuaryFebruary,1942
CHAPTER 3 Disater in Burma:MarchMay,1942
CHAPTER 4 Let's Go Back to Burma:Summer,1942
CHAPTER 5 As You Were:Autumm,1942
CHAPTER 6 The Battle of the Mud:Spring and Summer,1943
CHAPTER 7 The Ladies Lend a Hand:Autumn,1943
CHAPTER 8 Mr.Roosevelt Cleras Things up:Cairo,1943
CHAPTER 9 “Up the River,over the Hogback”Victory in Burma,1944
CHAPTER 10 Chinag K'ai-shek and His Government
CHAPTER 11 Relieffrom Command:October,1944
Afterword by Winifred A.Stilwell
Introduction by Theodore H.White
CHAPTER 1 The Old Sinkin Feeling:December,1941
CHAPTER 2 This Was Washington:JanuaryFebruary,1942
CHAPTER 3 Disater in Burma:MarchMay,1942
CHAPTER 4 Let's Go Back to Burma:Summer,1942
CHAPTER 5 As You Were:Autumm,1942
CHAPTER 6 The Battle of the Mud:Spring and Summer,1943
CHAPTER 7 The Ladies Lend a Hand:Autumn,1943
CHAPTER 8 Mr.Roosevelt Cleras Things up:Cairo,1943
CHAPTER 9 “Up the River,over the Hogback”Victory in Burma,1944
CHAPTER 10 Chinag K'ai-shek and His Government
CHAPTER 11 Relieffrom Command:October,1944
Afterword by Winifred A.Stilwell