作者:(美)Matthew H.Austern著
Matthew H·Austern:拥有博士学位,曾于MIT和UC Berkeley做研究。现任职于Silicon Graphics编译器团队,是SGI STL的主要作者。他是Dr.Dobbs Journal和C++Report两本刊物的撰稿人,并主持newsgroup comp.std.c++,同时也是ISO/ANSI C++标准委员会的一位活跃成员。
Part I Introduction to Generic Programming
Chapter 1 A Tour of the STL
1.1 A Simple Example
1.2 Summary
Chapter 2 Algorithms and Ranges
2.1 Linear Search
2.1.1 Linear Search tn C
2.1.2 Ranges
2.1.3 Linear Search in C++
2.2 Concepts and Modeling
2.3 Iterators
2.3.1 Input Iterators
2.3.2 Output Iterators
2.3.3 Forward Iterators
2.3.4 Bidirectional Iterators
2.3.5 Random Access Iterators
2.4 Refinement
2.5 Summary
Chapter 3 More about Iterators
3.1 Iterator Traits and Associated Types
3.1.1 Value Types
3.1.2 Difference Type
3.1.3 Reference and Pointer Types
3.1.4 Dispatching Algorithms and Iterator Tags
3.1.5 Putting It All Together
3.1.6 Iterator Traits without iterator_traits
3.2 Defining New Components
3.2.1 Iterator Adaptors
3.2.2 Advice for Defining an Iterator
3.2.3 Advice for Defining an Algorithm
3.3 Summary
Chapter 4 Function Objects
4.1 Generalizing Linear Search
4.2 Function Object Concepts
4.2.1 Unary and Binary Function Objects
4.2.2 Predicates and Binary Predicates
4.2.3 Associated Types
4.3 Function Object Adaptors
4.4 Predefined Function Objects
4.5 Summary
Chapter 5 Containers
5.1 A Simple Container
5.1.1 An Array Class
5.1.2 How It Works
5.1.3 Finishing Touches
5.2 Container Concepts
5.2.1 Containment of Elements
5.2.2 Iterators
5.2.3 The Hierarchy of Containers
5.2.4 The Trivial Container
5.3 Variable Size Container Concepts
5.3.1 Sequences
5.3.2 Associative Containers
5.3.3 Allocators
5.4 Summary
5.4.1 Which Container Should You Use?
5.4.2 Defining Your Own Container
Part II Reference Manual: STL Concepts
Chapter 6 Basic Concepts
6.1 Assignable
6.2 Default Constructible
6.3 Equality Comparable
6.4 Ordering
6.4.1 LessThan Comparable
6.4.2 Strict Weakly Comparable
Chapter 7 Iterators
7.1 Trivial Iterator
7.2 Input Iterator
7.3 Output Iterator
7.4 Forward Iterator
7.5 Bidirectional Iterator
7.6 Random Access Iterator
Chapter 8 Function Objects
B.1 Basic Function Objects
8.1.1 Generator
8.1.2 Unary Function
8.1.3 Binary Function
8.2 Adaptable Function Objects
8.2.1 Adaptable Generator
8.2.2 Adaptable Unary Function
8.2.3 Adaptable Binary Function
8.3 Predicates
8.3.1 Predicate
8.3.2 Binary Predicate
8.3.3 Adaptable Predicate
8.3.4 Adaptable Binary Predicate
8.3.5 Strict Weak Ordering
8.4. Specialized Concepts
8.4.1 Random Number Generator
8.4.2 Hash Function
Chapter 9 Containers
9.1 General Container Concepts
9.1.1 Container
9.1.2 Forward Container
9.1.3 Reversible Container
9.1.4 Random Access Container
9.2 Sequences
9.2.1 Sequence
9.2.2 Front Insertion Sequence
9.2.3 Back Insertion Sequence
9.3 Associative Containers
9.3.1 Associative Container
9.3.2 Unique Associative Container
9.3.3 Multiple Associative Container
9.3.4 Simple Associative Container
9.3.5 Pair Associative Container
9.3.6 Sorted Associative Container
9.3.7 Hashed Associative Container
9.4 Allocator
Part III Reference Manual: Algorithms and Classes
Chapter 10 Basic Components
10.1 pair
10.2 Iterator Primitives
10.2.1 iterator_traits
10.2.2 Iterator Tag Classes
10.2.3 distance
10.2.4 advance
10.2.5 Iterator Base Class
10.3 allocator
10.4 Memory Management Primitives
10.4.1 construct
10.4.2 destroy
10.4.3 uninitialized_copy
10.4.4 uninitialized_fill
10.4.5 uninitialized_fill_n
10.5 Temporary Buffers
10.5.1 get_temporary_buffer
10.5.2 return_temporary_buffer
Chapter 11 Nonmutating Algorithms
11.1 Linear Search
11.1.1 find
11.1.2 find_if
11.1.3 adjacent_find
11.1.4 find_first_of
11.2 Subsequence Matching
11.2.1 search
11.2.2 find_end
11.2.3 search_n
11.3 Counting Elements
11.3.1 count
11.3.2 count_if
11.4 for_each
11.5 Comparing Two Ranges
11.5.1 equal
11.5.2 mismatch
11.5.3 lexicographical_compare
11.6 Minimum and Maximum
11.6.1 rain
11.6.2 max
11.6.3 rain_element
11.6.4 max_element
Chapter 12 Basic Mutating Algorithms
12.1 Copying Ranges
12.1.1 copy
12.1.2 copy_backward
12.2 Swapping Elements
12.2.1 swap
12.2.2 iter_swap
12.2.3 swap_ranges
12.3 transform
12.4 Replacing Elements
12.4.1 replace
12.4.2 replace_if
12.4.3 replace_copy
12.4.4 replace_copy_if
12.5 Filling Ranges
12.5.1 fill
12.5.2 fill_n
12.5.3 generate
12.5.4 generate_n
12.6 Removing Elements
12.6.1 remove
12.6.2 remove_if
12.6.3 remove_copy
12.6.4 remove_copy_if
12.6.5 unique
12.6.6 unique_copy
12.7 Permuting Algorithms
12.7.1 reverse
12.7.2 reverse_copy
12.7.3 rotate
12.7.4 rotate_copy
12.7.5 next_permutation
12.7.6 prev_permutation
12.8 Partitions
12.8.1 partition
12.8.2 stable_partition
12.9 Random Shuffling and Sampling
12.9.1 random_shuffle
12.9.2 random_sample
12.9.3 random_sample_n
12.10 Generalized Numeric Algorithms
12.10.1 accumulate
12.10.2 inner_product
12.10.3 partial_sum
12.10.4 adjacent_difference
Chapter 13 Sorting and Searching
13.1 Sorting Ranges
13.1.1 sort
13.1.2 stable_sort
13.1.3 partial_sort
13.1.4 partial_sort_copy
13.1.5 nth_element
13.1.6 is_sorted
13.2 Operations on Sorted Ranges
13.2.1 Binary Search binary_search lower_bound upper_bound equal_range
13.2.2 Merging Two Sorted Ranges merge inplace_merge
13.2.3 Set Operations on Sorted Ranges includes set_union set_intersection set_difference set_symmetric_difference
13.3 Heap Operations
13.3.1 make_heap
13.3.2 push_heap
13.3.3 pop_heap
13.3.4 sort_heap
13.3.5 is_heap
Chapter 14 Iterator Classes
14.1 Insert Iterators
14.1.1 front_insert_iterator
14.1.2 back_insert_iterator
14.1.3 insert_iterator
14.2 Stream Iterators
14.2.1 istream_iterator
14.2.2 ostream_iterator
14.2.3 istreambuf_iterator
14.2.4 ostreambuf_iterator
14.3 reverse_iterator
14.4 raw_storage_iterator
Chapter 15 Function Object Classes
15.1 Function Object Base Classes
15.1.1 unary_function
15.1.2 binary_function
15.2 Arithmetic Operations
15.2.1 plus
15.2.2 minus
15.2.3 multiplies
15.2.4 divides
15.2.5 modulus
15.2.6 negate
15.3 Comparisons
15.3.1 equal_to
15.3.2 not_equal_to
15.3.3 less
15.3.4 greater
15.3.5 less_equal
15.3.6 greater_equal
15.4 Logical Operations
15.4.1 logical_and
15.4.2 logical_or
15.4.3 logical_not
15.5 Identity and Projection
15.5.1 identity
15.5.2 project1st
15.5.3 project2nd
15.5.4 select1st
15.5.5 select2nd
15.6 Specialized Function Objects
15.6.1 hash
15.6.2 subtractive_rng
15.7 Member Function Adaptors
15.7.1 mem_fun_t
15.7.2 mem_fun_ref_t
15.7.3 mem_fun1_t
15.7.4 mem_fun1_ref_t
15.7.5 const_mem_fun_t
15.7.6 const_mem_fun_ref_t
15.7.7 const_mem_fun1_t
15.7.8 const_mem_fun1_ref_t
15.8 Other Adaptors
15.8.1 binder1st
15.8.2 binder2nd
15.8.3 pointer_to_unary_function
15.8.4 pointer_to_binary_function
15.8.5 unary_negate
15.8.6 binary_negate
15.8.7 unary_compose
15.8.8 binary_compose
Chapter 16 Container Classes
16.1 Sequences
16.1.1 vector
16.1.2 list
16.1.3 slist
16.1.4 deque
16.2 Associative Containers
16.2.1 set
16.2.2 map
16.2.3 multiset
16.2.4 multimap
16.2.5 hash_set
16.2.6 hash_map
16.2.7 hash_multiset
16.2.8 hash_multimap
16.3 Container Adaptors
16.3.1 stack
16.3.2 queue
16.3.3 priority_queue
Appendix A Portability and Standardization
A. 1 Language Changes
A.1.1 The Template Compilation Model
A.1.2 Default Template Parameters
A.1.3 Member Templates
A.1.4 Partial Specialization
A.1.5 New Keywords
A.2 Library Changes
A.2.1 Allocators
A.2.2 Container Adaptors
A.2.3 Minor Library Changes
A.3 Naming and Packaging