地中海烹饪本社 编Mozzarella, pesto, Parma ham and balsamic vinegar: Italian products and recipes still enjoy top ranking in the world, equal to no other cuisine. This is for good reason, for la cucina italiana is very healthy, tasty, and easy to master by any cook -beginner or experienced.The 11 Italian master chefs of this book have brought together a very exciting selection of regional recipes and personal creations: a delicious lasagne enhanced with arugula,spaghetti with fresh langoustines, salmon trout with orange sauce, aromatic lamb Abruzzi style, or delicious truffle dishes from the Marche region. Here, every Italian region comes into its own, with the very best that the cuisine has to offer. The detailed step-by-step instructions enable trouble-free and successful preparation of even complicated recipes:the only thing that remains is to wish you and your guests "buon appetito"!
地中海的烹饪风格本社 编Landscapes of legendary beauty and unchanged nature, crystal clear waters, with the southern sun shining overhead: this truly is paradise on earth and is found on Mediterranean islands. But what would oaradise be without the delights prepared so lovingly on the isles of Crete, Corsica, Sardinia, Malta and the Balearics? Freshly harvested fruit and vegetables, fish, seafood and meat are transformed into sun-rich delicacies using traditional family recipes, with wonderfu results to be enjoyed by guests everywhere.In this book, eleven master chefs present some of their favorite recioes, ranging from clever appetizers through main dishes that are typica of the various regions, to seductive desserts: fish soup from Bastia, Corsican cheese crenes, veal schnitzel with eggplant, or maybe a wonderful Parmesan ice cream with cookies ...?The recipes are of vanous levels of difficulty, and each one includes detailed step-by-step instructions for readers to follow, along with information on cooking times and methods making preparing a perfect menu child's play!
简单烹饪的艺术[加] 艾丽丝·沃特斯本书是写给那些想渴望学习烹饪、精进厨艺的人。全书分为上下两篇,在上篇中,艾丽丝·沃特斯如一位老友一般,将自己数十年来积累的烹饪秘诀和饮食态度向读者一一道来:怎样选择新鲜食材,怎样储备食品,如何决定菜单,各类食材的烹饪技巧以及经典食谱的烹饪原理。下篇则按照食材分类,详细讲解了充满法国南部、意大利风情的250道食谱。书中收录的烹饪要诀和所有食谱都传达着艾丽丝· 沃特斯的饮食哲学——以简单的方法烹煮新鲜应季的本地有机食材,体现食物的天然美味。
跟大廚煮Pasta傅季馨 编著暂缺简介...
原來法國菜很XL陸以心 著來一場紙上法國食色玩樂之旅素黑、彭浩翔特別推薦離開26攝氏度冷氣房走進- 4℃百年巴黎閣樓丟下沒有四季的擁擠都市出走白雪紛飛的第戎古城忘記Low-fat輕盈套餐擁抱分量eXtra Large法國美食素黑:食物背後要有故事,才有真味道。陸以心的法國菜是她口裡心裡骨子裡的情感歷史。蘸染浪蕩色香味的餘溫。說她是懂得替旅行調味,替故事調情的新生代漫遊作家,一點都不過分。彭浩翔:喜歡陸以心的文字,主要原因是小妮子一向夠坦白,大膽披露其感情內心世界,滿足如我這類中年瞥伯窺探少女心事的慾望。看著這書,你根本不用花力氣去想,來這裡幹什麼?你就放鬆自己,讓她牽著你的手,把你四處拉著跑呀跑,逛呀逛,自然有著一份自得其樂的快感。
火辣咖喱梁燕 编著暂缺简介...
和風素食精進料理小松本太太Coco 著暂缺简介...
味即道高成鸢 著民以食为天。几千年来,国人饮食旧习缘何而成?山珍海味在前,为何仍钟情于白米饭?为何爱自找麻烦嘬鸡爪鸭头?味是鼻子嗅的还是舌头尝的?菜为何又是蔬菜,又是荤食菜肴?周公一饭三吐哺,为何不吞下去?不懂咂汤便享受不到真味?口感、味道有何不同?中西餐为何有水火之别……中餐演进过程的漫长曲折,华人美食现象的光怪陆离,都是怎么形成的?作者针对食之“天问”达上百个,每问皆给出了自圆其说的解答。本书跨文化、跨领域、跨体裁,将奇趣随笔与学术考据相结合,全新展示了中华饮食文化源远流长的缤纷现象、历史脉络、独特内涵。
吃相余斌 著关注吃,即是关注生活与世相。作者久居南方,善写旧时日常饮食。本书描摹以江南为主的各色美食、市井风味,从蟹、虾、鱼、肥肉、锅贴、层层脆,到四色糖、糕团、慈姑、麦乳精、烘山芋等,兼及中外饮食异同,读来令人生津或莞尔,其间民俗、旧事、记忆、温情,余韵隽永,引领读者细品一方水土一方人,更可从中窥见时代变迁、世相百态。