“地图上的中国”系列图书利用地图作为讲述中国故事的载体,通过地图搭载丰富的中国历史文化、自然地理、当代发展等内容,同时在纸质图书基础上开发可视听化的电子读物,达成融合传播效果,帮助广大海内外读者更好地了解中国。本书分文化遗产、文化景观遗产、自然遗产、文化与自然双重遗产四大部分,对中国的56处世界遗产逐一进行了介绍。这些世界遗产集中展现了中国美丽的自然、悠久的历史和灿烂的文化,为中外读者更深入地了解中国打开了一扇窗口。全书图文并茂,在有限的篇幅内很好地呈现了中国的世界遗产的独特魅力。The China on the Map series uses the map as a carrier to tell stories about China. China’s history, culture, geography and contemporary development are illustrated through the map. Also, electronic A/V books are developed based on their paper counterparts to achieve integrated communication and help readers at home and abroad better understand China.World heritage sites in China reflect the vicissitudes the vast nation has undergone, unique spiritual value, way of thinking and imagination, and embody the vitality and creativity of the Chinese nation. They are the crystallization of the hard work and wisdom of the entire nation, and also a gem of human civilization.