







电力英语听力(2) Chapter 1
Listening Comprehension Exercises电力英语听力 3 Unit 1
Thermal Electric Power火力发电 3 Lesson 1
General/Brief Introduction of Thermal Power Plants火力发电厂简介 3 Lesson 2
Major Features of Thermal Power Plant火电厂主要特点 5 Lesson 3
Basic Knowledge of Thermal Energy火电厂基本生产流程 8 Lesson 4
General Requirements of Constructing a Thermal Power Plant 建造火电厂一般应具备的条件 10 Lesson 5
The Production Process of a Thermal Power Plant 火电厂生产流程 13 Lesson 6
Energy Transfer Process in a Thermal Power Plant 火电厂的能量转换过程 16 Lesson 7
Major Production Systems of A Thermal Power Plant 火电厂主要生产系统 18 Lesson 8
Power Plant Boilers电厂锅炉 20 Unit 2
Nuclear Electric Power核能发电 22 Lesson 1
Fusion聚变 22 Lesson 2
Fluid-fueled Reactors液体燃料反应堆 25 Lesson 3
Gas-cooled Reactor Power Plants气冷反应堆电站 27 Lesson 4
Liquid-cooled Reactor Power Plants液体冷却反应堆电站 29 Lesson 5
Other Types of Fission Plants其他类型的裂变电站 32 Lesson 6
The Nuclear Fuel Cycle核燃料循环 34 Lesson 7
Waste Disposal and Transport of Spent Fuel 核废物处理和废燃料的运送 36 Lesson 8
Nuclear Power Plant Accidents核电站事故 38 Lesson 9
Generation IV Nuclear Power System第四代核能系统 41 Unit 3
Hydroelectric Power水力发电 43 Lesson 1
Desirable Feature of Hydro-plant水电厂的理想特征 43 Lesson 2
Turbines水轮机 46 Lesson 3
Hydroelectric Power Stations (I)水力发电站(I) 49 Lesson 4
Hydroelectric Power Stations(II)水力发电站(2) 52 Lesson 5
The Three Gorges Project长江三峡工程 55 Lesson 6
The Project Benefits—Power Generation, Navigation, and Other Benefits 三峡工程效益——发电、航运及其他 58 Unit 4
Other Energy Sources其他能源 61 Lesson 1
Wind Energy (I)风能(1) 61 Lesson 2
Wind Energy (II)风能(2) 63 Lesson 3
Waste Power Generation垃圾发电 65 Lesson 4
Biogas沼气 67 Lesson 5
Solar Energy太阳能 70 Lesson 6
Photovoltaic Power Generation光电能源发电 72 Chapter 2
Key to Listening Comprehension Exercises听力练习参考答案 74 Unit 1
Thermal Electric Power火力发电 74 Unit 2
Nuclear Electric Power核能发电 80 Unit 3
Hydro-electric Power水力发电 84 Unit 4
Other Energy Resources其他能源 88 Chapter 3
Tape Scripts of All the Listening Materials听力录音文稿 92 Unit 1
Thermal Electric Power火力发电 92 Unit 2
Nuclear Electric Power核能发电 102 Unit 3
Hydro-electric Power水力发电 115 Unit 4
Other Energy Resources其他能源 126 第5册
电力英语写作 Part 1
Expository Writing 139 Chapter 1
Description 139 Chapter 2
Comparison 149 Chapter 3
Classification 154 Chapter 4
Definition 159 Part 2
Technical Writing for Electric Power Industry 165 Chapter 5
Technical Reports 165 Chapter 6
Proposals 171 Chapter 7
Progress Reports 187 Chapter 8
Test report 195 Chapter 9
Business Plans 199 Chapter 10
Instructions 209 Chapter 11
User Guides 214 Chapter 12
Memos 215 Chapter 13
Minutes 218 Chapter 14
Organizational Policies and Procedures 225 Chapter 15
Recommendation and Feasibility Reports 227 Chapter 16
Abstracts, Introductions and Conclusions 230 Chapter 17
Document Format Design 236 Part 3
Business Correspondence and Resumes 251 Chapter 18
Establishing Business Relation 251 Chapter 19
Enquiries, Offers and Counter-offers 253 Chapter 20
Orders 256 Chapter 21
Payments 258 Chapter 22
Shipment 260 Chapter 23
Complaints, Claims and Adjustments 262 Chapter 24
Notices 264 Chapter 25
Resumes 267 Chapter 26
Application Letters and Follow-up Letters 269 Chapter 27
Letters of Recommendation 273 Chapter 28
Personal Statements 274 第6册
电力英语实用语法分析 Unit 1
构词法与电力科技新词汇 279 Unit 2
名词的数与主谓结构 286 Unit 3
代词与语义照应关系 294 Unit 4
形容词、副词与比较结构 300 Unit 5
科技英语的动词时态、语态特征分析 307 Unit 6
非谓语动词结构分析 314 Unit 7
介词结构分析 321 Unit 8
连接词与长句分析 326 Unit 9
定语从句结构分析 333 Unit 10
否定结构分析 339 Unit 11
倒装结构分析 346 Unit 12
强调结构分析 351 Unit 13
省略结构分析 358 Unit 14
同位结构分析 365 Unit 15
电力科技英语中的虚拟语气 371 附:常见的英语前缀、词根和后缀 374 参考文献 382
