1 Red-letter day 值得纪念的日子
2 Be in the pink 身体好
3 Be green with envy 羡慕极了;充满妒意
4 Feel blue 心情沮丧;闷闷不乐
5 Red tape 官僚作风;烦琐的手续
6 A bird in the hand 现实可得的东西;稳操胜券的事
7 Black sheep 害群之马;不肖之子
8 A bull in a china shop 冒失鬼;大老粗
9 Night owl 夜神仙
10 As happy as a lark 兴高采烈
11 Be in the doghouse 遭到冷落
12 Chicken out 临阵退缩
13 Count ones chickens before they hatch 高兴得太早;打如意算盘
14 Crab 脾气暴躁的人
15 Have butterflies in one's stomach 忐忑不安
16 Let the cat out of the bag 汇露秘密
17 Packed like sardines 装得极满的;过于拥挤的
18 Smell a rat 觉得可疑
19 Take the bull by the horns 挺身面对困难;豁出去
20 To be a fly on the wall 偷听别人讲话
21 To put on the dog 摆阔,装门面
22 Bed of roses 安乐美满的生活;轻松愉快的工作
23 A hard nut to crack 难以处理的问题;难以对付的人
24 As cool as cucumber 沉着冷静
25 By the grapevine 马路新闻;小道消息
26 Don't let the grass grow under you feet 说干就干,赶快行动
1 Red-letter day 值得纪念的日子
2 Be in the pink 身体好
3 Be green with envy 羡慕极了;充满妒意
4 Feel blue 心情沮丧;闷闷不乐
5 Red tape 官僚作风;烦琐的手续
6 A bird in the hand 现实可得的东西;稳操胜券的事
7 Black sheep 害群之马;不肖之子
8 A bull in a china shop 冒失鬼;大老粗
9 Night owl 夜神仙
10 As happy as a lark 兴高采烈
11 Be in the doghouse 遭到冷落
12 Chicken out 临阵退缩
13 Count ones chickens before they hatch 高兴得太早;打如意算盘
14 Crab 脾气暴躁的人
15 Have butterflies in one's stomach 忐忑不安
16 Let the cat out of the bag 汇露秘密
17 Packed like sardines 装得极满的;过于拥挤的
18 Smell a rat 觉得可疑
19 Take the bull by the horns 挺身面对困难;豁出去
20 To be a fly on the wall 偷听别人讲话
21 To put on the dog 摆阔,装门面
22 Bed of roses 安乐美满的生活;轻松愉快的工作
23 A hard nut to crack 难以处理的问题;难以对付的人
24 As cool as cucumber 沉着冷静
25 By the grapevine 马路新闻;小道消息
26 Don't let the grass grow under you feet 说干就干,赶快行动