


作者:美Dimitris N. Chorafas著





   The New Software Paradigm: Things That Think
   Things That Think": The New Mission of MIT's Media
   The November 12. 1996. Meeting at MIT with Professo
   Michael Hawley
   Unstoppable Progress
   The Coming Third Computer Revolution
   The Role of Autonomous Agents
   New Bottles for New Wine: Reinventing the "Eins"
   von Neumann's Automata. McCulloch's Aj. and Agents
   Causality, Teleology. and Mathematical Models
   Comptef-Mediated and Computer-ParticipativeApplications
   Agents: Facts and Opportunities for Knowledge Workers
   Knowledge Workers and Advanced Prpjects in Information
   Virtual Engineering: A Landscape fo the Implementation
   of Agents
   A Practical Use of Agents with the New Generation of
   Computer Aded Design
   The Mondrian Prqject at MIT: Agents for Human Interfaces
   Domino lcons: The Able Use of Betore and After Panels
   Using Agena for Bener-Adaptation to Complex Problem-Solving
   Taking Advantage of the Practical Aspects of Metaphors
   Thinking Machines: The Search for Exploiting
   Intelligence and Expertise
   Questions Pertaining to Awareness and Expertise
   Do We Know What Constitutes the Notion of Intetligence?
   Negation As an Intelligence Test
   Analyzing and Exploiting the Concept of Intelligence
   Thinking by Analogy and the Evolution of Man-Made System
   That little-Known Process We Call "Knowledge"
   Mapping the Expert's Knowledge into Interactive Agents
   The Very Important Issue of Choosing the Right Kind of Predicares
   KQML Morphism. Telescript. and Soflware Development
   The Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language
   Extending the ARPA Knowledge-Sharing Effort
   UniversallyArceptable Knowledge Languages and KQML
   Morphing Expert Systems into Agents
   Functional Requirements to Be Supported by the AgentS
   Software: An Example with BargainFinder
   Firefly, Marilyn. and Effcient Software Development
   Agents for Browsing and Morphing: An Example from MIT
   Telescript and Agent Programming
   Telescript Engines and Intelligent Networks
   Agents as Catalysts of Telecommunications Solutions
   Intelligenc Networks and TheirAgents in the Late 1990s
   CBCOs Pricing and Status Agents
   Backplanes and Agencs As Facilitators of a New
   Telecommunications Architecture
   Physical Clocks. Relative Clocks, and Luxury Bandwidths
   Who Really Needs Network Intelllgence?
   lllocution and the Use ofAgents for Mobile Computing
   Sophisticated Software for Wired and Wireless Integration
   Agents on the Intemet: From Error Control to Filtering
   The Transiaon to a Telecommunications-Based Economy
   and Project GreenSpace
   Chapte 6 Using agents to Increase the Security on the Internet
   and Other Public and Private Networks
   Facing the Expanding Nature of Securily Risks
   Careless Security Rules and False Claims
   Examining Some of the Securtty Issues Connected to the
   Security Software That Exists on the Intemet
   Risk Control over Software Safety, Knowledge Artifacts
   and Rigorous Procedures
   Planning the Security of Mission-Critical Communications
   Promoting Multidimensional Approaches to Security
   Encryption and Cryptographic Keys on the Intemet
   Agents Watching after Security in Buildings
   Chapter 7 Using Agents in Concurrent Software-Hardware
   Network Design
   The Role of Agens in Concurrent Modeling Procedures
   WhyAgents Can Assist in an Integrative Approach to
   Common Tasks
   Compression. Filtering. and Bandwidth Allocation
   The Need for Multiprotocol Software co be Used in
   Intemet Protocol Version 6. and Network Flexibility
   The IPv6 and Enhanced Security on the Intemet and the
   Agents. Competitive Access Providers and the Intemadonal
   Telecommunications Market
   Chapte 8 Agena in Network Reliability, Diagnostics and
   The Gain from Using Leaming Agents in Network Operations
   Network Reliability Standards
   Facing the Risks that Exist with the Human-Made Systems
   Software Reliability in Telecommunications: AT&T 9-Hou
   Time Out
   Applying the Lessons Learned from the Time Out to Othe
   Communications Systems
   Fault Tolerance and the Cost of Nerwork Failures to the Users
   Agents in Electronic Commerce and in Daily Business
   Improving Software Functionality through Knowledge
   The Challenging Task of a Real-nme Network Control Cente
   Chapte 9 Boelter's Agents
   The Source of Creativity: Not Agents, but Ourselves
   "Divide and Solve": A Good Example of Cultural Charige
   The Importance of Logos in Mathematics and Science
   Software Research, Dependability. and Contrarian Thinking
   Database Mining and Knowledge Discovery in a Data
   Agents for Screening, Publishing, and Reporting
   Agents. Network Intelligence, and Broadband
   Using Agents to Reduce Telecommunication Fraud
   Boelters Agents in a Home Area Network
   Chapte 10 Supporting Mission Critical Functions through
   Intelligent Software
   Basic Concepts Underpinning Good Organization
   Objects. Inheritance, Inference, and Metaleveis in the
   Development ofAgents
   Compass: A Case Study in Intelligent Software Functionality
   Agents. Input/Output, and the Evolutton of Metaphors
   Metaphors Capabte of Improving the Input/Output
   of Compass
   Developing Agents That Can Effectively Assist Network
   Using Knowledge Artifacts in Network Markenng Operation
   Agents and the Dynamic Modeling of Interactive Solutions
   Autonomous Knowledge ATifacts that Effectively
   Work Online
   Reevaluating the Benefits of Implementing Autonomou
   Improving Service Ouality through Rapid Deployment of
   Knowledge Robots
   Using Agens to Shrink Time-to-Market Requirements
   The Service Agents Can Offer in ConnecBon to Bank Loans
   Automating the Analytical Solutions Needed for Investment
   The Interactive Use of Agents in Merchandizing
   Intelligent Artifacts in a Networked Environment
   The Assistance That Agents Offer in Personal Communication
   Using Agents for Analogical Reasoning, Patterning
   and Productization
   WebBots. lnternet.Virtual Agents, and Morphism
   Virtual Reality. Agena. and Telemedidne
   How Agents Work through Analogical Reasoning
   Object Agebras and the Role of Polyvalence in Analogical
   Capitalizing on Interdomain and Intradomain Inference by
   Means of Agents
   Agents. Applied Mathematics, Value Analysis and
   Agents and Models: Their Productization and Fielding
   Conclusion: The Notions Underpinning the Development
   and UseofAgents
   A Business Architecture for Agents and Multiagents
   The Contribution ofAgents to a Business Architecture
   Dynamic Business Architectures and Applications on Demand
   The Orive for an Order-of-Magnitude Improvement in
   Management Information
   Using Agents to Solve the Year 2000 Problem
   The Year 2000 Problem Exacerbated by the EMU Deadline
   The Abilty of a Business Architecture and Its Knowledge
   Artifacts to Help in the Coming Software Crisis
   Languages, Primitives. and Facilitators for Intranet Solutions
   The Crucial Role of Uniform Resource Locators in a Business
   Rethinking the Contribution of Agents in an Expanding
   Business Environment
   Appendix A Glossary and Functional Acronyms
   Appendix B Important Incernet Addresses
