







  新中国成立之初,党和政府以全新的思路、百倍的热情,对旧中国遗留下来的棘手的民族问题进行了全面梳理和研究,并一直探索在社会不断发展中逐步予以解决的道路。伴随这个过程,一个由中国学者自己创立的、旨在解决中国自身民族问题的理论——“中华民族多元一体”理论也应运而生。《中华民族多元一体格局》这篇著名杰作。其主要论点可概括为:一、中华民族是包括中国境内56个民族的民族实体,并不是把56个民族加在一起的总称,因为这些加在一起的56个民族已结合成相互依存的、统一而不能分割的整体,在这个民族实体里所有归属的成分都已具有高一层次的民族认同意识,即共休戚、共存亡、共荣辱、共命运的感情和道义。这个论点后被陈连开先生引申为民族认同意识的多层次论。多元一体格局中,56个民族是基层,中华民族是高层。二、形成多元一体格局有一个从分散的多元结合成一体的过程,在这过程中必须有一个起凝聚作用的核心。汉族就是多元基层中的一元,但它发挥凝聚作用把多元结合成一体。三、高层次的认同并不一定取代或排斥低层次的认同 ,不同层次可以并存不悖,甚至在不同层次的认同基础上可以各自发展原有的特点,形成多语言、多文化的整体。所以高层次的民族可说实质上是个既一体又多元的复合体,其间存在着相对立的内部矛盾,是差异的一致,通过消长变化以适应于多变不息的内外条件,而获得这共同体的生存和发展。
     目 录
   第一章 导论
   第二章 中华民族的起源与形成
   第三章 民族称谓含义的演变及其内在联系
   第四章 中国历史上游牧民族的地位
   第五章 中华民族研究的理论与方法
   In Lieu of a Preface: An Brief Account of My Experience and
   Reflection on Ethnic Studies 晻 晻 ?Fei Xiaotong
   Chapter One Introduction
    1 The Pattern of Diversity in Unity of
     the Chinese Nation
     (1) Living Space of the Chinese Nation
      (2) Origin of the Diversity
     (3) Blending and Convergence of the Diversity of
       Neolithic Culture
     (4) Emergence of the Han People-a Cohesive
     (5) Diversity in Unity in Different Localities
     (6) Great Minglement and Great Blending of
      Ethnic Groups in the Central Plains
     (7) Northern Ethnic Groups Continuously Infused
       New Blood into the Han People
     (8) The Han People Also Strengthened Other
       Ethnic Groups
      (9) Southward Expansion of the Han People
     (10) Migration of Ethnic Groups in West China
     (11) Some Characteristics in the Forming of the
       Pattern of the Chinese Nation
     (12) Looking into the Future
    2. A New Exploration in the Research of
     the Chinese Nation
   Chapter Two Origin and Formation of the Chinese Nation
    1. Chinese Neolithic Cultures Developed
     in Different Regions
     (1) Chinese Culture Originated on the Territory of
    (2) Two Cultural Regions Opposite to Each Other
     from East to West in the Middle and Lower Reaches
      of the Yellow River
    (3) Two Cultural Regions Opposite to Each Other
    from East to West in the Middle and Lower
    Reaches of the Yangtze River
    (4) Yan-Liao Cultural Region and the
    Cultural Region in the Upper
    Reaches of the Yellow River
    (5) South China Cultural Region with Boyang Lake
      and Pearl River Delta as Its Center
    (6) Nomadic and Hunting Cultural Region
      in the North
    (7) The Parallel Development of the Three Zones-
    Agricultural Cultural Zones in the North and
    South and the Hunting Cultural Zone
    2. Tribal Groups in Ancient China
    (1) Several Problems Related to Historical
    (2) Historical Shadows Before Patriarchy
    (3) Tribal Groups in the Times of Patriarchy
    3. Time Division of the History of Formation of
     the Chinese Nation
    (1) The Rise and Growth of the Chinese
    (2) The Chinese Nation Developed on Its Own
    (3) The Chinese Nation Going from Spontaneous
      to Conscientious Union
    4. The Structure of the Chinese Nation
    (1) Geographic Structure of the Chinese Land
    (2) Ethnic Structure of the Chinese Nation
     (3) Political Structure of the Chinese Nation
    5. Common Characters of the Chinese Nation (1)
    (1) The Identification of the Chinese Nation
      Has a Long History
    (2) Among Brethren Ethnic Groups " 1 Am in You
      and You Are in Me"
    (3) Each Has Its Own Distinguishing Features and
      Specialties, and They Learn from Each Other
    (4) A New Era for the Relations Between China's
      Ethnic Groups
    6. Common Characters of the Chinese Nation (11)
    (1) General and Specific Character Reflected
     in Ancient Myths
    (2) Identification of Forefathers of Various Ethnic
     Groups in China and Their Respective Distinguishing
    (3) History of Various Ethnic Groups Has Been
      from Ancient Times Identified As Part of Chinese
    (4) Sharing a Common Fate in the Struggle for
      the Liberation of the Chinese Nation
   Chapter Three The Evolution of Ethnic Appellations and the
   Internal Relations That They Have Revealed
    1. A Textual Research of the Term " Han"
    (1) Origin of the Appellation of " Han"
    (2) The Formation of the Ethnic Group Appellation
     of" Han"
    (3) The Expansion of the Scope of " Han" and
      the Emergence of the Appellation of " Han"
    (4) The Evolution of the Appellation of
      " Han"
    2. " Qidan" -Another Name for Han
    3. The " Han Component" in Ethnic Minorities
      in History
    (1) Rise of Ethnic Minorities Often due to
      the Help of the Han
    (2) Some Han Elements Assimilated into Northwest
      Ethnic Minorities
    (3) Some Han Elements Assimilated into Southwest
      and Southeast Ethnic Minorities
    (4) Some Han Elements Assimilated into South
      Central Ethnic Minorities
      (5) Some Han Elements Moved to Neighboring
      Countries and Were Assimilated
    (6) Assimilation Between Different Ethnic Groups
       Was a Factor for Promoting Development
     4 Zhongguo, Hua-Yi, Fan-Han, Zhonghua,
      the Chinese Nation
    (1) The Origin of the Name of China
    (2) The Meaning of Zhongguo and Hua-Yi
      During the Spring &. Autumn Period and
     Warring States Period
    (3) The Evolution of the Meaning of Zhongguo
      and the Final Set Up of the Term
    (4) Intension and Extension of " Han" and
     " Fan-Han"
    (5) Evolution and Development of the Meaning
      of the Terms Zhonghua and the Chinese
   Chapter Four Historical Position of Nomadic Ethnic Groups
   in China
    1. Historical Position of the Xiongnu (Hun)
     Nomadic Society
    (1) Historic Significance of the Xiongnu (Hun)
      Unifying Nomadic Areas in North China
    (2) The Formation of the Vast Farming Areas
     and Nomadic Areas Inside and Outside of
      the Great Wall
    (3) Historical Position of the Xiongnu Nomadic
      (4) Historical Connections Between Nomadic Society
       and Farming Society
    2. Historic Significance of Setting Up Four Prefectures
    in the Hexi (Gansu) Corridor by the Western
    Han Government
    (1) Historical Background of Setting Up Four
    Prefectures in the Hexi Corridor
    (2) The Four Prefectures in the Hexi Corridor
    Helped to Bring About the Unification of
    Western Regions by the Han Dynasty
    (3) The Four Prefectures in the Hexi Corridor
    Helped to Bring About the Development of
    Communication Between China and the West
    (4) The Four Prefectures in the Hexi Corridor
    Helped to Bring About the Economic and
    Cultural Development in Northwest China
   Chapter Five Theories and Methods for the Study of the Chi-
    nese Nation
    1. A Good Beginning for the New Development of
    Ethnic Studies
    (1) Studies in the Chinese Nation is the Need of
    (2) A Probe into the Intension and Extension of
    the Chinese Nation
    (3) A Probe into the " Diversity" and " Unity" of
    the Chinese Nation
    2.The Origin and Development of the Theories of
    the Genesis of the Chinese Nation
    (1) From the Theory of One Origin to the Theory
    of Diversity in Unity
    (2) Archaeological Basis for the Theory of Diversity
    in Units
    (3) General Trends of the Development of the Chinese
    Civilization at Its Initial Stage
    (4) Compilation of Ancient Mythological
    3.Traditional Concept of Ethnic Groups and
    the Concept of the Chinese Nation as a Whole
    (1) Traditional " Differentiation
    Yi (Han and Ethnic Minorities)"
    (2) The " Hua Guarding Against Yi" in the Pattern
    of a Unified Domain
    (3) The Chinese Nation Going from Spontaneous
    Development to Conscientiops Union
    4. Acknowledging differences and Seeking Common
   Ground in the Study of the Chinese Nation
   Postscript to the Second Edition
