
英语口语(1 学生用书)

英语口语(1 学生用书)






暂缺《英语口语(1 学生用书)》作者简介
   Unit 1 I've Heard So Much Abouf You
    Grcetings and Introductions / Meeting New
   Unit 2 May 1 Have Your Attentiori, Please?
    Announcements / College Life
   Unit 3 Just Call Me Jenny
    Address / Welcoming Foreign Teachers
   Unit 4 Well, 1 Never !
    Surprise / Good News
   Unit 5 Hello ! Aren't You a Friend of Liu Mei's ?
    Polite Rcmarks / In the Street
   Unit 6 You Should Talk to Your Chemistry Teachcr
    Advice and. Suggestions / Studies
   Unit 7 WhatDoYouThink of It?
    Opinions / In the Dormitory
   Unit 8 Set the Function Selector to "Tape' Position
    Instructions / In the Sound Lab
   Unit 9 I'd Rather Have Roast Duck
    Ereferences / In a Restaurant
   Unit 10 1 Could Really Go for Sweet and Sour Spareribs
    Likes and Dislikes / At the Canteen
   Unit 11: What Time Would Bc Convenient for You ?
    Appointments / A Telephone Call
   Unit 12 Merry Christmas !
    Seasonal Greetings / Christmas
   Unit 13 Have You Any Idea Where 1 Can Find a Nearby
    Post-Box ?
    Information / At the" Post Office
   Unit 14 Come Over to Dinner at Our Place Friday Evening
    Invitations and Refusal / Exams
   Unit 15 Oh, How Marvellous !
    Pleasure and Displeasure / At Home
   Unit 16 You're Wearing the Same Loose-Fitting, White
    Description / At the Customs
   Unit 17 Gould You Recommend Some Other Books on
    English Writing, Please ?
    Requests / In the Library
   Unit 18 Is There Anything 1 Can Do for You, Madam ?
    Offering Service/Shopping
   Unit 19 Thanks Ever So Much
    Thanks and Apologies / At a Party
   Unit 20 Would You Like Me to Mark Them for YBU ?
    Offering Help / Teaching Practice
   Unit 21 Do You Mind If 1 Come at 9 :30 ?
    Permission / Asking for Leave
   Unit 22 You'll Be All Right Very Soon
    Sympathy and Consolation / Iri the Hospital
   Unit 23 We've Just About Had Enough of This Weather
    Complaints and Annoyance /Weather
   Unit 24 Wcll Shot !
    Encouragement / Sports and Gamcs
   Unit 25 It Was Very Disappointing, 1 Must Say
    Disappointment / At the Hairdresscr's
   Unit 26 1 Can Hardly Believe My Ears
    Belief and Disbeiief / Sightseeing
   Unit 27 Excuse Me, But Could You Show Me thc Way
    to the Lakeside ?
    Directions / Asking the Way
   Unit 28 I'm Not Really Sure About It
    Certainty and Uncertainty / At the Hotel
   Unit 29 We Havc Much in Common
    Similaritics and Differcnccs / Hobbics
   Unit 30 It's Well Worth Sceing
    Enjoyment and Regrct / At the Cincma
   Unit 31 Sorry to Interrupt
    Interruption / A Call
   Unit 32 Mind You Don't Smoke Any More
    Warnings / At the Doctor's
   Unit 33 I'm Thinking of Applying for It
    Intention / Future Plans
   Unit 34 I'll Be Seeing You
    Parting / A Farcwell Party
   Appendix I. Songs
   Appendix II. Games
   AppcndiX III Vocabulary
