对不少英语专业的学生来说,撰写英语毕业论文是个难关。常常可以看到学生们枯坐案头,面对一个早已定一的题目,冥思苦想,久久无从落笔,其痛苦之状着实令人同情。他们通常所遇到的一个困难是不知道如何论述自己的观点(to develop their ideas)。 这些思想活跃、目光敏锐的年轻人,不乏独到的想法。这些想法如通过分析、比较、联想、鉴别等手段加以扩展,完全可以敷演成一篇很好的文章。但可惜我们的学生,往往三言两语,戛然而止。倒不是他们不想把问题说透,而是缺乏这种论证的能力。总觉得话已说尽,难以再加发挥了。一篇五千六字的英语论文,要写到规定的长度似乎比登天还难。常常怀着焦急拟情,边写边数,却发现总未达到要求;有时为了凑足字数不得不成段引用原文,将文章“放胖”(pad out),有的甚至大段抄袭国外学者的著作,甘冒剽窃(plagiarism)之大韪。因此在毕业论文中,虽然也有观点独到、文思畅达、论述精当的上乘之作,但总的来说,并不太令人满意。 论文写作中还存在着语言表达的困难。学生们无法分辩评论文与一般记叙文的文体差别,而一概以叙述语言甚至口语化的句子来写文学评论,句子结构单调呆板,缺少变化,从头到尾几乎都是主谓宾结构句式,不懂得如何使用各类修饰语使文句摇曳多瓷姿,富有感染力。某些学生通篇幼稚刻板的语句往往与一二句(或一二段)从别处抄来而未注明出处的句子(或段落),形成鲜明的对照,使教师可以轻而易举地看出其中的破绽来。
1.francis bacon
of studies
2.jonathan swift
a modest proposal for preventing the children of ireland from being a burden to their parents or country
3.joseph addison
sunday in the sountry
4.samuel johnson
rambler 4-on fiction
5.oliver goldsmith
national prejudices
6.william cobbett
a shooter
7.charles lamb
the convalescent
8.william hazlitt
on familiar syle
9.thomas de quincey
on the knocking at the gate in macbeth
10.robert louis stevenson
the woods and the pacific
11.alfred north whiehead
universities and their function
12.edmund verral lucas
the town week
13.hilaire belloc
the crooked streets
14.winston churchill
"i have nothing to offer but blood ,toid,tears,and sweat"
15.max beerbohn
seeing people off
16.bertuand russell
what i have lived for
17.gilbert keith chesterton
a dfence of detetive stories
18.william somerset maugham
19.robert lynd
the vice of punctuality
20.edward morgan forster
21.virginia woolf
the death of the moth
22.alan alexander milne
golden fruit
23.Alexander Southerland Neil Punishment Never Cures Anything
24.Aldous Huxley The Beauty Industry
25.John Boynton Priestley
The Ironic Principle
26.George Orwell
Politics and the English Language
27.Wystan Hugh Auden
Work,Labour.and Play
28.Arthur C.Clarke
We’11 Never Conquer Space
29.Jan Morris
A Passion for Cities
30.David Storey
Joumey Through a Tunnel
of studies
2.jonathan swift
a modest proposal for preventing the children of ireland from being a burden to their parents or country
3.joseph addison
sunday in the sountry
4.samuel johnson
rambler 4-on fiction
5.oliver goldsmith
national prejudices
6.william cobbett
a shooter
7.charles lamb
the convalescent
8.william hazlitt
on familiar syle
9.thomas de quincey
on the knocking at the gate in macbeth
10.robert louis stevenson
the woods and the pacific
11.alfred north whiehead
universities and their function
12.edmund verral lucas
the town week
13.hilaire belloc
the crooked streets
14.winston churchill
"i have nothing to offer but blood ,toid,tears,and sweat"
15.max beerbohn
seeing people off
16.bertuand russell
what i have lived for
17.gilbert keith chesterton
a dfence of detetive stories
18.william somerset maugham
19.robert lynd
the vice of punctuality
20.edward morgan forster
21.virginia woolf
the death of the moth
22.alan alexander milne
golden fruit
23.Alexander Southerland Neil Punishment Never Cures Anything
24.Aldous Huxley The Beauty Industry
25.John Boynton Priestley
The Ironic Principle
26.George Orwell
Politics and the English Language
27.Wystan Hugh Auden
Work,Labour.and Play
28.Arthur C.Clarke
We’11 Never Conquer Space
29.Jan Morris
A Passion for Cities
30.David Storey
Joumey Through a Tunnel