作者:(美)Alan Dix等著
Part I Foundations
1 The human
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Input--output channels
Design Focus: Getting noticed
1.3 Human memory
Design Focus: Cashing in
1.4 Thinking: reasoning and problem solving
Design Focus: Whose error?
1.5 Individuat differences
1.6 Psychology and the design of interactive systems
1.7 Summary
Recommended reading
2 The computer
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Text entry devices
2.3 Positioning and pointing devices
2.4 Output devices
2.5 Paper: printing and scanning
Design Focus: Readability of text
2.6 Memory
2.7 Processing
Design Foccus: The myth of the infinitely fast machine
2.8 Summary
Recommended reading
3 The interaction
3.1 Introduction
3.z Models of interaction
Design Focus: VCR
3.3 Frameworks and HCI
3.4 Ergonomics
Design Focus: Industriol interfaces
3.5 Interaction styles
3.6 Elements of the WIMP interface
Design Focus: Learning toolbars
3.7 Screen design and layout
Design Focus: Checking screen colours
3.8 Interactivity
3.9 The context of the interaction
3.l0 Summary
Recommended reading
Part II Design practice
4 Usability paradigms and prtnciples
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Paradigms for interaction
4.3 Principles to support usability
4.4 Summary
Recommended reading
5 The design process
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The software life cycle
5.3 Using design rules
5.4 Usability engineering
5.5 Iterative design and prototyping
Design Focus: Prototyping in practice
5.6 Design rationale
5.7 Summary
Recommended reading
6 Models of the user in design
6.1 Introduction
6.2 User requirements modelling
6.3 Socio-technical models
6.4 Soft systems methodology
6.S Participatory design
6.6 Cognitive models
6.7 Goal and task hierarchies
Design Focus: GOMS saves money
6.8 Linguistic models
6.9 The challenge of display-based systems
6.10 Physical and device models
6.11 Cognitive architectures
6.12 Summary
Recommended reading
7 Task analysis
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Differences between task analysis and other
7.3 Task decomposition
7.4 Knowledge-based analysis
7.5 Entity--relationship-based techniques
7.6 Sources of information and data collection
7.7 Uses of task ana1ysis
7.8 Summary
Recommended reading
8 Dialog notations and design
8.1 What is dialog?
8.2 Dialog design notations
8.3 Diagrammatic notations
Design Focus: Using STNs in prototyping
Design Focus: Digital watch -- documentotion
and analysis
8.4 Textual dialog notations
8.5 Dialog semantics
8.6 Dialog analysis and design
8.7 Summary
Recommended reading
9 Modeis of the system
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Standard formalisms
9.3 Interaction modets
9.4 Status/event analysis
9.S Summary
Recommended reading
10 Implementation support
10.l Introduction
10.2 Elements of windowing systems
10.3 Programming the application
Design Focus: Going with the grain
l0.4 Using toolkits
Design Focus: Java and AWT
l0.5 User interface management systems
l0.6 Summary
Recommended reading
11 Evaluation techniques
11.1 What is evaluation?
11.2 Goals of evaluation
11.3 Styles of evaluation
11.4 Evaluating the design
11.5 Evaluating the implementation
11.6 Choosing an evaluation method
11.7 Summary
Recommended reading
12 Help and documentation
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Requirements of user support
12.3 Approaches to user support
12.4 Adaptive help systems
12.5 Designing user suppoFt systems
12.6 Summary
Recommended reading
Part III Application areas
13 Groupware
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Groupware systems
13.3 Computer mediated communication
13.4 Meeting and decision support systems
13.5 Shared applications and artefacts
13.6 Frameworks for groupware
13.7 Implementing synchronous groupware
13.8 Summary
Recommended reading
14 CSCW and social issues
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Face-to-face communication
14.3 Conversation
14.4 Text-based communication
14.5 Group working
14.6 Organizational issues
Design Focus: Implementing workflow in Lotus
l4.7 Summary
Recommended reading
15 Out of the glass box
15.1 Introduction
15.z Multi-modal and muItimedia systems
15.3 Speech in the interface
Design Focus: Mathematics for the blind
Design FOcus: Choosing the right kind of speech
15.4 Non-speech sound
15.5 Handwriting recognition
Design Focus: Apple Newton
15.6 Gesture recognition
15.7 Computer vision
15.8 Ubiquitous computing applications research
15.9 Interfaces for users with special needs
15.10 Virtual reaIity
Design Focus: Applications of augmented reality
15.11 lnfOrmation and data visualization
15.l2 Summary
Recommended reading
16 Hypertext, multimedia and the World Wide Web
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Text, hypertext and multimedia
16.3 The World Wide Web
16.4 Animation
16.5 Video and digital video
16.6 Educational technology
16.7 Design focus: designing for the World Wide Web
16.8 Summary
Recommended reading
Part I Foundations
1 The human
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Input--output channels
Design Focus: Getting noticed
1.3 Human memory
Design Focus: Cashing in
1.4 Thinking: reasoning and problem solving
Design Focus: Whose error?
1.5 Individuat differences
1.6 Psychology and the design of interactive systems
1.7 Summary
Recommended reading
2 The computer
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Text entry devices
2.3 Positioning and pointing devices
2.4 Output devices
2.5 Paper: printing and scanning
Design Focus: Readability of text
2.6 Memory
2.7 Processing
Design Foccus: The myth of the infinitely fast machine
2.8 Summary
Recommended reading
3 The interaction
3.1 Introduction
3.z Models of interaction
Design Focus: VCR
3.3 Frameworks and HCI
3.4 Ergonomics
Design Focus: Industriol interfaces
3.5 Interaction styles
3.6 Elements of the WIMP interface
Design Focus: Learning toolbars
3.7 Screen design and layout
Design Focus: Checking screen colours
3.8 Interactivity
3.9 The context of the interaction
3.l0 Summary
Recommended reading
Part II Design practice
4 Usability paradigms and prtnciples
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Paradigms for interaction
4.3 Principles to support usability
4.4 Summary
Recommended reading
5 The design process
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The software life cycle
5.3 Using design rules
5.4 Usability engineering
5.5 Iterative design and prototyping
Design Focus: Prototyping in practice
5.6 Design rationale
5.7 Summary
Recommended reading
6 Models of the user in design
6.1 Introduction
6.2 User requirements modelling
6.3 Socio-technical models
6.4 Soft systems methodology
6.S Participatory design
6.6 Cognitive models
6.7 Goal and task hierarchies
Design Focus: GOMS saves money
6.8 Linguistic models
6.9 The challenge of display-based systems
6.10 Physical and device models
6.11 Cognitive architectures
6.12 Summary
Recommended reading
7 Task analysis
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Differences between task analysis and other
7.3 Task decomposition
7.4 Knowledge-based analysis
7.5 Entity--relationship-based techniques
7.6 Sources of information and data collection
7.7 Uses of task ana1ysis
7.8 Summary
Recommended reading
8 Dialog notations and design
8.1 What is dialog?
8.2 Dialog design notations
8.3 Diagrammatic notations
Design Focus: Using STNs in prototyping
Design Focus: Digital watch -- documentotion
and analysis
8.4 Textual dialog notations
8.5 Dialog semantics
8.6 Dialog analysis and design
8.7 Summary
Recommended reading
9 Modeis of the system
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Standard formalisms
9.3 Interaction modets
9.4 Status/event analysis
9.S Summary
Recommended reading
10 Implementation support
10.l Introduction
10.2 Elements of windowing systems
10.3 Programming the application
Design Focus: Going with the grain
l0.4 Using toolkits
Design Focus: Java and AWT
l0.5 User interface management systems
l0.6 Summary
Recommended reading
11 Evaluation techniques
11.1 What is evaluation?
11.2 Goals of evaluation
11.3 Styles of evaluation
11.4 Evaluating the design
11.5 Evaluating the implementation
11.6 Choosing an evaluation method
11.7 Summary
Recommended reading
12 Help and documentation
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Requirements of user support
12.3 Approaches to user support
12.4 Adaptive help systems
12.5 Designing user suppoFt systems
12.6 Summary
Recommended reading
Part III Application areas
13 Groupware
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Groupware systems
13.3 Computer mediated communication
13.4 Meeting and decision support systems
13.5 Shared applications and artefacts
13.6 Frameworks for groupware
13.7 Implementing synchronous groupware
13.8 Summary
Recommended reading
14 CSCW and social issues
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Face-to-face communication
14.3 Conversation
14.4 Text-based communication
14.5 Group working
14.6 Organizational issues
Design Focus: Implementing workflow in Lotus
l4.7 Summary
Recommended reading
15 Out of the glass box
15.1 Introduction
15.z Multi-modal and muItimedia systems
15.3 Speech in the interface
Design Focus: Mathematics for the blind
Design FOcus: Choosing the right kind of speech
15.4 Non-speech sound
15.5 Handwriting recognition
Design Focus: Apple Newton
15.6 Gesture recognition
15.7 Computer vision
15.8 Ubiquitous computing applications research
15.9 Interfaces for users with special needs
15.10 Virtual reaIity
Design Focus: Applications of augmented reality
15.11 lnfOrmation and data visualization
15.l2 Summary
Recommended reading
16 Hypertext, multimedia and the World Wide Web
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Text, hypertext and multimedia
16.3 The World Wide Web
16.4 Animation
16.5 Video and digital video
16.6 Educational technology
16.7 Design focus: designing for the World Wide Web
16.8 Summary
Recommended reading