算法V(C++实现):图算法 英文版
作者:( )Robert Sedgewick著
本书主要内容有:图表性质和类型,包括图的抽象数据类型、邻接矩阵、邻接表、最短路径、Euler路径、Hamilton路径、图遍历问题;图表搜索,包括深度优先搜索、图搜索ADT函数、DFS算法、广度优先搜索图算法分析;有向图与有向非循环图,包括拓扑排序问题、强连通分支、网络闭包的重复访问问题等;最小生成树,包括其原理和各种算法;最短路径,包括Dijkstra算法、非循环网络中的最短路径、Euclidean网络;网络流问题,包括强势路径最大流算法、最大流化简、最小成本流、网络单Ⅰ算法、最小成本流化简。作者Robert Sedgewick是美国普林斯顿大学计算机科学系教授,也是Adobe系统公司的一个部门主任,曾任施乐公司、防务分析研究所、INRIA公司的研究员。内容:17. 图表性质与类型 18. 图表的搜索 19. 有向图与有向非循环图 20. 最小生成树21. 最短路径 22. 网络流
Sedgewick have developed concise new C++implementations that both express the methods in a natural and direct manner and also can be used in real applications.
Graph Algorithms
Chapter 17. Graph Properties and Types
17.1 Glossary
17.2 Graph ADT
17.3 Adjacency-Matrix Representation
17.4 Adjacency-Lists Representation
17.5 Variations, Extensions, and Costs
17.6 Graph Generators
17.7 Simple, Euler, and Hamilton Paths
17.8 Graph-Processing Problems
Chapter 18. Graph Search
18.1 Exploring a Maze
18.2 Depth-First Search
18.3 Graph-Search ADT Functions
18.4 Properties of DFS Forests
18.5 DFS Algorithms
18.6 Separability and Biconnectivity
18.7 Breadth-First Search
18.8 Cenetalized Graph Search
18.9 Analysis of Graph Algorithms
Chapter 19. Digraphs and DAGs
19.1 Glossary and Rules of the Game
19.2 Anatomy of DFS in Digraphs
19.3 Reachability and Transitive Closure
19.4 Equivalence Relations and Partial Orders
19.5 DAGs
19.6 Topological Sorting
19.7 Reachability in DAGs
19.8 Strong Components in Digraphs
19.9 Transitive Closure Revisited
19.10 Perspective
Chapter 20. Minimum Spanning Trees
20.1 Representations
20.2 Underlying Principles of MST Algorithms
20.3 Prim's Algotithm and Priority-First Search
20.4 Kruskal's Algorithm
20.5 Boruvka's Algorithm
20.6 Comparisons and Improvements
20.7 Euclidean MST
Chapter 21. Shortest Paths
21.1 Underlying Principles
21.2 Dijkstra's Algorithm
21.3 AII-Pairs Shortest Paths
21.4 Shortest Paths in Acyclic Networks
21.5 Euclidean Networks
21.6 Reduction
21.7 Negative Weights
21.8 Perspective
Chapter 22. Network Flow
22.1 Flow Networks
22.2 Augmenting-Path Maxflow Algorithms
22.3 Preflow-Push Maxflow Algorithms
22.4 Maxflow Reductions
22.5 Mincost Flows
22.6 Network Simplex Algorithm
22.7 Mincost-Flow Reductions
22.8 Perspective
References for Part Five