随着石油工程国际合作项目的日益增多,越来越多的石油工程科技人员需要提高英语交流水平,从而了解国际石油经济的新进展,成功地从事国际合作业务,参与国际竞争。但目前市场尚缺乏适于自学,且石油专业涵盖面较广的英语阅读教材。为此,我们编写了一套《石油科技英语丛书》,分为石油勘探英语、石油钻井英语、油田开发英语、石油化工英语和石油经济与管理英语五个分册。这五个分册基本涵盖了石油工业各方面的词汇和术语,每一分册原文均选自英语国家原版刊物,语言地道、准确,疑难语法现象及语言点均配以注释,阅读理解练习的设计科学、合理,有利于阅读理解能力的快速提高。此外,所有原文均配有准确流畅的译文,读者可借此进一步提高阅读理解的准确性,也可以通过翻译练习提高翻泽能力。有了《石油科技英语丛书:油田开发英语》石油工作者就可以随时随地进行英语自学,尽快掌握本专业常用术语、词汇及表达法等,更顺利地进行对外合作业务。本教程编写过程中,广泛参阅了国际最新石油科技杂志和专著,选材具有新颖性和实用性,语言技能训练根据学习者的专业需要而有所侧重,适用对象范围广,可供石油、石化科技工作者使用,也可供大专院校师生等做ESP(English for Specific Purposes 8专门用途英语)教材或参考书使用,更值得作为资料情报馆藏。
1 Elements of Petroleum Reservoir
1.3 Fluid Content of the Reservoir
1.4 Definition and Causes of Wettability
1.5 Determination of Wettability by Contact Angle
1.6 Deterrrunation of Wettability by Relative Permeability
1.7 Two-phase Relative Permeability
1.8 Three-phase Relative Permeability
1.9 Effects of Saturation States on Permeability
1.10 Effects of Temperature on Permeability
1.12 Types of Reservoir Heterogeneities
1.13 Classification and Definition of Fracture
1.14 Wettability Influence on Multiphase Flow
1.15 Gas and Condensate Reservoirs
2 Reservoir Engineering
2.1 Derivation of MateriaIBalance Equation
2.2 Features of Material Balance Equation
2.3 The Material Balance Expressed as a Linear
2.4 The MaterialBalance of Gascap Drive
2.5 NaturaIWaterDrive
2.6 NaturalWaterlnflux
2.7 Factors Affecting Waterflood Oil Recovery
2.8 Practical Use of Waterflood Prediction Methods
2.9 HistoricaIDevelopment ofWaterflooding
2.10 Improve Waterflooding
2.11 Conditions of Solution of the Basic Radial Flow
2.12 The Constant Terminal Rate Solution of the Radial Diffusivity Equation
3 0ilfieldDevelopment
3.1 Reservoir Production Mechanisms N
3.3 Solution Gas Drive
3.4 Gas Cap Drive and Gravity Drainage
3.8 Displacement Efficiency
3.9 Water Tonguing and Viscous Fingering
3.10 Advantages and Limitations of Pilot Floods
3.11 Estimating Drainage Volume
3.13 Factors Affecting Selection of Waterflood
3.14 Production Mechanism of a Fractured Reservoir
4 Improved Recovery
5 Completion and Flowing
6 Rod Systems
7 Rodless Systems
8 Reservoir Stimulation
9 Special Problems of Oil Well Production
1.3 Fluid Content of the Reservoir
1.4 Definition and Causes of Wettability
1.5 Determination of Wettability by Contact Angle
1.6 Deterrrunation of Wettability by Relative Permeability
1.7 Two-phase Relative Permeability
1.8 Three-phase Relative Permeability
1.9 Effects of Saturation States on Permeability
1.10 Effects of Temperature on Permeability
1.12 Types of Reservoir Heterogeneities
1.13 Classification and Definition of Fracture
1.14 Wettability Influence on Multiphase Flow
1.15 Gas and Condensate Reservoirs
2 Reservoir Engineering
2.1 Derivation of MateriaIBalance Equation
2.2 Features of Material Balance Equation
2.3 The Material Balance Expressed as a Linear
2.4 The MaterialBalance of Gascap Drive
2.5 NaturaIWaterDrive
2.6 NaturalWaterlnflux
2.7 Factors Affecting Waterflood Oil Recovery
2.8 Practical Use of Waterflood Prediction Methods
2.9 HistoricaIDevelopment ofWaterflooding
2.10 Improve Waterflooding
2.11 Conditions of Solution of the Basic Radial Flow
2.12 The Constant Terminal Rate Solution of the Radial Diffusivity Equation
3 0ilfieldDevelopment
3.1 Reservoir Production Mechanisms N
3.3 Solution Gas Drive
3.4 Gas Cap Drive and Gravity Drainage
3.8 Displacement Efficiency
3.9 Water Tonguing and Viscous Fingering
3.10 Advantages and Limitations of Pilot Floods
3.11 Estimating Drainage Volume
3.13 Factors Affecting Selection of Waterflood
3.14 Production Mechanism of a Fractured Reservoir
4 Improved Recovery
5 Completion and Flowing
6 Rod Systems
7 Rodless Systems
8 Reservoir Stimulation
9 Special Problems of Oil Well Production