


作者:(英)Alan Cunningsworth著





  随着我国改革开放的深入和进入世界贸易组织的需要,英语教学在国内有了进一步的发展,对英语教师的需求量日益增大。为了培养一大批高素质的英语教师,必须有组织地开展师资培训工作。在职的英语教师也必须继续充电,通过种种途径进一步提高业务水平。然而,许久以来,系统介绍英语教学法的专著极为匮乏。因此,上海外语教育出版社特地从国外知名出版社,如牛津大学出版社、剑桥大学出版社和麦克米伦出版社引进一批有关外语教学法和第二语言习得研究的学术专著,出版了外语教学法丛书。《外语教学法丛书:如何选择教材》(Choosing Your Coursebook)就是其中的一本。
Chapter 1 Selecting coursebooks - the essentials
1 Approaches to evaluation
2 Deciding on a checklist
3 Selecting the best available coursebook
4 Specifying aims and analysing the learning/teaching situation
5 The role of coursebooks
Chapter 2 Analysing and evaluating coursebooks: a rationale and some guidelines
1 Selecting coursebooks
2 Uses of coursebooks
3 What the coursebooks claim
4 Types of materials evaluation
5 Purposes of materials evaluation
6 Evaluating for potential and evaluating for suitability
7 Guidelines for evaluation
8 The guidelines in practice: a case study
Chapter 3 The coursebook package
1 The make-up of the coursebook package
2 The organization of coursebooks
Chapter 4 Thelanguage content
1 Language form and language use
2 Grammar
3 Evaluating the grammar content: a case study
4 Vocabulary
5 Phonology
6 Integration of pronunciation teaching with other work
7 Discourse
8 Style and appropriacy
9 Varieties of English
Chapter 5 Selection and grading
1 The syllabus base
2 Content-based syllabuses
3 Structural and functional syllabuses
4 Situational and topic-based syllabuses
5 Grading: sequencing and staging
6 Case study: selection and grading
Chapter 6 Skills
1 The four sk川s in general coursebooks
2 Listening
3 Speaking
4 Reading
5 Writing
6 Specialized books for skills development
7 Readers
Chapter 7 Topic, subject content and social values
1 Topic and subject content
2 Social and cultural values
3 Case study: subject content and values in coursebooks
Chapter 8 Methodology
1 Learner needs
2 Guiding prinaples
3 Procedures for learning and teaching
4 The student's role
5 Studysk川s
Chapter 9 Teachers' books
1 The teacher's role
2 Teachers' books
Chapter 10 Communicative coursebooks
1 Aims of communicative language teaching
2 Communicative coursebooks: design and content
3 The element of unpredictability: case study
4 Coursebook language and real-life language use
5 The organization of conversation
6 Style and appropriacy
Chapter 11 ESP materials
1 Characteristics of ESP materials
2 Student and teacher roles
3 Design and methodology
Chapter 12 Adapting published materials
1 Why adapt coursebooks?
2 When to adapt
3 Supplementing and replacing material
4 A new role for the coursebook: inspiration and creativity
5 Some examples of adapting materials
6 Adapting outdated coursebooks
Appendix Specifying aims and analysing the learning/teaching situation
