







Part One A General Introduction to World Trade and Economy
Chapter l Basic Concepts Relating to Intemational Trade
Chapter 2 The Latest World Economic Outlook
Chapter 4 A General Introduction to Intemational Trade
Part Two Trade Theories
Chapter 5 Early Theories of Intemational Trade
Chapter 6 The Economics of Free Trade
Chapter 7 NeoclassicaITheories
Chapter 8 Intemational Trade as an Engine of Growth
Chapter 9 The Economics of Managed Trade
Part Three Wodd Markets
Chapter 10 A Brieflntroduction
Part Four Trade Policies
Chapter 12 Govemmentallntervention in Foreign Trade
Chapter 13 Trade Restrictions (1) - Tariff
Chapter 14 Trade Restrictions (2) - Non-Tariff Barriers
Chapter 15 Trade Policies for the Developing Countries
Chapter 16 American Trade Policies
Part Five Regional Economic Integration
Chapter 17 Regional Economic Integration (1)
Chapter 18 Regional Economic Integration (2)
Chapter 22 Regional Trade Agreements
Part Six Foreign Trade of Some Countries
Chapter 23 China's Economy and Foreign Trade
Chapter 24 Asian Foreign Trade
Chapter 25 Invisible Trade of Developing Countries
Chapter 26 Foreign Trade of Developed Countries
Part Seven Trade Financing
Chapter 27 Generallntroduction
Chapter 28 Major Institutions Involved in Intemational Trade
Part Eight Trade Forms
Chapter 29 CounterTrade
Chapter 30 TechnologyTransfer
Part Nine Multinationals and International Trade
Chapter 31 Multinationals and Intemational Trade
Part Ten GATT and WTO
Chapter 32 The GAIT (1) - Generallntroduction
Chapter 33 The GATT (2) - Uruguay Round
Part Eleven Foreign Investment
Chapter 35 Generallntroduction
Chapter 36 U.S. Direct Investment Abroad and Foreign Investment
Chapter 37 Russia’s Overseas Investment
Chapter 38 French Investment Abroad
Chapter 39 The General Trend for Future Foreign Direct Investment
Part Twelve International Trade Practice
Chapter 40 How to Form Commercial Contracts in an Intemational
Chapter 41 Doing Businesslntemationally
Chapter 42 Major Events Influencing Intemational Trade and Investment
A Glossary oflnternational Business Terms
