







编者说明 航空运输 1998年航空运输指标 1998年航空运输指标(分航空公司) 1998年航空运输指标(分月份) 1950—1998年航空运输指标 1970—1998年国内航线运输指标 1970—1998年国际航线运输指标 1980—1998年香港航线运输指标 1996—1998年澳门航线运输指标。 1978—1998年正班客座率 载运率 1998年国内主要航段运量 1998年定期航班航线条数及营运里程 1998年国际航线通航国家和城市 1998年国际航线及每周班次 1950—1998年航线条数及通航国家和城市 1950—1998年航线里程 附图: 1998年航空运输增长 1978—1998年航空运输增长率 1978—1998年运输总周转量增长率 1978—1998年旅客运输量增长率 1978—1998年货邮运输量增长率 1998年国内、国际、地区航线运输总周转量比重 1998年国内、国际、地区航线旅客运输量比重 1998年国内、国际、地区航线货邮运输量比重 1998年各航空公司运输总周转量比重 1998年各航空公司旅客运输量比重 1998年各航空公司货邮运输量比重 通用航空 1952—1998年通用航空飞行小时 1998年通用航空飞行小时(分航空公司) 1998年通用航空飞行小时(分月份) 1998年农林业航空飞行小时和作业面积(分省 自治区、直辖市) 1998年工业航空作业统计表(分省 自治区 直辖市) 飞机 1998年末我国民用飞机拥有量 1998年全行业运输飞机日利用率 1998年我国航空公司机队一览表 民航飞机开始使用时间及飞行小时 1978—1998年民航总局所属运输企业航空煤油消耗量 1998年民航总局所属运输企业航空煤油消耗量 1998年民航教学用飞机架数及飞行小时 1975—1998年民航飞行学院教学用飞机架数 我国民航现有飞机、直升机主要性能 世界其他主要商用运输机主要性能 机场与航路 全国民用和军民合用机场分类 对外开放机场一览表(一) 对外开放机场一览表(二) 1998年民航机场吞吐量(排序) 1998年机场起降架次和客货吞吐量统计表 1980—1998年机场客货吞吐量 1998年外航班机起降架次和客货吞吐量 1998年机场油库容量和航油消耗量 附图: 1193—1998年旅客吞吐量 1993—1998年货邮吞吐量 1998年机场旅客吞吐量比重 1998年机场货邮吞吐量比重 财务与运价 1998年民航总局所属企业业务收入 1950—1998年民航总局所属企业业务收入 国内航线距离及现行运价 固定资产投资 1998年民航固定资产投资完成情况 1980—1998年基本建设、技术改造投资完成情况 1998年民航基建 技改大中型项目投资 组织机构 中国民用航空总局行政机构示意图 民航总局所属单位 航空运输和通用航空企业 民航主要教育科研单位 1998年民航部分院校招生和毕业人数 1998年飞机及地面设备维修企业生产量 1990—1998年民航总局发布的规章目录 世界航空 1998年国际民航组织缔约国定期航班运输总周转量 1998年国际民航组织缔约国定期航班旅客周转量 1998年国际民航组织缔约国定期航班货邮周转量 国际民航组织缔约国各年定期航班运输总周转量 美国各年定期航班运输总周转量 英国各年定期航班运输总周转量 日本各年定期航班运输总周转量 法国各年定期航班运输总周转量 德国各年定期航班运输总周转量 澳大利亚各年定期航班运输总周转量 俄罗斯各年定期航班运输总周转量 韩国各年定期航班运输总周转量 新加坡各年定期航班运输总周转量 荷兰各年定期航班运输总周转量 加拿大各年定期航班运输总周转量 意大利各年定期航班运输总周转量 巴西各年定期航班运输总周转量 西班牙各年定期航班运输总周转量 印度各年定期航班运输总周转量 附录 1978一1998年我国国内生产总值及增长指数 中国对外开放一类口岸 常用计量单位换算 民航单位通讯地址一览 附图: 国内及地区航线 国际航线 Statement by the Compiler Air Transport Air Transport Traffic index in 1998 Air Transport Traffic index in 1998(by Airlines) Air Transport Traffic index in 1998(by Month) Air Transport Traffic index from 1950 to 1998 Air Transport Traffic index on Domestic Routes from 1970 to 1998 Air Transport Traffic index on Intemational Routes from 1970 to1998 Air Transport Traffic index on Hong Kong Routes from 1980 to 1998 Air Transport Traffic index on Macao Routes from 1996 to 1998 Load Factors ofScheduled Flights from 1978 to 1998 Air Transport Traffic Index on main Flight Stage in 1998 Number ofAir Routes and Operation Mileage ofthe Scheduled Services in 1998 Intemational Routes Linking the States and Foreign Cities in 1998 Weekly Frequency of International Routes in 1998 Number ofAir Routes Countries and Cities Flown from 1950 to 1998 Mileage ofAir Routes from 1950 to 1998 Illustrations Growth ofAir Transport in 1998 Growth Ratio ofAir Transport from 1978 to 1998 Growth Ratio ofTonne-km Performed from 1978 to 1998 Growth Ratio ofPassengers Carried from 1978 to 1998 Growth Ratio ofFreight and Mail Carried from 1978 to 1998 Ratio ofTonne-km Performed on Domestic, Intemational and Regional Routes in 1998 Ratio ofPassengers Carried on Domestic, Intemational and Regional Routes in 1998 Ratio ofFreight and Mail Carried on Domestic, Intemational and Regional Routes in 1998 Ratio ofTonne-km Performed in 1998(by Airlines) Ratio ofPassengers Carried in 1998(by Airlines) Ratio ofFreight and Mail Carried in 19980(by Airlines) General Aviation Hours Flown ofGeneral Aviation from 1952 to 1998 Hours Flown ofGeneral Aviation in 1998(by Airlines) Hours Flown ofGeneral Aviation in 1998(by Month) Hours Flown and Operation Area ofAgricultural and Forest Aviation in 1998(by Province) Hours Flown of Industrial Aviation in 1998(by Province) Aircraft Number ofCommercial Aircraft by the End of 1998 Daily Utilization ofTransport Aircraft in 1998 Tables ofAirlines Fleet in 1998 Commencing Years of Operation and Accumulated Hours Flown ofEvery Type ofAircraft by 1998 Aerial Kerosene Consumption by Airlines Enterprises Subordinate to CAAC from 1978-1998 Aerial Oil Consumption by Airlines subordinate Enterprise to CAAC in 1998 Number ofAircraft Used and Hours for Training Flown in 1998 Number ofAircraft Used for Training ofCivil Aviation Flying Academy from 1975 to 1998 Main Performances ofAirplanes and Helicopters Used by China Main Performances ofOther Main Commercial Transport Aircraft Used in the World Airports and Air Routes Classification ofCivil Airports and Airdromes Jointly Used by Civil and Military Aviation Summary ofAirports Opened to Foreign Airlines(a) Summary ofAirports Opened to Foreign Airlines(b) Index of Passengers and Freights Handled inAirports in 1998 Passengers and Freights Handled and Aircraft Movement in Airports in 1998 (by Area) Passengers and Freights Handled at Airports from 1980 to 1998 Air Transport Traffic Handled in China by Foreign Airlinesin 1998 Capacity ofOil-Storage and Aerial Kerosene Consumption atAirportsin 1998 Illustrations Airports Passenger Traffic from 1993 to 1998 Airports Freight and Mail Traffic from 1993 to 1998 Ratio ofPassengers Traffic at Airports in 1998 Ratio ofFreight and Mail Traffic at Airports in 1998 Finance and Tariff Operation Revenue of Enterprises Subordinate to CAAC in1998 Operation Revenue ofEnterprises Subordinate toCAACfrom 1950 to 1998 Mileage and TariffofDomestic Air Routes Fixed Assets Investment Fixed Asses Investment in 1998 Investment in Capital Construction and Technological Transformation from 1980 to 1998 Investment in Capital Construction and Programs Projects of Large and Medium-sized Technological Transformation in 1998 Organization Organization Structure ofCAAC Headquarters Units Subordinate to CAAC Airlines and General Aviation Enterprises in China Major Educational and Scientific Research Units ofCAAC Number ofRecruits and Graduates ofCAAC Colleges in 1998 Outputs ofAircraft and Ground Equipment Maintenance Enterprises in 1998 Regulations Promulgated by CAAC from 1990 to 1998 World Civil Aviation Tonne-km Performed of ICAO Contracting States in 1998 Passenger-km Performed ofICAO Contracting Statesin 1998 Freight-km Performed ofICAO Contracting States in 1998 Tonne-km Performed ofICAO Contracting States by Years Tonne-km Performed ofScheduled Services-America Tonne-km Performed of Scheduled Services -the United Kingdom Tonne-km Performed ofScheduled Services-Japan Tonne-km Performed ofScheduled Services-France Tonne-km Performed ofScheduled Services-Germany Tonne-km Performed of Scheduled Services-Australia Tonne-km Performed of Scheduled Services --Russian Federation Tonne-km Performed ofScheduled Services-Korea Tonne-km Performed ofScheduled Services -Singapore Tonne-km Performed ofScheduled Services -Netherlands Tonne-km Performed ofScheduled Services-Canada Tonne-km Performed ofScheduled Services-Italy Tonne-km Performed ofScheduled Services-Brazil Tonne-km Performed ofScheduled Services--Spain Tonne-km Performed ofScheduled Services--Indian Appendix GNP and Growth Index ofChina from 1978 to 1998 Water Ports Opened in China Conversion Tables ofCommon Units of Measurement Communications Summary ofChina Civil Aviation Unites IIIustrations Domestic Air and Regional Air Routes Intemational Routes
