
作者:(美)Carl Hamacher等著
本书是原版国外教材的引进版本,以原汁原味的英文阐述了计算机系统的组织与结构。该教材已被全世界几百所高校使用,同样适合我国大学计算机专业学生和其它具有较高英文水平的专业人员学习借鉴。本书是原版国外教材的引进版本,以原汁原味的英文阐述了计算机系统的组织与结构。该教材已被全世界几百所高校使用,同样适合我国大学计算机专业学生和其它具有较高英文水平的专业人员学习借鉴。TOP目录 "Preface xviiChapter 1BASIC STRUCTURE OF COMPUTERSChapter 2MACHING INSTRUCTIONS AND PROGRAMSChapter 3ARM,MOTOROLA,AND INTEL INSTRUTION SETS Chapter 4 INPUT/OUTPUT ORGANIZATIN_Chapter 5 THE MEMORY SYSTEMChapter 6ARITHMETIC ……APPENDIX A:LOGIC CIRCUITS APPENDIX B:ARM INSTRUCTION SETAPPENDIX C:MOTOROLA 68000INSTRUCTION SET……" TOP 其它信息 装帧:平装页数:805 版次:影印版开本:32正文语种:英语
Chapter I
1.l ComputerTypes
1.2 Functional Units
l.2.I Input Unit
l.2.2 Memory Unit
1.2.3 Arithmetic and Logic Unit
1.2.4 Output Unit
1.2.5 Control Unit
1.3 Basic Operational Concepts
1.4 Bus Structures
1.5 Software
1.6 Performance
1.6.I Processor Clock
1.6.2 Basic Performance Equation
1.6.3 Pipelining and Superscalar Operation
1.6.4 Clock Rate
l.6.5 Instruction Set CISC and RISC
1.6.6 Compiler
1.6.7 Performance Measurement
1.7 Multiprocessors and Multicomputers
l.8 Historical
1.8.I The First Generation
l.8.2 The Second Generation
l.8.3 The Third Generation
l.8.4 The Fourth Generation
1.8.5 Beyond the Fourth Generation
l.8.6 Evolution of Performance
1.9 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 2
2.1 Numbers, Arithmetic Operations, and Characters
2.I.1 Number Representation
2.1.2 Addition of Positive Numbers
2.1.3 Addition and Subtraction of Signed Numbers
2.l.4 Overflow in Integer Arithmetic
2.1.5 Characters
2.2 Memory Locations and Addresses
2.2.l Byte
2.2.2 Big-endian and Little-endian Assignments
2.2.3 Word Alignment
2.2.4 Accssing Numbers Character Strings
2.3 Memory Operations
2.4 Instructions and Instruction Sequencing
2.4.I Register Transfer Notation
2.4.2 Assembly Language Notation
2.4.3 Basic Instruction Types
2.4.4 lnstruction Execution and Straight-Line Sequencing
2.4.5 Branching
2.4.6 Condition Codes
2.4.7 Generating Memory Addresses
2.5 Addressing Modes
2.5.l Implementation of Variables and Constants
2.5.2 Indirection and Pointers
2.5.3 Indexing and Arrays
2.5.4 Relalive Addressing
2.5.5 Additional Modes
2.6 Assembly Language
2.6.I Assembler Directives
2.6.2 Assembly and Execution of Programs
2.6.3 Number Notation
2.7 Basic Input/Output Operations
2.8 Stacks and Queues
2.9 Subroutines
2.9.I Subroutine Nesting and the Processor Stack
2.9.2 Parameter Passing
2.9.3 The Stack Frame
2. 10 Additional Instructions
2.l0.l Logic Instructions
2.10.2 Shift and Rotate Instructions
2.10.3 Multiplication and Division
2.11 Example Programs
2.11.l Vector Dot Product Program
2.11.2 Byte-Sorting Program
2.11.3 Linked Lists
2.12 Encoding of Machine Instructions
2.13 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 3
Part I TheARM Example
3.l Registers, Memory Access, and Data Transfer
3.l.l Register Structure
3.l.2 Memory Access lnstructions and Addressing Modes
3.l.3 Register Move Instructions
3.2 Arithetic and Logic Instructions
3.2.l Arithmetic Instructions
3.2.2 Logic Instructions
3.3 Branch Instructions
3.3.l Setting Condition Codes
3.3.2 A Loop Program for Adding Numbers
3.4 Assembly Language
3.4.l Pseudo-Instructions
3.5 I/O Operations
3.6 Subroutines
3.7 Program Examples
3.7.l Vector Dot Product Program
3.7.2 Byte-Sorting Program
3.7.3 Linked-List Insertion and Deletion Subroutines
PartII The 68000 Example
3.8 Registers and Addressing
3.8.l The 68OOO Register Structure
3.8.2 Addressing
3.9 Instructions
3.IO Assembly Language
3.ll Program Flow Control
3.Il.l Condition Code Flags
3.Il.2 Branch Instructions
3.12 I/O Operations
3.13 Stacks and Subroutines
3.14 Logic Instructions
3.15 Program Examples
3.15.I Vector Dot Product Program
3.15.2 Byte-Sorting Program
3.15.3 Linked-List Insertion and Deletion Subroutines
PartIII The IA-32 Pentium Example
3.16 Registen and Addressing
3.16.l IA-32 Register Structure
3.16.2 IA-32 Addressing Modes
3.17 IA-32 Instructions
3.17.l Machine Instruction Format
3.I8 IA-32 Assembly Language
3.19 Program Flow Control
3.19.l Conditional Jumps and Condition Code Flags
3.19.2 Unconditional Jump
3.20 Logic and Shift/Rotate Instructions
3.20.l Logic Operations
3.20.2 Shift and Rotate Operalions
3.21 I/O Operations
3.21.l Memory-MappedI/O
3.21.2 Isolated I/O
3.21.3 BlockTransfers
3.22 Subroutines
3.23 Other instructions
3.23.l Multiply and Divide Instructions
3.23.2 Multimedia Extension (MMX) Instructions
3.23.3 Vector(SIMD) Instructions
3.24 Program Examples
3.24.l Vector Dot Product Rogram
3.24.2 Byte-Sorting Program
3.24.3 Linked-List Insertion and Deletion Subroutines
3.25 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 4
4.l Accessing I/O Devices
4.2 Interrupts
4.2.l Interrupt Hardware
4.2.2 Enabling and Disabling Interrupts
4.2.3 Handling Multiple Devices
4.2.4 Controlling Device Reqaests
4.2.5 Exceptions
4.2.6 Use of Interrupts in Operaling Systems
4.3 Processor Examples
4.3.l ARM Interrupt Structure
4.3.2 68000 Interrupt Structure
4.3.3 Pentium Interrupt Structure
4.4 Direct Memory Access
4.4.1 Bus Arbitration
4.5 Buses
4.5.l Synchronous Bus
4.5.2 Asynchronous Bus
4.5.3 Discussion
4.6 Interface Circuits
4.6.l Parallel Port
4.6.2 Serial Port
4.7 Standard I/O Interfaces
4.7.l Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCD) Bus
4.7.2 SCSI Bus
4.7.3 Universal Serial Bus (USB)
4.8 Concluding Remarks
Chapler 5
5.l Some Basic Concepts
5.2 Semiconductor RAM Memories
5.2.l Internal Organization of Memory Chips
5.2.2 Static Memories
5.2.3 Asynchronous Drams
5.2.4 Synchronous DRAMs
5.2.5 Structure of Larger Memones
5.2.6 Memory System Considerations
5.2.7 Rambus Memory
5.3 Read-Only Memories
5.3.l ROM
5.3.2 PROM
5.3.3 EPROM
5.3.4 EEPROM
5.3.5 Flash Memory
5.4 Speed, Size. and Cost
5.5 Cache Memories
5.5.l Mapping Functions
5.5.2 Replacement Algorithms
5.5.3 Example of Mapping Techniques
5.5.4 Examples of Caches in Commercial Processors
5.6 Performance Considerations
5.6.1 Interleaving
5.6.2 Hit Rate and Miss Penalty
5.6.3 Caches on the Processor Chip
5.6.4 Other Enhancements
5.7 Virual Memories
5.7.l Address Translation
5.8 Memory Management Requilements
5.9 Secondary Storage
5.9.l Magnetic Hard Disks
5.9.2 Optical Disks
5.9.3 Magnetic Tape Systems
5.IO Concluding Remarks Problems
Chapter 6
6. l Addition and Subtraction of Signed Numbers
6. l .l Addition/Subtraction Logic Unit
6.2 Design of Fast Adders
6.2.l Carry-Lookahead Addition
6.3 Multiplicalion of Positive Numbers
6.4 Signed-Opeand Multiplication
6.4.l Booth Algorithm
6.5 Fast Multiplication
6.5.l Bit-Palr Recoding of Multipliers
6.5.2 Carry-Save Addition of Summands
6.6 Integer Division
6.7 Floating-Point Numbers and Opeations
6.7.l IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Numbers
6.7.2 Arithmetic Opeations on Floating-Point Numbers
6.7.3 Guard Bits and Truncation
6.7.4 Implementing Roating-Point Operations
6.8 Coocluding Remarks
Chapter 7
7.l Some Fundamental Concepts
7.l.1 Register Transfers
7.l.2 Performing an Arithmetic or Logic Operatian
7.l.3 Fetching a Word from Memory
7.1.4 Storing a Word in Memory
7.2 Execution of a Complete Instruction
7.2.1 Branch Instructions
7.3 Multiple-Bus Organization
7.4 Hardwired Control
7.4.1 A Complete Processor
7.5 Microprogrammed Control
7.5.1 Microinstructions
7.5.2 Microprogram Sequencing
7.5.3 Wide-Branch Addressing
7.5.4 Microinstructions with Next-Address Field
7.5.5 Prefetching Microinstructions
7.5.6 Emulation
7.6 Concluding Remarks
Chaprer 8
8.1 Basic Concepts
8.1.l Role of Cache Memory
8.l.2 Pipeline Performance
8.2 Data Hazards
8.2. l Operand Forwarding
8.2.2 Handling Data Hazards in Software
8.2.3 Side Effects
8.3 1nstruction Hazards
8.3.1 Unconditional Branches
8.3.2 Condilional Branches and Branch Prediction
8.4 Influence on Instruction Sets
S.4.1 Addressing Modes
8.4.2 Condition Codes
8.5 Datapath and Control Considerations
8.6 Superscalar Operation
8.6.l Out-of-Order Execution
8.6.2 Execution Completion
8.6.3 Dispatch Operation
8.7.l SPARC Architecture
8.7.2 UltraSPAXC II
8.7.3 Pipeline Structure
8.8 Performance Considerations
8.8.l Effect of Instruction Hazards
8.8.2 Number of Pipeline Stages
8.9 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 9
9.l Examples of Embedded Systems
9.1.l Microwave Oven
9.l.2 Digital Camera
9.1.3 Home Telemetry
9.2 Processor Chips for Embedded Applications
9.3 A Simple Microcontroller
9.3.l Parallel I/O Ports
9.3.2 Serial I/O Interface
9.3.3 Counter/Timer
9.3.4 Interrupt Control Mechanism
9.4 Programming Considerations
9.4.l Polling Approach
9.4.2 Interrupt Approach
9.5 I/O Device Timing Constraints
9.5.l C Program for Transfer via a Circular Buffer
9.5.2 Assembly Language Program for Transfer via a Circular Buffer
9.6 Reaction Timer-An Example
9.6.l C Program for the Reaction Timer
9.6.2 Assembly Language Program for the Reaction Timer
9.6.3 Final Comments
9.7 Embedded Processor Families
9.7.1 Microcontrollers Based on the Intel 8051
9.7.2 Motorola Microcontrollers
9.7.3 ARM Microcontrollers
9.8 DesignIssues
9.9 System-on-a-Chip
9.9. I FPGA Implementation
9.IO Concluding Remarks
Chaprer l0
l0. 1 Input Devices
l0.1.l Keyboard
l0.l.2 Mouse
l0.l.3 Trackball. Joystick_ and
l0 uchpad
l0.l.4 Scanners
l0.2 Output Devices
l0.2.l Video Displays
l0.2.2 Flat-Panel Displays
l0.2.3 Printers
l0.2.4 Graphics Accelerators
l0.3 Serial Communication Links
l0.3.l Asynchronous Transmission
l0.3.2 Synchronous Transmission
l0.3.3 Standard Communications Interfaces
l0.4 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 11
ll.l The ARM Family
ll.I.l The Thumb lustruction Set
ll.l.2 Processor and CPU Cores
ll.2 The Motorola 680XO and CoIdFire Families
ll.2.l 68020 Processor
ll.2.2 Enhancements in 68030 and 6804O Processors
ll.2.3 68060 Processor
ll.2.4 The ColdFire Family
ll.3 The Intel IA-32 Family
ll.3.l IA-32 Memory Segmentation
ll.3.2 Sixteen-BitMode
ll.3.3 80386and 80486 Processors
ll.3.4 Pentium Processor
ll.3.5 Pentium Pro Processor
ll.3.6 Pentium II and III Processors
ll.3.7 Pentium4Processor
ll.3.8 Advanced Micro Devices IA-32 Processors
11.4 The PowerPC Family
11.4.l RegisterSet
11.4.2 Memory Addressing Modes
11.4.3 Instructions
11.4.4 PowerPC Processon
11.5 The Sun Microsystems SPARC Family
11.6 The Compaq Alpha Family
11.6.l Instruction and Addressing Mode Formats
11.6.2 Alpha 21064 Processor
11.6.3 Alpha 21164 Processor
11.6.4 Alpha 21264 Processor
11.7 The Intel IA-64 Family
11.7.I InastructionBundles
11.7.2 Conditional Execution
ll.7.3 Speculalive Loads
l1.7.4 Registers and the Register Stack
11.7.5 ItaniumProcessor
11.8 A Stack Processor
11.8.1 Stack Structure
11.8.2 Stack Instructions
11.8.3 Hardware Registers in the Stack
11.9 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 12
12.l Forms of Parallel Processing
12.l.l Classification of Parallel Structures
12.2 Array
12.3 The Structure of General-Purpose Multiprocessors
12.4 Bltaeomection Newolb
12.4.l SingleBus
12.4.2 Crossbar Networks
12.4.3 Multistage Networks
12.4.4 Hypercube Networks
12.4.5 MeshNetworks
12.4.6 TreeNetworks
12.4.7 RingNetworks
12.4.8 Practical
12.4.9 Mixed Topology Networks
12.4.10 Symmetric Multiprocessors
l2.5 Memory Organization in Multiprocessors
12.6 Program Parallelism and Shared Variables
12.6.l Accessing Shared Variables
12.6.2 Cache Cnherence
12.6.3 Need for Locking and Cache Coherence
12.7 Multicomputers
12.7.l Local Area Networks
12.7.2 Ethernet (CSMA/CD) Bus
12.7.3 TokenRing
12.7.4 Network of Workstations
12.8 Programmer's View of Shared Memory and Message Passing
12.8.l SharedMemoryCase
12.8.2 Message-Passing Case
12.9 Performance Considerations
12.9.l Amdahl'sLaw
12.9.2 Performance Indicators
12.IO Concluding Remarks
A.l Basic Logic Functions
A. l .l EIectronic Logic Gates
A.2 Synthesis ofLogic Functions
A.3 Minimization of Logic Expressions
A.3.l Minimization Using Karnaugh Maps
A.3.2 Don't-Cale Conditions
A.4 Synthesis with NAND and NOR Gates
A.5 Practical Implementation of Logic Gates
A.5.l CMOS Circuits
A.5.2 Propagation Delay
A.5.3 Fan-In and Fan-Out Constraints
A.5.4 Tri-state Buffers
A.5.5 Integrated Circuit Packages
A.6 Flip-Flops
A.6. l Gated Latches
A.6.2 Master-Slave Flip-Flop
A.6.3 Edge Triggering
A.6.4 T Flip-Flop
A.6.5 JK Flip-Flop
A.6.6 Flip-Flops with Reset and Clear
A.7 Registers and Shift Registers
A.8 Counters
A.9 Decoders
A.IO Multiplexers
A.Il Programmable Logic Devices pLDs)
A.Il.l Progammable Logic Array(PLA)
A.ll.2 Programmable Array Logic(PAI.)
A.II.3 Complex Programmable Logic Devices(CPLDs)
A. 12 Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
A. 13 Seqnential Circuits
A.13.I An Example of an Up/Down Counter
A.13.2 Timing Diagrams
A.13.3 The Finite State Machine Model
A.13.4 Synthesis of Finite State Machines
A.14 Concluding Remarks
B.l Instruction Encoding
B.I.l Arithmetic and Logic Instructions
B. l .2 Memary Load and Store Instructions
B.l.3 Block Load and Store Instructions
B.l.4 Branch and Branch with Link Instructions
B. l .5 Machine Control Instructions
B.2 Other ARM Instructions
B.2.l Coprocessor Instructions
B.2.2 Versions v4 and v5 Instructions
B.3 Programming Experiments
D.l Instruction Encoding
D.l.l Addressing Modes
D.2 Basic Instructions
D.2.I Conditional Jump Instructions
D.2.2 Unconditional Jump Instructions
D.3 PrefixBytes
D.4 Other Insutructions
D.4.l String Instructions
D.4.2 Floating-Point. MMX, and SSE Instructions
D.5 Sixteen-Bit Operation
D.6 Programming Experiments NUMBER
E.l Character, Codes
E.2 Decimal-to-Binary Conversion
1.l ComputerTypes
1.2 Functional Units
l.2.I Input Unit
l.2.2 Memory Unit
1.2.3 Arithmetic and Logic Unit
1.2.4 Output Unit
1.2.5 Control Unit
1.3 Basic Operational Concepts
1.4 Bus Structures
1.5 Software
1.6 Performance
1.6.I Processor Clock
1.6.2 Basic Performance Equation
1.6.3 Pipelining and Superscalar Operation
1.6.4 Clock Rate
l.6.5 Instruction Set CISC and RISC
1.6.6 Compiler
1.6.7 Performance Measurement
1.7 Multiprocessors and Multicomputers
l.8 Historical
1.8.I The First Generation
l.8.2 The Second Generation
l.8.3 The Third Generation
l.8.4 The Fourth Generation
1.8.5 Beyond the Fourth Generation
l.8.6 Evolution of Performance
1.9 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 2
2.1 Numbers, Arithmetic Operations, and Characters
2.I.1 Number Representation
2.1.2 Addition of Positive Numbers
2.1.3 Addition and Subtraction of Signed Numbers
2.l.4 Overflow in Integer Arithmetic
2.1.5 Characters
2.2 Memory Locations and Addresses
2.2.l Byte
2.2.2 Big-endian and Little-endian Assignments
2.2.3 Word Alignment
2.2.4 Accssing Numbers Character Strings
2.3 Memory Operations
2.4 Instructions and Instruction Sequencing
2.4.I Register Transfer Notation
2.4.2 Assembly Language Notation
2.4.3 Basic Instruction Types
2.4.4 lnstruction Execution and Straight-Line Sequencing
2.4.5 Branching
2.4.6 Condition Codes
2.4.7 Generating Memory Addresses
2.5 Addressing Modes
2.5.l Implementation of Variables and Constants
2.5.2 Indirection and Pointers
2.5.3 Indexing and Arrays
2.5.4 Relalive Addressing
2.5.5 Additional Modes
2.6 Assembly Language
2.6.I Assembler Directives
2.6.2 Assembly and Execution of Programs
2.6.3 Number Notation
2.7 Basic Input/Output Operations
2.8 Stacks and Queues
2.9 Subroutines
2.9.I Subroutine Nesting and the Processor Stack
2.9.2 Parameter Passing
2.9.3 The Stack Frame
2. 10 Additional Instructions
2.l0.l Logic Instructions
2.10.2 Shift and Rotate Instructions
2.10.3 Multiplication and Division
2.11 Example Programs
2.11.l Vector Dot Product Program
2.11.2 Byte-Sorting Program
2.11.3 Linked Lists
2.12 Encoding of Machine Instructions
2.13 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 3
Part I TheARM Example
3.l Registers, Memory Access, and Data Transfer
3.l.l Register Structure
3.l.2 Memory Access lnstructions and Addressing Modes
3.l.3 Register Move Instructions
3.2 Arithetic and Logic Instructions
3.2.l Arithmetic Instructions
3.2.2 Logic Instructions
3.3 Branch Instructions
3.3.l Setting Condition Codes
3.3.2 A Loop Program for Adding Numbers
3.4 Assembly Language
3.4.l Pseudo-Instructions
3.5 I/O Operations
3.6 Subroutines
3.7 Program Examples
3.7.l Vector Dot Product Program
3.7.2 Byte-Sorting Program
3.7.3 Linked-List Insertion and Deletion Subroutines
PartII The 68000 Example
3.8 Registers and Addressing
3.8.l The 68OOO Register Structure
3.8.2 Addressing
3.9 Instructions
3.IO Assembly Language
3.ll Program Flow Control
3.Il.l Condition Code Flags
3.Il.2 Branch Instructions
3.12 I/O Operations
3.13 Stacks and Subroutines
3.14 Logic Instructions
3.15 Program Examples
3.15.I Vector Dot Product Program
3.15.2 Byte-Sorting Program
3.15.3 Linked-List Insertion and Deletion Subroutines
PartIII The IA-32 Pentium Example
3.16 Registen and Addressing
3.16.l IA-32 Register Structure
3.16.2 IA-32 Addressing Modes
3.17 IA-32 Instructions
3.17.l Machine Instruction Format
3.I8 IA-32 Assembly Language
3.19 Program Flow Control
3.19.l Conditional Jumps and Condition Code Flags
3.19.2 Unconditional Jump
3.20 Logic and Shift/Rotate Instructions
3.20.l Logic Operations
3.20.2 Shift and Rotate Operalions
3.21 I/O Operations
3.21.l Memory-MappedI/O
3.21.2 Isolated I/O
3.21.3 BlockTransfers
3.22 Subroutines
3.23 Other instructions
3.23.l Multiply and Divide Instructions
3.23.2 Multimedia Extension (MMX) Instructions
3.23.3 Vector(SIMD) Instructions
3.24 Program Examples
3.24.l Vector Dot Product Rogram
3.24.2 Byte-Sorting Program
3.24.3 Linked-List Insertion and Deletion Subroutines
3.25 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 4
4.l Accessing I/O Devices
4.2 Interrupts
4.2.l Interrupt Hardware
4.2.2 Enabling and Disabling Interrupts
4.2.3 Handling Multiple Devices
4.2.4 Controlling Device Reqaests
4.2.5 Exceptions
4.2.6 Use of Interrupts in Operaling Systems
4.3 Processor Examples
4.3.l ARM Interrupt Structure
4.3.2 68000 Interrupt Structure
4.3.3 Pentium Interrupt Structure
4.4 Direct Memory Access
4.4.1 Bus Arbitration
4.5 Buses
4.5.l Synchronous Bus
4.5.2 Asynchronous Bus
4.5.3 Discussion
4.6 Interface Circuits
4.6.l Parallel Port
4.6.2 Serial Port
4.7 Standard I/O Interfaces
4.7.l Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCD) Bus
4.7.2 SCSI Bus
4.7.3 Universal Serial Bus (USB)
4.8 Concluding Remarks
Chapler 5
5.l Some Basic Concepts
5.2 Semiconductor RAM Memories
5.2.l Internal Organization of Memory Chips
5.2.2 Static Memories
5.2.3 Asynchronous Drams
5.2.4 Synchronous DRAMs
5.2.5 Structure of Larger Memones
5.2.6 Memory System Considerations
5.2.7 Rambus Memory
5.3 Read-Only Memories
5.3.l ROM
5.3.2 PROM
5.3.3 EPROM
5.3.4 EEPROM
5.3.5 Flash Memory
5.4 Speed, Size. and Cost
5.5 Cache Memories
5.5.l Mapping Functions
5.5.2 Replacement Algorithms
5.5.3 Example of Mapping Techniques
5.5.4 Examples of Caches in Commercial Processors
5.6 Performance Considerations
5.6.1 Interleaving
5.6.2 Hit Rate and Miss Penalty
5.6.3 Caches on the Processor Chip
5.6.4 Other Enhancements
5.7 Virual Memories
5.7.l Address Translation
5.8 Memory Management Requilements
5.9 Secondary Storage
5.9.l Magnetic Hard Disks
5.9.2 Optical Disks
5.9.3 Magnetic Tape Systems
5.IO Concluding Remarks Problems
Chapter 6
6. l Addition and Subtraction of Signed Numbers
6. l .l Addition/Subtraction Logic Unit
6.2 Design of Fast Adders
6.2.l Carry-Lookahead Addition
6.3 Multiplicalion of Positive Numbers
6.4 Signed-Opeand Multiplication
6.4.l Booth Algorithm
6.5 Fast Multiplication
6.5.l Bit-Palr Recoding of Multipliers
6.5.2 Carry-Save Addition of Summands
6.6 Integer Division
6.7 Floating-Point Numbers and Opeations
6.7.l IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Numbers
6.7.2 Arithmetic Opeations on Floating-Point Numbers
6.7.3 Guard Bits and Truncation
6.7.4 Implementing Roating-Point Operations
6.8 Coocluding Remarks
Chapter 7
7.l Some Fundamental Concepts
7.l.1 Register Transfers
7.l.2 Performing an Arithmetic or Logic Operatian
7.l.3 Fetching a Word from Memory
7.1.4 Storing a Word in Memory
7.2 Execution of a Complete Instruction
7.2.1 Branch Instructions
7.3 Multiple-Bus Organization
7.4 Hardwired Control
7.4.1 A Complete Processor
7.5 Microprogrammed Control
7.5.1 Microinstructions
7.5.2 Microprogram Sequencing
7.5.3 Wide-Branch Addressing
7.5.4 Microinstructions with Next-Address Field
7.5.5 Prefetching Microinstructions
7.5.6 Emulation
7.6 Concluding Remarks
Chaprer 8
8.1 Basic Concepts
8.1.l Role of Cache Memory
8.l.2 Pipeline Performance
8.2 Data Hazards
8.2. l Operand Forwarding
8.2.2 Handling Data Hazards in Software
8.2.3 Side Effects
8.3 1nstruction Hazards
8.3.1 Unconditional Branches
8.3.2 Condilional Branches and Branch Prediction
8.4 Influence on Instruction Sets
S.4.1 Addressing Modes
8.4.2 Condition Codes
8.5 Datapath and Control Considerations
8.6 Superscalar Operation
8.6.l Out-of-Order Execution
8.6.2 Execution Completion
8.6.3 Dispatch Operation
8.7.l SPARC Architecture
8.7.2 UltraSPAXC II
8.7.3 Pipeline Structure
8.8 Performance Considerations
8.8.l Effect of Instruction Hazards
8.8.2 Number of Pipeline Stages
8.9 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 9
9.l Examples of Embedded Systems
9.1.l Microwave Oven
9.l.2 Digital Camera
9.1.3 Home Telemetry
9.2 Processor Chips for Embedded Applications
9.3 A Simple Microcontroller
9.3.l Parallel I/O Ports
9.3.2 Serial I/O Interface
9.3.3 Counter/Timer
9.3.4 Interrupt Control Mechanism
9.4 Programming Considerations
9.4.l Polling Approach
9.4.2 Interrupt Approach
9.5 I/O Device Timing Constraints
9.5.l C Program for Transfer via a Circular Buffer
9.5.2 Assembly Language Program for Transfer via a Circular Buffer
9.6 Reaction Timer-An Example
9.6.l C Program for the Reaction Timer
9.6.2 Assembly Language Program for the Reaction Timer
9.6.3 Final Comments
9.7 Embedded Processor Families
9.7.1 Microcontrollers Based on the Intel 8051
9.7.2 Motorola Microcontrollers
9.7.3 ARM Microcontrollers
9.8 DesignIssues
9.9 System-on-a-Chip
9.9. I FPGA Implementation
9.IO Concluding Remarks
Chaprer l0
l0. 1 Input Devices
l0.1.l Keyboard
l0.l.2 Mouse
l0.l.3 Trackball. Joystick_ and
l0 uchpad
l0.l.4 Scanners
l0.2 Output Devices
l0.2.l Video Displays
l0.2.2 Flat-Panel Displays
l0.2.3 Printers
l0.2.4 Graphics Accelerators
l0.3 Serial Communication Links
l0.3.l Asynchronous Transmission
l0.3.2 Synchronous Transmission
l0.3.3 Standard Communications Interfaces
l0.4 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 11
ll.l The ARM Family
ll.I.l The Thumb lustruction Set
ll.l.2 Processor and CPU Cores
ll.2 The Motorola 680XO and CoIdFire Families
ll.2.l 68020 Processor
ll.2.2 Enhancements in 68030 and 6804O Processors
ll.2.3 68060 Processor
ll.2.4 The ColdFire Family
ll.3 The Intel IA-32 Family
ll.3.l IA-32 Memory Segmentation
ll.3.2 Sixteen-BitMode
ll.3.3 80386and 80486 Processors
ll.3.4 Pentium Processor
ll.3.5 Pentium Pro Processor
ll.3.6 Pentium II and III Processors
ll.3.7 Pentium4Processor
ll.3.8 Advanced Micro Devices IA-32 Processors
11.4 The PowerPC Family
11.4.l RegisterSet
11.4.2 Memory Addressing Modes
11.4.3 Instructions
11.4.4 PowerPC Processon
11.5 The Sun Microsystems SPARC Family
11.6 The Compaq Alpha Family
11.6.l Instruction and Addressing Mode Formats
11.6.2 Alpha 21064 Processor
11.6.3 Alpha 21164 Processor
11.6.4 Alpha 21264 Processor
11.7 The Intel IA-64 Family
11.7.I InastructionBundles
11.7.2 Conditional Execution
ll.7.3 Speculalive Loads
l1.7.4 Registers and the Register Stack
11.7.5 ItaniumProcessor
11.8 A Stack Processor
11.8.1 Stack Structure
11.8.2 Stack Instructions
11.8.3 Hardware Registers in the Stack
11.9 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 12
12.l Forms of Parallel Processing
12.l.l Classification of Parallel Structures
12.2 Array
12.3 The Structure of General-Purpose Multiprocessors
12.4 Bltaeomection Newolb
12.4.l SingleBus
12.4.2 Crossbar Networks
12.4.3 Multistage Networks
12.4.4 Hypercube Networks
12.4.5 MeshNetworks
12.4.6 TreeNetworks
12.4.7 RingNetworks
12.4.8 Practical
12.4.9 Mixed Topology Networks
12.4.10 Symmetric Multiprocessors
l2.5 Memory Organization in Multiprocessors
12.6 Program Parallelism and Shared Variables
12.6.l Accessing Shared Variables
12.6.2 Cache Cnherence
12.6.3 Need for Locking and Cache Coherence
12.7 Multicomputers
12.7.l Local Area Networks
12.7.2 Ethernet (CSMA/CD) Bus
12.7.3 TokenRing
12.7.4 Network of Workstations
12.8 Programmer's View of Shared Memory and Message Passing
12.8.l SharedMemoryCase
12.8.2 Message-Passing Case
12.9 Performance Considerations
12.9.l Amdahl'sLaw
12.9.2 Performance Indicators
12.IO Concluding Remarks
A.l Basic Logic Functions
A. l .l EIectronic Logic Gates
A.2 Synthesis ofLogic Functions
A.3 Minimization of Logic Expressions
A.3.l Minimization Using Karnaugh Maps
A.3.2 Don't-Cale Conditions
A.4 Synthesis with NAND and NOR Gates
A.5 Practical Implementation of Logic Gates
A.5.l CMOS Circuits
A.5.2 Propagation Delay
A.5.3 Fan-In and Fan-Out Constraints
A.5.4 Tri-state Buffers
A.5.5 Integrated Circuit Packages
A.6 Flip-Flops
A.6. l Gated Latches
A.6.2 Master-Slave Flip-Flop
A.6.3 Edge Triggering
A.6.4 T Flip-Flop
A.6.5 JK Flip-Flop
A.6.6 Flip-Flops with Reset and Clear
A.7 Registers and Shift Registers
A.8 Counters
A.9 Decoders
A.IO Multiplexers
A.Il Programmable Logic Devices pLDs)
A.Il.l Progammable Logic Array(PLA)
A.ll.2 Programmable Array Logic(PAI.)
A.II.3 Complex Programmable Logic Devices(CPLDs)
A. 12 Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
A. 13 Seqnential Circuits
A.13.I An Example of an Up/Down Counter
A.13.2 Timing Diagrams
A.13.3 The Finite State Machine Model
A.13.4 Synthesis of Finite State Machines
A.14 Concluding Remarks
B.l Instruction Encoding
B.I.l Arithmetic and Logic Instructions
B. l .2 Memary Load and Store Instructions
B.l.3 Block Load and Store Instructions
B.l.4 Branch and Branch with Link Instructions
B. l .5 Machine Control Instructions
B.2 Other ARM Instructions
B.2.l Coprocessor Instructions
B.2.2 Versions v4 and v5 Instructions
B.3 Programming Experiments
D.l Instruction Encoding
D.l.l Addressing Modes
D.2 Basic Instructions
D.2.I Conditional Jump Instructions
D.2.2 Unconditional Jump Instructions
D.3 PrefixBytes
D.4 Other Insutructions
D.4.l String Instructions
D.4.2 Floating-Point. MMX, and SSE Instructions
D.5 Sixteen-Bit Operation
D.6 Programming Experiments NUMBER
E.l Character, Codes
E.2 Decimal-to-Binary Conversion