从皇帝到公民:我的前半生爱新觉罗.溥仪From Emperor to Citien is theautobiography of Pu Yi, the man whowas the last emperor of China. Aunique memoir of the first half of the20th century as seen through the eyesof one born to be an absolutemonarch, the book begins with theauthor's vivid account of the last,decadent days of the Ching Dynasty,and closes with an introspectiveself-portrait of the last Ching emperortransformed into a retiring scholarand citizen of the People's Republicof China.In detailing the events of the fiftyyears between his ascension to thethrone and the final period of his lifeas a quiet-living resident of Beijing,Pu Yi reveals himself to be first andforemost a survivor, caught up in thetorrent of global power struggles andworld conflict that played itself outon the Asian continent through manydecades of violence and upheaval.This firsthand description of thedramatic events of Pu Yi's life was thebasis for the intemationally acclaimed1987 Bemardo Bertolucci film TheLast Emperor which was named BestPicture of the Year by the AmericanAcademy of Motion Picture Arts andSciences. From Emperor to Citizenreadily lends itself to cinematicadaptation as a personal narrative ofcontinuously significant and revea-ling episodes.Becoming emperor and thenforcedtoabdicatewiththeestablishment of the Republic ofChina in 1911, all before he is sevenyears old, Pu Yi continues to live inthe Forbidden City for anotherdecade, still treated as the Son ofHeaven by the moribund Ching court,but in reality a virtual prisoner, withlittle genuine human contact apartfrom his beloved nurse Mrs. Wang,his teacher Chen Pao-shen and hisEnglish tutor Reginald Johnston.When at the age of nineteen Pu Yiis finally forced to vacate his isolatedexistence within the Forbidden City,he begins his long odyssey as thedependent of the occupying imperialJapanese regime, first in Tientsin, andeventually installed as "emperor" ofthe Japanese puppet state styledManchukuo in China's northeastprovinces. With the defeat of Japanand the end of the Second World War,Pu Yi faces a very uncertain future ashe is shunted off to Russia for fiveyears before retuming to a new Chinatransformed by revolution, where heis confined in the Fushun WarCriminal Prison. Here he undergoesseveralyearsofrehabilitation,"learning how to become a humanbeing," as he calls it, before receivingan official pardon and being allowedto finally live as an ordinary citizen ofBeijing.This autobiography is the culmi-nation of a unique and remarkablelife, told simply, directly and franklyby a man whose circumstances andexperiences were like no other.