







   PART ONE常见求职话题
    Opening Remarks
    About Name and Age
    About Address and Native Place
    About Dependents
    About Educatiotional Background
    Ahout Subject and Score
    About Social Activity and Honor
    About Work Experience
    About Achievement
    About Language Abilities
    About Part-time Jobs
    About Leaving
    About Reason for Application
    About the Post
    About Ability
    About Skills
    About Personality
    About Hobbies
    About Family
    About Remuneration
    About Vacations and Benefits
    About Availability
    About Ways to Contact You
    About the Result
    The End of Interview
    Phoning to Ask about a Job
   PART TWO特定职务面试
    About an Accountant
    About a Secretary
    about a Computer Programmer
    About a Stewardss
    About a Driver
    About a Salesperson
    About a Receptionist
    About a Front Office Manager
    About a Tourist Guide
    About a Senior Preduction Planner
    About a Nurse
    About the Job of a Medical Representative
    About Head of Claim Department
    About a Lab Assistant
   PART THREE特定问题口述
    Talking about Yourself
    You Can Take on the Job
    Your Ideal Boss
    Your Plan
    Why to Select the Job
    Why to Leave the Job
    You Are the Fit Person
    The Job You Like and Dislike
    The Working Relationship with Your Boss
    Your Spare Time
    Your Personal Ability
    Your Woring Ability on Time
    How to Deal with the Task
    How to Deal with the Difficult Task
    How to Decide the Most Important Thing
    The Problems in Your Experience
    Your Mistake
    Your Attitude to Blame
    Different Opinion with Your Boss
    Your Selection
    The Difficult Person or Thing
    The Thing You Do Actively
   PART FOUR 求职信
    A Position of Salesman
    A Position of Clerk in Publishing House
    A Position of Office Clerk
    A Position of Engineer
    A Position of Editor
    A position of Accountant
    A position of Secritary
    A Position of marketing Executive
    A Position of Cancer Researcher
    A Position of Senior Clerk
    A Position of Junior Secretary
    A Position of Biochemist
    A Position of Consumer Researcher
    A Position of Clerk
    A Postion of Senior Secretary
    A Position of Senior Production Planner
    A Position of Office Clerk
    A position of Actuary
    A Position of Typist
    A Position of Teacher
    A Position of Cashier
    A Position of Librarian
    A Position of Compiler
    A Position of Certified Public Accountant
    A Position of Bookkeeper
    A Position of Administrative Assistant
    A Positiont of Stockbroker
    A Position of System Analyst
    A Position of Economic Statistician
   PART FIVE 求职履历表
    Resume l
    Resume 2
    Resume 3
    Resume 4
    Resume 5
   PART SIX求职相关函件
    Seeking Recommendation for Jobs
    from Acquaint-ances
    General Letters of Recommendation
    Paticular Leters of Recommendation
    Follow-up betters
    Certain Reply to Job-Application
    Rejective Reply to Job-Application
    Repsy Concerning Interviews
    Notification of an Job Offer
    Accepting the Job Offers
    Postponing the Data of Availability
    Declining the Job Offer
    Certificate of Employment
    Letters of Resignation
    Termination of Services
