关键点位凌波 著本书包括适用于股票、基金、期货和外汇市场的28个交易话题,涉及交易系统的四大部分——技术分析、风险控制、资金管理和交易心理。其中贯穿着利弗莫尔的关键点位操作方法、威科夫的量价理论、艾略特的波浪理论,以及经典技术分析方法。帮助投资者深入学习技术分析方法,认识价格波动规律,确立稳定盈利的交易策略。
构建国际金融中心的路径华民 主编以世界的视野来考察,国际金融中心的出现都有其特定的条件。以这些条件来衡量,在发展中国家构建国际金融中心的难度很大。中国必须在保持可持续的经济增长以及对金融体系进行对内和对外的双重改革等前提下,选择适合的层级和区位构建国际金融中心;其面临的是深层的体制改革问题。
欧洲零售式银行业务的未来Oonagh McDonald 著Within Europe, the banking sector is commencing a period of considerable change and consolidation. Advances in technology, competition from the non-banking sector, the introduction of the Euro, a European Central bank and, possibly, pan-European Regulation, combined with the challenge from US banks, increased mergers and changing practices means 21st century banking is changing immeasurably. The Future of Retail Banking in Europe is written in an accessible style by Oonagh McDonald and Kevin Keasey, two of the leading authorities in the field and includes: In-depth analysis of the banking structures in all the major European markets. Foreword by Guy Warren, Head of Banking, Europe, Unisys Corporation Unique insights into the industry from the CEOs of major European banks. The challenges being faced in the industry and predictions into what the future holds for retail banking in Europe. This book will be essential reading for middle and senior managers in the banking and financial service sectors, both suppliers and investors in the banking sector, and MBA students.
公共基础过关必做2000题圣才学习网 主编《2010版公共基础过关必做2000题(含历年真题)》是中国银行业从业人员资格认证考试科目“公共基础”过关必做习题集。《2010版公共基础过关必做2000题(含历年真题)》遵循*《中国银行业从业人员资格认证考试公共基础科目考试大纲》的章目编排,共分3篇11章,根据*大纲指定的参考书目及相关法律、法规和规范性文件精心编写了约2000道习题:所选习题基本覆盖了考试大纲规定需要掌握的知识内容,侧重于设计常考难点习题,对部分习题的答案进行了详细的分析和说明。
中人20132014农村金融机构公开招聘考试历年真题汇编职业能力测验卫晓东 主编为适应我国金融行业进一步健康、持续发展的需要,大力引进金融方面的专业人才已成为农村信用社等金融机构的当务之急。作为国内早研究、出版农村信用社招考教材和培训辅导的中人教育集团,积极配合和参与各地农村信用社招聘考试命题研究工作,不仅组建了国内早的专门研究农村信用社命题的、高水平教研队伍,而且吸取了参与招录考试的出题与阅卷工作的众多一线专家和教师作为专家顾问团,为本系列教材的权威性和考试的针对性打下坚实的基础。近两年来,各级农村信用社的招聘工作日趋完善,通过面向社会公开招聘,各级农村信用社从大中专院校引进了一批金融、财务、经济、法律、计算机、管理文秘等专业人才,招聘流程也日渐透明与公平,包括了笔试、面试、体检和考核等环节。本套丛书是各级农村信用社公开招聘考试系统权威的教材,我社与中人教育再次联合修订出版,教材自出版以来,不仅为广大考生的复习提供了科学的备考学案,同时为准备参加证券、保险等金融机构招聘考试的考生提供了复习范本,本套丛书在内容编排上适用金融系统招聘考试的*变化,体现出农村信用社招聘考试命题的地方特点。
银行资产评估师秦永顺 主编《银行资产评估师***》遵循科学性、实用性、可操作性的原则,参考国际资产评估领域*的理论和实践成果,以理论描述与案例剖析相结合的手法,介绍各类资产评估的方法及相关法律问题,描述了银行资产评估师的职业能力和职业素质,为银行业资产评估师队伍的建设提供了一本较为实用的教科书。
顶尖货币管理者的5个原则Scott Kays 著In Five Key Lessons from Top Money Managers, Scott Kays taps into the investment knowledge of five of the nation's foremost money managers-Bill Nygren, Andy Stephens, Christopher Davis, Bill Fries, and John Calamos. Through extensive interviews with these investment experts, Kays found five principles that are common to all of them. This book discusses each of these five principles in detail-and gives readers specific tools to implement what they've learned by developing a step-by-step process that incorporates all five principles. Kays even teaches readers how to screen for companies that meet the criteria for quality businesses and then analyze three of the qualifying firms to determine if they sell above or below their fair market value.
西汉货币史宋敘 著本书是极少数将中国货币史作断代研究的著作。西汉货币史在中国货币史上,有其极重要的地位。西汉是中国社会个政治性的统一政府,而且又刚刚踫上中国社会进入「货币经济社会」的关键时刻,所以西汉政府首先遇到的一个课题,是必须制订一个全国性的货币制度,以应「货币经济社会」的需要。这一个课题,在以前的政府都没有遇见过;而在西汉以后的政府,则有西汉的前例可循。故西汉政府的处境,为困难。西汉政府,在制订货币制度时,非但为当代立法,亦可说是为后世立法。西汉货币史既然如此重要,故非作断代专深研究,无法真正暸解。本书写作,在史料之搜集排比过程中,用中国的考证方法;而在分析、解释史实时,则用现代经济学、货币学的理论。令中国古代史事,饶具现代意义。本书作于一九六一年,完稿于一九六四年。写作期间,蒙前辈学者如张丕介教授、牟润孙教授、全汉升教授、劳干教授、徐复观教授、张德昌教授等赐予审阅、订正,弥足珍贵。本书初版于一九七一年。原为十章;现经作者增订、补充,增为十一章,而内容更为充实。
货币市场手册Moorad Choudry 著The money markets are the essentialcornerstone of the world's capital markets.This book is an accessible, up-to-date guideto all the important features of the globalmoney markets. It is aimed at practitionersin banks, money funds and corporatetreasuries, and builds up from a beginnershandbook to a guide on the latestdevelopments and structures.The book features:complete coverage of all products usedin the money markets, includingde*ions and trade calculations latest developments in fundingstructures, including synthetic asset-backed conduits, TRS-linked notesand hybrid MTN vehicles a guide to Treasury desk asset-liabilitymanagement and regulatory capital essential discussion on the moneymarket yield curve.Written by an experienced money marketstrader, this is the ultimate guide for bankers,salespersons, originators and investors.