税收策划实战案例精选庄粉荣 著全书集实例与纳税筹划方案于一体,包括增值税纳税筹划案例解析、消费税纳税筹划案例解析、出口退税纳税筹划案例解析、国际税收筹划案例解析、土地增值税纳税筹划案例解析、房产税纳税筹划案例解析、契税纳税筹划案例解析、企业所得税纳税筹划案例解析、个人所得税纳税筹划案例解析。笔者利用一年的时间对1200多个案例进行了一次精选,然后将多数案例再以新政策作为操作背景,对相关策划事项进行了重新分析,形成《庄粉荣税收策划实战案例精选》一书,从而跟《税收策划36计》等书组成一套完整的税收策划实务操作模型。
中国财政2020杨英明 著The year 2020 is the final year of the 13th Five-Year Plan. In the past five years,China's fiscal reform and development has gone through an extraordinary journey of hard efforts and scored new achievements,as evidenced by further strengthened financial capaaty,sustained intensity of fiscal expenditures,unprecedented tax and fee cut,steady rise of spending on areas related to people's wellbeing,effective fiscal support for major national strategies,continued deepening of the reform of fiscal and tax system,and greater role in global economic governance. In this process,finance authorities in China doubled efforts to unlock market vitality,improve fiscal macro-regulation,and strengthen cross-cyclical design and counter-cyclical adjustment of policies. In addition,they worked to refine the fiscal and tax policy system,adjust and optimize the expenditure mix,advance the fiscal and tax reform and fiscal management in a coordinated manner,and enhance fiscal governance effiaency On the international front,they also stepped up efforts in deepening international economic and financial exchanges and cooperation,to push for higher-standard opening up of China.In 2020,finance authorities in China coordinated their efforts in pandemic prevention and control with economic and social development,providing strong support for economic recovery and overall social stability. Taking pandemic prevention and control as the most important and urgent task,they put forward the two guarantees in no time to lend fuU support to the fight against COVID-19,and sought to mitigate the impact of the pandemicwith enhanced fiscal policy support and stronger policy interpretation and communication efforts. Moreover,they promptly introduced large-scale relief poliaes for struggling enterprises,and creatively set up the mechanism for directly allocating budgetary funds to prefecture and county-level governments,in order to stabilize and sustain economic recovery. They supported the fight of the three critical battles to successfully eradicate poverty as planned,notably improve the ecological and environmental quality,and effectively forestall and defuse potential risks,helping secure the last mile of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. They endeavored to support people's livelihood,with a focus on keeping enterprises afloat to retain employment,ensuring the three prioritiesat the grassroots level,steadily raising the protection of people's basic livelihood,and firmly safeguarding security in six key areas. They further worked to deepen the supply-side structural reforms,vigorously supported technological innovation,helped accelerate the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing sector,provided assistance for struggling micro and small-sized enterprises,strengthened food and energy security,and enhanced the innovation capacity and competitiveness ofthe real economy Efforts were also made to deepen reform and opening up,steadily advance the reform of fiscal and tax system,continue to deepen international economic and financial cooperation,further consolidate the foundation of fiscal management,transform the regulatory bureaus with tangible results,and steadily enhance the level of fiscal governance.The year 2021 is of speaal significance in the process of China's modernization drive,since it marks the beginning of the 14th Five-Year Plan and heralds a new journey of building a modern socialist country in all respects. In keeping with the general principles of seeking progress while maintaining stability,finance authorities in China will proceed from the new development stage,fully apply the new development philosophy,and seek to foster a new development paradigm. They will pursue high-quality development as the general aim,advance supply-side structural reform as the main task,and harness reform and innovation as the key source of momentum in their endeavor to meet the fundamental goal of satisfying the people's growing needs for a better life. They will apply systemic thinking,ensure stability on six key fronts and maintain security in six key areas,implement macro policies in a saence-based and targeted way,keep major economic indicators within an appropriate range,continue to expand domestic demand,strengthen science and technology to provide strategic support,and pursue higher-standard opening up. The proactive fiscal policies will improve its quality and efficacy,and be more sustainable.Overall planning of fiscal resources will be strengthened to maintain appropriate level of expenditures,further optimize the expenditure mix,and increase financial support for major national strategic tasks. Hard work,diligence and frugality will be emphasized to fully implement the requirements on belt-tightening for Party and government agenaes. The establishment of a modern fiscal and tax system will be accelerated to beef up budgetary constraints and performance management. Moreover,local government debt management will be strengthened to resolve risks arising from local government hidden debts,so as to ensure a good start of the 14th Five-Year Plan and to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China with outstanding achievements.China Finance 2020 brings together important fiscal and tax reform policies,events ofinternational economic and financial cooperation,macroeconomic data,local fiscal and tax reform practices,remarks and opinions of finance officials at various levels as well as Chinese scholars regarding fiscal and tax reform,etc.
企业所得税政策解读与管理指南姚朝智 著新企业所得税法从 2008 年 1 月 1 日施行以来,国务院及财政部税务总局陆续出台了300多份配套文件,有力的保证了税法的顺利实施。但这些政策文件时间跨度长、前后衔接复杂,政策碎片化,税会差异大,这既增加了纳税人熟悉掌握政策的难度,也加大了税务机关管理服务的难度。 为将复杂的企业所得税业务化繁为简、准确把握企业所得税原理和立法精髓,将时间跨度长、数量众多的碎片化配套政策进行系统集成,将税法与财务会计制度进行精准衔接,编著者对近些年来从事企业所得税管理工作中积累的读书笔记和工作笔记进行了系统整理,集成为《企业所得税业务知识读本》,共分为企业所得税制度、企业所得税税基、企业跨境所得管理、征收管理、特殊事项管理等5篇共计23章95节31余万字。
政府预算理论与实务李燕 著本教材立足于我国**的政府预算法律、法规和制度安排,并在借鉴国外先进经验的基础上,比较全面系统地阐述了政府预算的基本理论、基本知识及管理程序和管理方法,突出地反映了政府预算改革的**理论与实践成果,既有一定的理论深度和前瞻性,又有较强的实务性和可操作性。本次修订是在第三版的基础上,结合理论及实践方面的改革做了较大的补充及调整后形成的。全部内容包括八章,分别是政府预算基本理论,政府预算起源与发展,政府预算管理与分类,政府预算规划与编制,政府预算审查与批准,政府预算执行与调整,政府决算、财务报告与绩效评价,政府预算监督与问责。
贯彻落实中央重大决策部署中华人民共和国财政部 著习近平总书记在“不忘初衷心、牢记使命”主题教育工作会议上强调:“要宣传正面典型,宣传党员干部身边可信可学的先进人物,推广一批可复制可普及的好经验。”本书汇集贯彻落实中央重大决策部署、深化财政改革发展的生动案例。这些案例展示了党的十九大以来,各级财政部门贯彻落实习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和中央重大决策部署,在财政改革发展中取得的重要工作成果和先进改革经验,是帮助财政干部深入学习领会习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想、提高制度执行力和治理能力、提升攻坚克难本领的重要参考。
农业补贴对稻作大户生产行为的影响周静 著农业补贴是各国政府支持农业发展的有效政策工具。本书基于农户行为理论,借鉴国内外相关研究成果,构建嵌入农业补贴政策的农户生产决策行为理论模型,并运用粮食主产区湖南省稻作大户的微观调查数据,实证分析农业支持保护补贴政策对农户生产决策行为的影响,据此客观评价农业补贴政策的实施效果,并借鉴发达国家农业补贴政策的成功经验和现行农业支持保护补贴政策实施中存在的问题,提出进一步完善农业支持保护补贴的政策建议。
税务教学案例李华 著《税务教学案例精选精析》设计的案例具有代表性、典型性,大多涉及现行多个税种,且不仅仅只是相关税法知识的简单堆砌,而是突出税种之间在税法规定上的交叉以及企业经济业务的综合,充分体现了实验内容的专业性与综合性。《税务教学案例精选精析》设计的案例涵盖税款核算、纳税申报、税收筹划、税务稽查与纳税评估等五个模块,基本反映了税务实践教学的全貌,体现了税务实践教学内容体系的系?性与完整性。《税务教学案例精选精析》适用于财经类高校税务相关专业课程案例教学,专业课程实验以及税务综合性模拟实验,同时也可以为广大备考注册会计师、注册税务师以及会计职称的考生进行主观题演练以及企业会计从业人员开展涉税处理工作提供有益的帮助。
公共财政的数字化变革【印】桑吉夫·古普塔,【英】迈克尔·基恩,【英】阿尔帕·沙阿,【加】吉纳维芙·维迪尔 等著,中国财政科学研究院财政大数据研究所 译国际货币基金组织在2017年组织了“公共财政的数字化变革”主题论坛,来自财政、税收、法律、计算机等各领域的众多权威专家参与了讨论,本书的内容是会议论文的延伸。内容包括数字化与公共财政体系重塑、数字时代的国内和国际税收问题、数字化与财政管理创新、发展中国家如何利用数字技术实现公共服务提供和支出的现代化、扶贫资金使用、部分国家数字化转型案例、印度经济数字化的财政政策内涵、政府数字化与公共财政管理的结合、政府支付数字化在发展中经济体中的价值等。是一部非常具有指引性的作品。
一本书看透环保税刘伟 著★★环保税实操指引与纳税申报一本通★★ 涉税实务+案例精析+税额计算+自主申报+前沿动态+疑难问题 ■吃透环保税政策基本精神 ■掌握环保税核算体系要义 ■明确环保税征管工作要求
财政学廖家勤,余英,唐飞鹏,陆超云 著本书分为四大部分,每大部分分为三章,共十二章。第一部分为财政学理论基础,揭示财政存在的理论依据及财政行为方式,主要介绍政府与市场的关系,以及市场失灵与财政职能、公共选择理论。第二部分是公共支出,揭示财政支出的规模及结构,主要介绍公共支出的分类、原则,财政支出规模增长及结构变化。第三部分是公共收入,揭示财政获取资源的方式及制度安排,主要介绍公共收入的分类、规模及结构、非税收入、税收原理与中国税收制度、国债与地方债及其管理制度。第四部分是财政管理,揭示财政收支管理方式与制度,主要介绍预算原理、预算制度与预算法、政府间财政关系原理、政府间财政关系演变。