新丝路学刊马丽蓉 编《新丝路学刊》创刊于2017年4月,由上海外国语大学丝路战略研究所马丽蓉教授主编,是中国首本专注于“一带一路”学科体系、学术体系及话语体系建构的学术集刊,并因每期刊发高比例专家稿及其卓见而引发国内外学界的关注。本刊秉承弘扬丝路精神的宗旨,助推百年显学丝路学的发展,在跨学科、多领域中形成问题导向型的研究范式,聚焦打造“一带一路”、丝绸之路、丝路学三个栏目,展开“一带一路”政策解读、丝路历史人文研究及中国丝路学理论体系建构,将丝路学研究的静态学术资源盘活为“一带一路”建设的动态现实资源,以期为“一带一路”提供扎实且全面的学理支撑。
上海合作组织黄皮书李进峰,杨进,张宁 著2019年全球不确定性、不稳定性因素有增无减,世界进入百年未有之大变局,面对各种新的挑战,上海合作组织各国相互联系的依存度日益加深。在这种大背景下,比什凯克峰会为“上海精神”注入了新内涵、新动力,开启了上合组织发展的新阶段,各成员国努力把上合组织打造成为“团结互信的典范、安危共担的典范、互利共赢的典范、包容互鉴的典范”。本年度报告共有19篇文章,以上合组织2019年的发展进程为主线,介绍了上合组织框架下举办的主要会议,详细分析了当前上合组织所面临的地缘政治经济格局变化,深入解读了国际、地区热点问题和重大事件对上合组织发展的影响,对组织发展中遇到的一些重大问题,进行了深入细致地学术探讨,梳理分析了本年度上海合作组织在反恐、军事、经济、能源、金融、文化、教育和农业等领域合作的现状,以及取得的积极进展,并为组织今后的发展提出了许多有重要参考价值的建议。
中欧班列沿线国家研究报告2019李训,黄森 等 著《中欧班列沿线国家研究报告2019:国别投资合作效率评价与分析》选取中欧班列沿线重点交往的21个国家作为研究对象,着重探讨2008-2017年我国对相关国家投资合作效率的变化水平、区域特征、影响机制,并从投资便利化视角为我国开展对外投资提出相关建议。《中欧班列沿线国家研究报告2019:国别投资合作效率评价与分析》共分为两大部分:首部分为总报告,根据我国对外投资特点及投资效率理论机制构建了中欧班列沿线国家投入产出指标体系和评价模型,从投资综合效率、投资规模效率(“硬实力”)和投资纯技术效率(“软实力”)三个层面,系统分析了2008-2017年我国对中欧班列沿线21个国家的投资情况;第二部分为分报告,一共包含哈萨克斯坦、俄罗斯、波兰、德国和白俄罗斯5个国家投资便利化评价与分析,以期从微观视角为我国企业去相关国家投资提供理论与智力支持。
中国学者朝鲜半岛研究文献分析王玮 著本书把朝鲜半岛研究文献分为了研究著作、集刊论文、博士学位论文、硕士学位论文和期刊论文五个部分,并按照《中国图书馆分类法》(第五版)的学科分类体系和出版发表时间对各类型文献进行系统编排。作者充分利用各种数据库和相关软件,*限度地全面搜集文献,并对文献逐一进行筛选和甄别,确保了文献数据的准确性、规范性和科学性。这对于我们把握我国朝鲜半岛研究的发展特征,发现我国朝鲜半岛研究存在的问题,促进今后朝鲜半岛研究的发展都具有很大的学术意义。
澳美同盟的缘起、建构和稳固于镭,隋心 著澳大利亚脱胎于英国殖民地。基于安全忧心和地区霸权野心,澳大利亚自联邦成立之日起即将“与超级大国结盟”奉为立国之策,以抵御其他帝国主义列强的威胁,并借力超级大国构建地区霸权。也是基于这“两心”,澳大利亚才较其他西方国家更为倚重澳美同盟,并对美国表现出其他西方国家难以企及的“忠诚”。与超级大国结盟之策既是澳大利亚在弱肉强食的西方国际政治游戏中的无奈之举,却又不乏深刻理解“物竞天择,适者生存”的强权政治的政治智慧。由于澳美同盟为澳大利亚带来了远远超越其国家力量的政治、经济和军事利益,因而成为澳大利亚外交和国防政策的基石,这是澳大利亚的国家利益所致,很难因政府领导人的更迭,及其个人好恶而改变。
印度与非洲关系发展报告徐国庆Since the 21st century, Africa, Which is rich in resources, with sustained economic development and political emphasis on joint and self-improvement, has gradually attracted the attention of the international community. Considering the factors of ensuring energy security, developing domestic economy and enhancing the status of a great power, India, with its obvious growth in comprehensive national strength, has changed its attitude of neglecting India-Africa relations since the cold war, actively adjusted its policy towards Africa, carried out practical cooperation with Africa, and promoted flexible diplomacy towards Africa. While emphasizing India's traditional friendship and political ties with Africa, expanding its interaction space with Africa and expanding its cooperation mechanism with Africa, it also highlights India's key partner countries and key areas of cooperation in Africa, thus deepening India-Africa cooperative relations, enhancing India's influence in Africa to a certain extent, and enhancing India's voice in the international mechanism. This report analyzes the evolution of India's policy towards Africa, studies the current situation and prospects of the development of India-Africa political, economic, trade ties, people to people exchanges and other relations, and puts forward the current differences between China and India on their cooperation with Africa, and relevant countermeasures from the perspective of think tanks based on the similarities and differences of both countries' policies towards Africa and India's perception of China-Africa cooperation and other issues. The report points out that as an important developing country and emerging economy, India's policy towards Africa and its achievements are of certain significance for China. Once the supporting forces for the national liberation of Africa, both China and India advocated strengthening cooperation with Africa on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, and advocating the rights and interests of the third world. In order to adapt to The Belt and Road initiative in Africa, China needs to enrich the China-Africa cooperation mechanism to meet the needs of development of relations between the two countries in the future.
非洲华侨华人报告李新烽The overseas Chinese in Africa play an important part in the cultural exchanges between China and Africa This report includes seven chapters. Chapter One sums up the findings about the first group of Chinese in Africa based on the history of Chinese immigrants in Africa Chapter Two analyzes the number and category of the overseas Chinese in Africa and predicts the change in the number of this group. Chapter Three and Chapter Four explain the evolution of the image of the overseas Chinese. These chapters analyze the underlying causes for the evolving multi-faceted image of the local Chinese. Chapter Five and Chapter Six analyze the situation of the overseas Chinese in South Africa and Zimbabwe respectively, depicting the life of both local Chinese individuals and groups. Chapter Seven puts forward suggestions on promoting the image of the overseas Chinese in AfricaAccording to this report, the overseas Chinese in Africa have long been serving as an important bridge for China-Africa communication. They have tried hard to integrate into the African society, and have made significant contributions to the development of Africa However, they are also facing difficulties and challenges. In the new era of China-Africa cooperation, all parties, including the Chinese government, media, think tanks, academic institutions, overseas Chinese associations and Chinese individuals in Africa, should take measures to change the stereotypes about the Chinese in Africa They need to better convey China's national image and culture, to further enhance China's soft power and influence in Africa, and to make greater contributions to increasing the people-to-people exchange between China and Africa
中国与津巴布韦友好合作沈晓雷As one of the countries with a significant influence m southern Africa, Zimbabwe is an important country through which China cooperates with Africa. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1980,the friendly bilateral relations between China and Zimbabwe have continued to deepen and have become a typical example of China-Africa friendly cooperation. In recent years, under the frameworks of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation and the Belt and Road Initiative, the bilateral relations between China and Zimbabwe have entered a new stage. In April 2018, the two countries upgraded their relations to the level of comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership. In September 2018,they signed the Belt and Road cooperation document in Beijing. The cooperation will promote their cooperation in development strategies, strengthen their closer connectivity in policy, infrastructure, trade, finance and people-to-people ties, and provide great opportunities for their social and economic development.Based on the deepening relations between China and Zimbabwe, this report will systematically review the achievements made in the cooperation between the two countries in politics, economy, education and culture as well as the process of establishing a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership. It will also discuss in detail the opportunities and challenges in the Belt and Road cooperation and the significance of the cooperation in helping Zimbabwe to achieve its Vision 2030.1n order to lead the relations between the two countries into a new stage, the author of this report suggests that China should promote the status of Zimbabwe in the Belt and Road cooperation, and that the two counties should exchange their experiences in governance and economic development, strengthen their cooperation in trade and people-to-people exchanges.