


作者:吴强 编





PART 1 Fundamentals of Computer
 Chapter 1 Hardware
  Unit 1.1 Computer Hardware
  Unit 1.2 Computer Architecture
  Unit 1.3 Microprocessor
  Unit 1.4 CISC and RISC
  Unit 1.5 Universal Serial Bus
  Unit 1.6 Dual-core Computing
  Unit 1.7 How Hard Disk Works
  Unit 1.8 Virtual Memory
  Unit 1.9 Reading Materials — Apple iPod Touch
 Chapter 2 Software
  Unit 2.1 Computer Software
  Unit 2.2 Operating System
  Unit 2.3 Windows XP Overview
  Unit 2.4 Unix and Its Impact
  Unit 2.5 Linux and Its Community
  Unit 2.6 Data Structure
  Unit 2.7 Flowchart
  Unit 2.8 Developments of Programming Language
  Unit 2.9 Object-oriented Programming
  Unit 2.10 Human Computer Interaction
  Unit 2.11 Reading Materials — Library
 Chapter 3 Application
  Unit 3.1 Relational Database
  Unit 3.2 SQL
  Unit 3.3 Microsoft Office
  Unit 3.4 Audio Compression
  Unit 3.5 Management Information Systems
  Unit 3.6 Virtual Reality
  Unit 3.7 Online Game
  Unit 3.8 Instant Messaging
  Unit 3.9 Voice over IP
  Unit 3.10 Computer-Aided Design
  Unit 3.11 Wikis
  Unit 3.12 Reading Materials — Antispyware
PART 2 Computer Networks and Internet
 Chapter 4 Introduction to Computer Networks
  Unit 4.1 Topology
  Unit 4.2 LAN and WAN
  Unit 4.3 Wireless Networks
  Unit 4.4 Ethernet
  Unit 4.5 Wireless LANs
  Unit 4.6 Circuit Switching and Message Switching
  Unit 4.7 Packet Switching
  Unit 4.8 Reading Materials — Bluetooth
 Chapter 5 Architecture of Computer Networks
  Unit 5.1 OSI Model
  Unit 5.2 Physical Layer and Data Link Layer
  Unit 5.3 Network Layer and Transport Layer
  Unit 5.4 Internetworking Devices
  Unit 5.5 IP Addresses
  Unit 5.6 IPv6
  Unit 5.7 TCP
  Unit 5.8 Mobile Networks
  Unit 5.9 Reading Materials — Router Configuration and Commands
 Chapter 6 Internet and the World Wide Web
  Unit 6.1 Common Uses of the Internet
  Unit 6.2 How DNS Works
  Unit 6.3 World Wide Web
  Unit 6.4 Internet Cookies
  Unit 6.5 Firewall
  Unit 6.6 Podcasting
  Unit 6.7 Internet Privacy
  Unit 6.8 Reading Materials — Search Engine Optimization
PART 3 Programming and Software Engineering
 Chapter 7 Programming Fundamentals
  Unit 7.1 Hello, World — Your First VB Program [1]
  Unit 7.2 Data Types and Controls
  Unit 7.3 Variables
  Unit 7.4 Arrays
  Unit 7.5 Compile an EXE File
  Unit 7.6 Reading Materials — VB6 IDE
 Chapter 8 Control Structure and GUI
  Unit 8.1 If-Then Selection Structure
  Unit 8.2 Do-While and For-Next Loop Structure
  Unit 8.3 Subroutines and Functions (1)
  Unit 8.4 Subroutines and Functions (2)
  Unit 8.5 Reading Materials — Display Your Program in the System Tray by the Clock Using APIs
 Chapter 9 Software Engineering
  Unit 9.1 FAQs about Software Engineering
  Unit 9.2 Waterfall Life Cycle Model
  Unit 9.3 Secrets of Successful Software — Requirements
  Unit 9.4 White Box Testing and Black Box Testing
  Unit 9.5 Software Reuse
  Unit 9.6 Reading Materials — CMM
PART 4 Electronic Commerce
 Chapter 10 Introduction to Electronic Commerce
  Unit 10.1 Development of Electronic Commerce
  Unit 10.2 Categories of Electronic Commerce
  Unit 10.3 Two Waves of Electronic Commerce
  Unit 10.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Commerce
  Unit 10.5 Reading Materials — E-Commerce Supports Field Employees at Maybelline
 Chapter 11 Selling on The Web
  Unit 11.1 Web Catalog Revenue Model
  Unit 11.2 Digital Content Revenue Models
  Unit 11.3 Advertising-Supported Revenue Models
  Unit 11.4 Fee-for-Transaction Revenue Model
  Unit 11.5 Creating an Effective Web Presence
  Unit 11.6 Reading Materials — Amazon.com
 Chapter 12 Electronic Commerce Support Services
  Unit 12.1 Basic Functions of Electronic Commerce Software
  Unit 12.2 The Payment Revolution
  Unit 12.3 Managing EC Security
  Unit 12.4 Reading Materials — Dell, Using E-commerce for Success
