该系列图书精选自中国古代经典小说名著,为方便外国读者理解,专门请有关专家对原著进行缩写改编,内容涵盖原著中有代表性的情节和故事,通过这些可读性强的故事传达出其中蕴含的中国传统文化精髓,吸引国外读者的阅读和探究兴趣,出版后特别受到国外读者喜爱。 作者以另一种通俗易懂的文字加漫画的形式叙述了唐僧四人西天取经的过程。 This is the amazing story of Sun Wukong, known in the West as the Monkey King. He is the principal character of this classic Chinese epic novel in which he accompanies the monk Sanzang on the journey to retrieve Buddhist sutras from India.Wukong possesses immense strength, being able to wield his 8,000 kg. magic weapon with ease. He has superb speed, travelling 54,000 kilometers in one somersault. Sun knows 72 transformations, which allow him to transform into various animals and objects. He is a skilled fighter, capable of holding his own against the best generals of heaven. Each of his hairs possesses magical properties, and is capable of transforming into a clone of Sun Wukong himself, or various weapons, animals, and other objects. He also knows various spells in order to command wind, part water, conjure protective circles against demons, freeze humans, demons, and gods alike.In this journey with the monk Sanzang, Wukong is accompanied by Bajie and Sandy, lovable if flawed characters, both of whom offered to accompany the monk to atone for their previous crimes.