该系列图书精选自中国古代经典小说名著,为方便外国读者理解,专门请有关专家对原著进行缩写改编,内容涵盖原著中有代表性的情节和故事,通过这些可读性强的故事传达出其中蕴含的中国传统文化精髓,吸引国外读者的阅读和探究兴趣,出版后特别受到国外读者喜爱。 《长生殿故事》的作者大胆地抛开历史的许多陈年旧账,选择人们很感兴趣的一个侧面,通过李隆基与杨玉环爱情的产生、发展、变化,生动地反映了那个特定时代的社会矛盾与斗争。更值得欣赏的是作者对二人爱情赋予纯粹神话的浪漫色彩。 The Palace of Eternal Youth is one of the most important classic repertory pieces of Kun Opera. Its about the tragic love story of Tang Emperor Li Longji and his imperial concubine Yang Yuhuan, one of the most inspiring beauties in Chinese history. Their legend conveys the universal value that true love will transcend the boundaries of time and overcome all difficulties. This book, with plain words, intends to help foreign readers understand the story and appreciate classic Chinese opera.