第五节 让我们比一比:谁能听到单词的第一个字母发音?7

1. 介绍声音Give Me a Sound


家长随意发出一种声音,如学老虎或小鸟的叫声,和孩子一起谈论这个声音的特点:老虎/ 小鸟的叫声是长音还是短音?是高音还是低音?它是否从高音变成低音或从低音变成高音?家长要循序渐进地问,给孩子足够的提示。渐渐地,家长还可以向孩子介绍一些关于声音的专有名词,如音符pitch,然后教孩子如何用这些专有名词来描绘声音。


After making a sound with your voice (e.g. Tiger's roaring or bird's peeping) , talk about the "features" of the sounds with the children. Was it a long/short sound? Was it a loud/low sound? Did it change from high to low or low to high?

2. 给儿歌/ 绘本配音Sound Story Time

准备事项:任何孩子喜爱的绘本/ 儿歌童谣

选一本孩子最喜欢的绘本,如We Are Going on a Bear Hunt、Chicken Licken、The Three Billy Goats Gruff,和孩子讨论如何给故事配音,如当小熊出场的时候,我们该发什么声响最符合故事的背景,山羊和巨魔出场的时候有什么不同,然后一起演示出来。平时在和孩子唱颂儿歌童谣的时候,我们可以用各种不同的声音来演唱,如唱Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 这首歌,可以用小声的(whispering),大声的(shouting),咆哮声的(growling),尖叫声(squeaking)来演唱,然后和孩子讨论不同版本的演唱方式各有什么不同。


场景一:How can we use our voices to add sounds to the stories such as We Are Going on a Bear Hunt / Chicken Licken / The Three Billy Goats Gruff ?

场景二:Let's sing the songs in different voices (whispering, shouting, growling, squeaking etc). What are the differences between whispering voice and shouting voice?
