
2. 你可以提前10天买票.You can buy 10 days in advanced.

3.下午我去火车站买票.In the afternoon, I‘m going to buy train tickets.

4.可以打电话定火车票吗?Can you book train tickets over the phone?

5.8月20号,到广州的火车票,两张.I would like 2 tickets to Guangzhou on August 20th.

6. 对不起,8点的票卖完了.I’m sorry, the 8 o‘clock train has sold out.

7. 没有座位,站票可以吗?There are no seats, would you like a standing ticket?

8.到云南的火车都是几点?The trains to Yunnan are at what time?

9.明天上午去青岛的火车票有吗?Are there train tickets to Qin- gdao for tomorrow afterno- on?

10.8点有一趟车,9:30有一趟,你想要几点的?There is a train at 8 o’clock and 9:30. What time would you like?

11.多长时间到?What time will be arrive?

12.有快一点的车吗?Do you have a faster train?

13.我要卧铺.I would like a sleeper.

14.明天到青岛,T256这个车有票吗?Tomorrows train to Qingdao, No.T256 have tickets?

15.可以给我一张靠窗的票吗?Can you give me a window seat?

16.8点的票没有了,10点可以吗?There are no 8 o‘clock tickets, is 10 o’clock OK?

17.只有高速铁路票了,你要吗?There are only fast train tick- ets, is that OK?

18.这个车没有空调.There is no air conditioning on this train.

19.多少钱?How much is it?

20.我现在要去大连,有几点的火车?I would like to go to Dalian, what time is the train?

1. 请问,我的火车是8:15的,几点检票?Excuse me, my train is at 8:15, what time will you check the tickets?

2. 在哪检票?Where can I get my tickets checked?

3.提前15分钟检票.Get your tickets checked 15 minutes in advanced.

4.我们去排队检票吧.I‘m going to queue to get my ticket checked.

5.对不起,你不在这儿检票.I’m sorry, you can‘t get your ticket checked here.

6. 先生,你有票吗?Sir, do you have a ticket?

7. 火车晚点了,等一下才检票呢.The train is a little late, plea- se wait to get your ticket ch- ecked.

8.对不起,火车开车前5分钟,我们停止检票.Excuse me, 5 minutes before the train starts, we will stop to check tickets.
