
9.D52开始检票了.We will start to check tickets for train D52.

10.请排好队.Please queue.

11.我的火车票不见了.My train ticket has gone missing.

12.我们先在这等一会吧.We should wait here for a while.

13.我可以上车后补票吗?Can I pay the extra fare once I am on the train?

14.T552的乘客请注意,请排队检票.Passengers for train T552 please pay attention, please queue to check tickets.

15.从广州开往上海的火车现在开始检票.The train from Guangzhou to Shanghai will start checking tickets.

16.火车已经开走了.The train has already left.

17.我们来晚了.We are late.

18.不能检票了,我们的票怎么办?We can’t check out tickets, what can we do about our ticket?

19.你可以去退票.You can go and return your ticket.

20.我们改乘下一趟车可以吗?Is it OK to take the next train instead?

1. 你是几号车厢?What train carriage are you?

2. 你的座位号是多少?What seat number are you?

3.哦,我们的座位没有在一起.Ah, our seat numbers are not together.

4.把行李放在上面吧.Put your luggage on top.

5.对不起,这是56号座位吗?Excuse me, is this seat 56?

6. 我帮你放行李吧.I‘ll help you with your luggage.

7. 你好!在哪可以补票?Hello, where can I pay the excess fare?

8.我坐在里面吧.I’ll sit inside.

9.我们去吃饭吧,餐车在哪?We are going to eat, where is the restaurant carriage?

10.我要下车了.I want to get off the train.

11.车怎么停了?Why has the train stopped?

12.还有两站就到青岛了.Two more stops before Qing- dao.

13.对不起,火车晚点一个小时.I‘m sorry the train is an hour late.

14.我们两个可以换一下座位吗?Can the two of us swap se-ats?

15.各位乘客,请看好自己的行李.All passengers, please watch your luggage.

16.水果车过来了,你要水果吗?The fruit cart has just gone by, do you want some fruit?

17.买份报纸看看吧.Let’s buy a newspaper to read.

18.请问现在火车晚点了吗?Excuse me, is the train run- ning late?

19.那大概几点才能到上海?Roughly what time will the train arrive in Shanghai?

20.有热水吗?Is there hot water?

