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News Item8


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??Feb. 14th, is Valentine’s Day in America.?? To mark the occasion, many Americans will spendbig bucks on chocolates and other candy.

On this cold February evening, a homeless man named Mathew is happily aware of thisromantic holiday, even as he shivers and solicits change from passersby. “It’s the spirit ofValentine’s Day, the love and the affection and the warmth that people have to offer.”

When asked what he loves most on this special day Mathew is quick to answer. “Maybe aValentine’s gift, a nice hug, kiss, a special kiss that’s very profound. And its warming, you know,”

he laughs.

The words “love and care” seems to sum up Wassim’s home life this Valentine’s Day. HeListening Comprehension听力理解1. mark the occasion; chocolates and other candy2. B 3. D Keytakes a moment between sales and grinding coffee to refl ect on his wife and smallchildren.

“Just knowing they are there, is enough for me to know that they love me.

They are my life.” When asked to mention one thing in particular, his wife doesthat telegraphs that message, Wassim balks. “I don’t have one thing. Everythingshe does is what makes me feel special about her. When she is home and waits forme and makes the food and everybody sits at the table, that’s love.”

Love is an overused word in some circles, but for Wassim, it still holdsterrifi c power. “When you say to somebody ‘I love you,’ it includes everything inyour life.”

1 Feb. 14, is Valentine’s Day in America. To , many Americanswill spend big bucks on .

2 In Mathew’s opinion,what is the spirit of Valentine’s Day? ( )A. Buying chocolates and other candy.

B. The love and the affection and the warmth that people have to offer.

C. A Valentine’s gift.

D. All the above.

3 According to Wassim’s home life, which occasion is love? ( )A. Just knowing that his wife and small children are there is enough.

B. When his wife makes the food and everybody sits at the table, that’s love.

C. When his wife is home and waits for him is love.

D. All the above.

Valentine n.

情人aware a.

注意到的affection n.

爱,爱慕profound a.

深切的reflect v.

考虑telegraph n.

电报special a.

特别的overuse v.








1 A homeless man named Mathew is happily aware of this romantic holiday, even as heshivers and solicits change from passersby. “named Mathew”作man的修饰语; “beaware of ”是常用短语,意思为意识到、注意到。

2 When asked what he loves most on this special day Mathew is quick to answer. 句子主语的这个人是被问及到,因此用“when asked”而不用“asking”。此外when引导的是时间状语从句,意为当被问及到……的时候。

3 Everything she does is what makes me feel special about her. Everything she does是Everything that she does的省略句,“Everything she does”是句子的主语。“feel specialabout someone”表示对某人有特殊的感觉,喜欢某人。
