Global Interesting News 环球趣闻(11)

News Item9


News Background

新闻背景  汽车旅馆是我们常说的“路边店”。它只提供标准化的住宿服务和停车服务,房间的设施也比较简单。事实上这一切已足够满足大部分旅客的基本需要。汽车旅馆最初是在1923年由美国加利福尼亚州一位名叫哈利??埃利奥特的商人大胆创意的结果。 此后,随着旅游业的发展,又出现了汽车小屋,也就是拖着家到处走的汽车。上面可以睡觉,做饭。在美国有很多这样的车,人们可以租这种车到处旅游,又不用担心找不到住宿的地方,比汽车旅馆更为方便。

News Transcript VOA 新闻梗概

America is full of vacation lodges ... on wheels!

They are known as motor homes - literally kitchens, living rooms, and beds on the moveacross America. There are more than 1.5 million of these self-propelled rolling dwellings inthe United States. They range from simple pick-up trucks with camper units attached to deluxerecreational vehicles - or RVs - as big as a moving van.

Since a motor home vacation is often cheaper than a triprequiring stays at hotels and resorts, one might think the RVindustry is thriving, despite the longest and deepest recessionsince the 1930s. But not so. About 62,000 new motor homesrolled out of dealerships in 2004, but just one-third that manywere sold last year. Orders are up early this year, however, asNews Item9News Transcript

Listening Comprehension听力理解

1. self-propelled rolling; simple pick-up trucks2. C 3. D Keyconsumer credit loosens somewhat.

Out west, especially, where there are plenty of campgrounds and nationalparks, you see thousands of motor homes. They are warmly welcomed in mostplaces.

And while drivers and passengers alike in large motor homes are supposedto keep their seat belts fastened on the road, it’s not uncommon to fi nd someonein back reaching for cold refreshments, spreading maps out on a table - eventaking a nap, fully reclined!

1 There are more than 1.5 million of these dwellings in theUnited States. They range from______________with camper units attached todeluxe recreational vehicles–or RVs - as big as a moving van.

2 Which statement is not right according to the context? ( )A. America is full of vacation lodges.

B. They are known as motor homes - literally kitchens, living rooms, and bedson the move across America.

C. A motor home vacation is often more expensive than a trip requiring stays athotels and resortsD. All the above are not right.

3 In the following statements, which one is right? ( )A. About 62,000 new motor homes rolled out of dealerships in 2004.

B. Just one-third of the motors were sold last year.

C. Out west, especially, where there are plenty of campgrounds and nationalparks, you see thousands of motor homes. They are warmly welcomed inmost places.

D. All the above are right.

lodge n.

旅舍dwelling n.

住所recreational a.

娱乐的resort n.

旅游胜地recession n.

经济衰退campground n.

露营场所refreshment n.

茶点recline v.







1 America is full of vacation lodges...on wheels!“be full of”充满。例:be full of interestand charm意趣横生,We should be full of confidence我们应当充满信心。

2 Out west, especially, where there are plenty of campgrounds and national parks, you seethousands of motor homes. Especially是插入语,强调特别是什么样的一种情况。后面where引导的是非限制性的定语从句修饰Out west。

3 They are warmly welcomed in most places.“be warmly welcomed”是固定用法。表示受到了热烈的欢迎,受到好评。例:That star is well welcomed all around the world.那个明星在全世界都备受欢迎。
