Global Interesting News 环球趣闻(9)

News Item7


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对于不同的人们,同一个词或同一种表达方式可以具有不同的意义。由于文化上的差异,谈一个严肃的问题时,由于一句话说得不得体,可以使听者发笑,甚至捧腹大笑;一句毫无恶意的话可以使对方不快或气愤。由于文化上的差异,在国外演讲的人经常发现听众对他讲的某个笑话毫无反应,面无表情,鸦雀无声;而在国内,同一个笑话会使听众笑得前仰后合。因此,了解对方的文化,是确保顺利沟通的前提。 News Transcript VOA 新闻梗概

A new study opens a fascinating window on how people communicate without words, andhow some of the sounds people make to express emotion can be understood across culturalbarriers.

If you’re talking face-to-face, things like facial expression, eye contact, and how close youstand can be an important part of the message.

There’s also what researchers call “non-verbal vocalizations” – sounds that send a messagewithout using words.

“So to look at that, we studied a group called the Himba, who are a culturally isolated group,so a group that doesn’t really have anything to do with other groups. And they live in the north ofNamibia in Southwest Africa,” (Sauter explained in a telephone interview.)Sauter found that the sounds conveying negative emotions could beunderstood across cultural boundaries more readily than the sounds ofpositive emotions.

We reached Disa Sauter at her current offi ce at the Max Planck Institutein the Netherlands. She was at University College London when she didher research. It was published online by the Proceedings of the NationalAcademy of Sciences, which also gave us permission to use the audio clips usedin the study.

fascinating a.

引人注目的barrier n.

障碍vocalization n.

发声法isolated a.

孤立的interview n.

采访convey v.

传达institute n.

学会,学院permission n.

许可,允许词汇加油站Listening Comprehension听力理解1 A new study opens on how people communicate withoutwords, and how some of the sounds people make to can beunderstood across cultural barriers.

2 If you’re talking face-to-face, which of the followings can be regarded as animportant part of the message? ( )A. facial expressionB. eye contactC. how close you standD. All the above3 In the following statements which one is not right? ( )A. Himba is a culturally isolated groupB. They live in the east of Namibia in Southwest AfricaC. Sauter found that the sounds conveying negative emotions could beunderstood across cultural boundaries more readily than the sounds ofpositive emotions.

D. Disa Sauter was at University College London when she did her research1. a fascinating window; express emotion2. D 3. B Key21Global Interesting News 环球趣闻Part 11 If you’re talking face-to-face, things like facial expression, eye contact, and how close you standcan be an important part of the message. if 引导的是条件状语从句,表示在……样的条件下。

2 在纳米比亚北部与安哥拉接壤的荒原戈壁地区,生活着一个顽强保持自己传统的原始游牧民族:辛巴族或者译为欣吧族。他们保持着五百年来一贯的传统生活方式与习俗:信仰原始拜火教;男女裸体;用赭土混合黄油涂抹在皮肤和头发上,用来保护皮肤,抵抗太阳紫外线的侵害。


3 so a group that doesn’t really have anything to do withother groups. 中的have anything to do with 意思为“和……无关的,不相关的”。例: Don’t have anythingto do with those nasty people. 别和那些卑鄙的人有任何关系。
