Global Interesting News 环球趣闻(8)

News Item6


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News Transcript VOA 新闻梗概

China is awash with images of orange and black-striped big cats as the country prepares tousher in the Year of the Tiger on sunday.

Yet for all the traditional sentiment toward one of the most revered animals in the ChineseZodiac, 2010 could be a make-or- break year for wild tigers in China.

Since the last Year of the Tiger 12 years ago, the worldwide population of wild tigers hasalmost halved to 3,200.

The South China tiger has not been seen in the wild for 25 years and is believed to be extinct.

In northeastern China near the Russian border, the struggle to bring the Amur–or Siberian–tiger back from the brink has the backing of the World Bank.

It is funding a program worth several billion dollars to boost the population to a sustainablelevel.

News Item6Part 1Listening Comprehension听力理解1. traditional sentiment; a make-or- break year2. D 3. B KeyThe head of the bank’s China environment program, Carter Brandon, saysthe survival of the species is no longer an issue of conservation but instead one ofdevelopment.

The battle to save the tiger is of course not exclusive to China.

The fi rst Asian ministerial conference on the issue was held in Thailand lastweek. It set a goal of doubling the wild population by the start of the next tigeryear in 2022.

And an international tiger summit will convene in September in Russia.

1 Yet for all the toward one of the most revered animals in theChinese Zodiac, 2010 could be for wild tigers in China.

2 Which statement about the situations of tigers is right? ( )A. Since the last Year of the Tiger 12 years ago, the worldwide population ofwild tigers has almost halved to 3,200.

B. The South China tiger has not been seen in the wild for 25 years and isbelieved to be extinct.

C. In northeastern China near the Russian border, the struggle to bring theAmur–or Siberian–tiger back from the brink has the backing of the WorldBank.

D. All the above.

3 Which one of the following is not right according to the context? ( )A. Carter Brandon, says the survival of the species is no longer an issue ofconservation but instead one of development.

B. The battle to save the tiger is exclusive to China.

C. The fi rst Asian ministerial conference on the issue was held in Thailand lastweek.

D. An international tiger summit will convene in September in Russia.

awash a.

很多的revere v.

尊崇,崇敬halve v.

减半extinct a.

灭绝的sustainable a.

可持续的issue n.

问题exclusive a.

唯一的,独家的summit n.



从12 年前的上一个虎年开始,全世界野生虎的数量已经减少了几乎一半,只剩3200 只了。








1 China is awash with images of orange and black-striped big cats as the country prepares tousher in the Year of the Tiger. 句中black-striped意思是有黑色条纹的,这里用做形容词。


2 Since the last Year of the Tiger 12 years ago, the worldwide population of wild tigers hasalmost halved to 3,200. Since引导的时间状语从句常用在现在完成时或过去完成时当中,表示在这个时间段前,就已经完成的动作或持续的状态。

3 World Bank是世界银行集团的俗称,“世界银行”这个名称一直是用于指国际复兴开发银行和国际开发协会。这些机构联合向发展中国家提供低息贷款、无息信贷和赠款。它是一个国际组织,最开始的使命是帮助在第二次世界大战中被破坏的国家重建。今天它的任务是资助发展中国家克服穷困,各机构在减轻贫困和提高生活水平的使命中发挥独特的作用。
