在枪炮和烛火中辨认 —目睹 SineadO’Conner的青春(2)


A Perfect Indian is he

Remembering him life is sweet

Like a weeping willow

His face on my pillow

Comes to me still in my dreams

And there I saw a young baby

A beautiful daughter was she

A face from a painting

Red cheeks and teeth aching

Her eyes like a wild Irish sea

On a table in her yellow dress

For a photograph feigned happiness

Why in my life is that the only time

That any of you will smile at me

I'm sailing on this terrible ocean

I've come for myself to retrieve

Too long have I been feeling like Lir's children

And there's only one way to be free

He's shy and he speaks quietly

He's gentle and he seems to me

Like the elf-arrow

His face worn and harrowed

Is he a daydreamer like me

I'm sailing on this terrible ocean I've come for myself to retrieve Too long have I been feeling like Lir's children And there's only one way to be free仅仅是读诵,这词句就已经呈现了诗行的优美,更何况一个单纯小心到让人心痛的音色去唱念它呢?当奥康娜唱起来的时候,北国的冰川也泛出了太阳的光辉。而这两首都是奥康娜在转型时的代表作。在这之前,奥康娜的歌声充满了愤怒和躁动,唯一还能找到叛逆青春痕迹的歌曲,在这个专辑里有一首,叫做Fire on Babylon,燃烧在巴比伦?这样翻译对吗?

