Sonnet 10

Sonnet 10

UNRIGHTEOUS Lord of loue[1], what law is this,

That me thou makest thus tormented be:

The whiles she lordeth in licentious[2] blisse

Of her freewill, scorning both thee and me.

See how the Tyrannesse doth joy to see

The huge massàcres which her eies do make:

And humbled harts brings captiues unto thee[3],

That thou of[4] them mayst mightie vengeance take.

But her proud hart doe thou a little shake,

And that high look, with which she doth comptroll[5]

All this worlds pride, bow to a baser make[6],

And al her faults in thy black booke enroll.

That I may laugh at her in equall sort,

As she doth laugh at me, and makes my pain her sport.

[1] love:这里指统治者和立法者丘比特。恋人质问爱神为何允许她的搅乱(人心)之举。

[2] licentious:无法无天的。

[3] thee:像古代的勇士,女子将自己爱情的猎获物(即恋人的心)拿来献给爱神丘比特。

[4] of:对,对着,冒着;反对,敌对,逆。

[5] comptroll:统治,操纵。

[6] make:伴侣,配偶。
