Sonnet 5

Sonnet 5

RVDELY[1] thou wrongest my deare harts desire,

In finding fault with her too portly[2] pride:

The thing which I doo most in her admire,

Is of the world unworthy most envide[3].

For in those lofty lookes is close implide[4],

Scorn of base things, and sdeigne[5] of foule dishonor:

Thretning rash eyes which gaze on her so wide[6],

That loosely they ne[7] dare to looke upon her.

Such pride is praise, such portlinesse is honor,

That boldned innocence beares in hir eies:

And her faire countenance, like a goodly banner,

Spreds in defiaunce of all enemies.

Was never in this world ought[8] worthy tride[9],

Without some spark of such self-pleasing pride.

[1] rudely:粗暴地。

[2] portly:(建筑等)庄严的,堂皇的;宏伟的,华贵的。

[3] envied:遭世人妒忌的。

[4] implide:包含的。

[5] sdeigne:轻蔑,鄙视,藐视,瞧不起。

[6] wide:无限制地,不受约束地;自由地。

[7] ne:不

[8] ought:任何事【物】,什么事【物】。

[9] tride:试图,试验,测试。
