Sonnet 2

Sonnet 2

VNQUIET thought, whom at the first I bred,

Of th'inward bale[1] of my loue pinéd[2] hart:

And sithens[3] have with sighes and sorrowes fed,

Till greater then my wombe thou woxen[4] art.

Breake forth at length out of the inner part,

In which thou lurkest lyke to vipers brood[5]:

And seeke some succour[6], both to ease my smart

And also to sustayne thy selfe with food.

But if in presence of that fayrest proud[7]

Thou chance to come, fall lowly at her feet:

And with meeke humblesse[8] and afflicted[9] mood,

Pardon for thee, and grace for me intreat.

Which if she graunt, then liue, and my loue cherish:

If not, die soone, and I with thee will perish.

[1] bale:悲哀,悲痛;苦恼。

[2] pinéd:遭受折磨的。

[3] sithens:自从……的时候起。

[4] woxen:已成长的,成熟的。


[6] succor:帮助,援助。


[8] humblesse:谦恭,谦让。

[9] afflicted:垂头丧气的,郁郁不乐的。
