空间生产与文化表征:空间转向与当代文艺理论建构  谢纳


谢 纳



Abstract: During the cultural and ideological percussions and transformations in the 20th century, theoretical research on space breaks the linear constraints of time and becomes a heatedly discussed topic in contemporary academia in a spectacular way. This is called a "spatial turn". Spatial turn, as a transformation in the contemporary cultural and ideological paradigms, is a revolution in inquiries, mindsets, discourses and interpretations. Therefore, it brings to humanities and social sciences not partial percussions, but complete changes in the research paradigm. It influences such disciplines as contemporary philosophy, sociology, geography, literary theory and cultural studies. From a philosophical perspective, human explorations of space are limited by the philosophical mindset in a particular period of time; different philosophical mindsets result in different understandings of space. Human contemplations on space theories can be roughly described as epistemology-based space epistemology, practice-based theory of spatial production, and post-modernism-based theory of spatial power. Dialectic examinations of space from the perspective of existential-practical philosophy have absorbed the accomplishments in space epistemology, but have overcome its limitations, thus providing theories to the development of theory of spatial power and laying solid philosophical foundations for the dialectic examinations of space. Under the influence of the spatial turn, literary theories and space theories interact with each other, which drive the constant expansion of contemplation on space in literature and the formation of literary space theories. Literary space theories started from existential-practical philosophy and are dedicated to expanding experience, aesthetics, and the imagination and representation of space. It looks at how literature as a special approach to cultural production builds the representative space, and gives space particular meanings of life and denotations of society, history and culture. Literature is one of the main forms of cultural representational production. As an important component in the building of cultural representational space, literature involved construction of representational space refers to a symbolized space which literature produces based on symbols of languages, words, real spectacle, thoughts and affections by means of representation, expression, imagination, fiction, metaphor and symbol. The process of literary representation is the process of giving space cultural meanings. Built upon the theory of spatial production and contemporary spatial turn, this research analyzes texts in modern Chinese literature to investigate how literature—as a special way of cultural production—constructs representational space, gives space specified meanings of life and cultural denotations of the society and history, and unpacks the interrelationships between space production and literary representation in the interactive interpretations of interdisciplinary integration.

Key words: spatial turn; production of space; cultural representation; space of literature

20世纪西方文化思想界发生了许多重大的变革,各种传统终结的断言和变革转向的标榜此消彼长,相互呼应。这些重大变革作为20世纪的社会症候和文化表征,促动了提问方式、言说方式和解释模式的变革,使当代文化思想范式发生了重大的转换,人们将此变革称为“转向”(turn),例如现象学转向、存在论转向、语言学转向、文化转向、视觉文化转向、身体转向、后殖民转向、后现代转向等等。在上述诸多变革和转向中,空间问题逐渐凸现出来,关于空间的理论思考,成为当代学术思想界备受关注的热点题域,人们将其称为“空间转向”(spatial turn)。空间转向作为20世纪后半叶社会生活、文化政治和学术思想领域内具有重要意义的事件之一,为当代人文社会科学的反思提供了新的向度,给人文社会科学带来了整体学术范型的变革,对当代哲学、社会学、历史学、地理学、文学理论、文化研究等学科产生了重大的影响,改变了传统学科的面貌,形成了多学科发展的态势。空间或空间性越来越多地进入文学研究和文化研究的视野,成为人们关注的热点题域。

一 空间转向与当代文艺理论范式转换



