第三节 身体发音的奥秘——让我们一起拍拍手,顿顿足4

场景二:Do you think that the sound stayed the same all the way round?

场景三:What changed? Did it get faster or slower/louder or quieter?

2.Noisy Neighbour (1) 吵闹的邻居(1):


将熟睡中的隔壁邻居吵醒是孩子喜欢做的恶作剧!游戏开始前,一个大人悄悄躲在门后,另一个大人开始讲关于吵闹的邻居的故事:在静悄悄的早晨,孩子们还沉浸在睡梦中(鼓励孩子闭上眼睛假装睡觉),忽然,他们听到从隔壁邻居家传来的某种声响!(Early in the morning, the children were all fast asleep. When all of a sudden they heard a sound from the house next door.)这时候躲在门后的另一个大人发出某种声响:如大声打哈欠,用脚敲地板。讲故事的大人马上对着孩子们说:“孩子们,赶紧起来,听听隔壁发出什么声音?(Wake up children. What's that noise?)”接着孩子们自由谈论他们听到了什么声音,这个声音是怎么创造出来的,鼓励孩子重复该声音。等大家都讲完的时候,躲在门后的大人再次发出该声音,讲故事者带领孩子一起向门后的“邻居”发出“抗议”:“吵闹的邻居,请小声点,我们都在睡觉!(Noisy neighbour, please be quiet. We are trying to sleep!)”一旦孩子们逐渐熟悉这个游戏,可由孩子躲在门后制造各种声音,如打呼噜、捶墙、拍手……


场景一:Early in the morning, the children were all fast asleep.

When all of a sudden they heard a sound from the house next door.

场景二:Wake up children. What's that noise?

场景三:Noisy neighbour, please be quiet. We are trying to sleep!


1. 孩子是否能够模仿某个身体发声或一连串的身体发声花样

2. 孩子是否能够辨别某个在暗处发出的声音
